Find 5 common mistakes in the paragraph below:
Some people believe that, all police officers should carry a gun. While, others disagree with this idea, and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets. From my view, the advantages of police officers carrying guns have overweighed the disadvantages. Because the police need to be able to protect both themselves and the general public.
Feel free to share your answers in the "comments" area below. I'll reveal the correct answers tomorrow.
This is my answer:
Some people believe that all police officers should carry a gun, while others disagree with this idea. They argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers at the streets. In my view, the advantages of police officers carrying guns have overweighed the disadvantages. Because the police needs to be able to protect both himself and the general public.
Thank you :)
Posted by: Hana | July 18, 2010 at 23:46
Hi Simon,
Here is my answer.
Some people believe that (no need comma) all police officers should carry a gun, (comma instead of full stop) While others disagree with this idea, and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers in the streets. From my point of view, the advantages of carrying guns by police officers have overweighed the disadvantages, (comma instead of full stop) because polices need to protect both themselves and the general public.
Posted by: Felora | July 19, 2010 at 01:36
Some people believe that all police officers should carry a gun. While others disagree with this idea, and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets. From my view, the advantages of police officers carrying guns overweigh the disadvantages. Because the polices need to be able to protect both themselves and general public.
Posted by: Evan | July 19, 2010 at 03:44
1. 'Some people believe that all...' (no comma after "that")
2. '... should carry a gun, while...' (don't begin a sentence with "While," - use "while" after a comma to link contrasting ideas in the same sentence)
3. 'In my view' OR 'From my point of view' (not "From my view")
4. 'the advantages of police officers carrying guns OUTWEIGH the disadvantages' ("outweigh" NOT "have overweighed")
5. '... the disadvantages because...' ("because" is used to connect ideas in the SAME sentence. You don't need a comma before "because")
Good work Hana, Felora and Evan
Posted by: Simon | July 19, 2010 at 16:33
Hi Simon,
My answer is:
Some people believe that( delete commas)all police officers should carry a gun. While(delete commas) others disagree with this idea, and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets(STREET). From(IN) my view, the advantages of police officers carrying guns have overweighed(delete have,only overweigh) the disadvantages. Because the police need to be able to protect both themselves and the general public.
I have got one question here:many times I confuse the usages of the words CAN,COULD,WOULD.Can you tell me how to use them appropriately?
Posted by: Joshua | July 19, 2010 at 16:38
Hi Joshua,
Check my answers above. You've made some mistakes: while, overweigh, because.
Posted by: Simon | July 19, 2010 at 18:59
Oh my god.I even made these kinds of mistakes.Punctuation problems,spelling mistakes.Seems I have a lot of things to do.
Thanks.I won't make a second mistake again.
Posted by: Joshua | July 20, 2010 at 01:00
No problem Joshua. These mistakes are really common. Always check your writing carefully - it makes a big difference.
Posted by: Simon | July 20, 2010 at 13:10
hey Simon,
I have a question about the difference between but and however in meaning. A book (Writing Academic English, 4th Edition, published by Longman) suggests we should use however to add an unexpected or surprising continuation--the cost of attending a community college is low; however, many students need financial aid; while "but" is used to add a complete contrast. For example, diet is one factor in how long people live, but it is not the only one.
As a native-speaker, do you think we need to pay attention to this point in IELTS writing test? Does the difference only exist in American English?
Posted by: Will | July 31, 2010 at 11:30
Hi Will
This point isn't worth worrying about in relation to IELTS. My advice is to use "however" at the beginning of sentences and "but" in the middle of sentences. I think this punctuation difference is more relevant for IELTS students.
While the examples do show a small difference between the use of the two words (in US or British English), you could actually argue that it would be acceptable to use either "however" or "but" in both of the examples given by the book.
Hope this helps
Posted by: Simon | July 31, 2010 at 16:01
Is it fine to write 'I am not good in this field' or is it better to write 'I am not good at this field'?
Thank you.
Posted by: CAPTAIN BEAR | December 07, 2010 at 17:16
We'd say:
I'm not good in this field / I'm not very experienced in this field.
OR: I'm not good at this. (without 'field')
Posted by: Simon | December 07, 2010 at 18:42
Thank you.
Posted by: CAPTAIN BEAR | December 08, 2010 at 01:06
No problem
Posted by: Simon | December 08, 2010 at 15:51
Hi Dear Simon,
some people believe that all police officers should carry a gun ,While others disagree with this idea and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets. In my view/from my point of view, the advantages of police officers carrying guns have over-weighed the disadvantages. Because the police needs to be able to protect both himself and the general public.
Posted by: Mahsa | December 18, 2012 at 11:35
Dear Simon,
I think this is wright...
some people believe that all police officers should carry a gun, while others disagree with this idea and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets. In my view, the advantages of police officers carrying guns over-weigh the disadvantages because the police needs to be able to protect both himself and the general public.
Posted by: Ahmed fraz | December 30, 2012 at 19:19
Dear Simon,
This is my answer:
Some people believe that all police officers should carry a gun, while others disagree with this idea and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets. In my view/ from my point of view, the advantages of police officers carrying guns outweigh the disadvantages because the police need to be able to protect both themselves and the general public.
I have an idea that we do not need a comma in the situation '...disagree with this idea, and argue that...'. Is it right?
Thanks so much
Chris Sol
Posted by: Chris Sol | April 13, 2013 at 18:06
Some people believe that all police officers should carry a gun, While others disagree with this idea, and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets. From my view, the advantages of police officers is carrying guns are overweighed .the disadvantages. Because the police need to be able to protect themselves and the general public
Posted by: Bishoy | January 12, 2015 at 03:04
Hi Simon, Here is my answer:
Some people believe that all police officers should carry a gun, while others disagree with this idea and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets. From my view, the advantages of police officers carrying guns have overweighed the disadvantages because the police need to be able to protect both themselves and the general public.
Posted by: Ricky Setiawan | March 10, 2015 at 02:18
Some people believe that all police officers should carry a gun, while others disagree with this idea ( no comma ) and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets. From my point of view, the advantages of police officers carrying guns outweigh the disadvantages because the police need to be able to protect both themselves and the general public.
Thank you Simon . Is there any "Punctuation marks lesson" ?
Posted by: Lala | March 06, 2016 at 09:49
Some people believe that all police officers should carry a gun. While others disagree with this idea, And argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets. From my view, The advantages of police officers carrying guns have overweighed the disadvantages. Because the police need to be able to protect both themselves and general public.
Feel free to share your answers in the "comments" area below. I'll reveal the correct answers tomorrow.
* 5 mistake -that, all
while, other
and argue
the avantages of
the general public
Posted by: jinsu noh | May 28, 2016 at 07:50
Some people believe that all police officers should carry a gun; while others disagree with this idea, and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets. From my view, the advantages of police officers carrying guns have overweighed the disadvantages because the police need to be able to protect both themselves and the general public.
Posted by: andyzhou | September 07, 2016 at 18:43
Some people believe that all police officers should carry a gun, while others disagree with this idea and argue that it is intimidating to see armed police officers on the streets. In my view, the advantages of police officers carrying guns have outweighed the disadvantages, because the police need to be able to protect both themselves and the general public.
Posted by: nVm | October 13, 2018 at 10:28