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July 25, 2010


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Dear Simon,

First of all, I really cannot express my thankfulness to you, may God bless you for this great effort..
I found this website While I was looking for some useful books, it was lucky coincidence..one point that really amazed me, is how you completely understand students' weak points, the mistakes they make in the test and what is the best way to improve our english level fastly..you answered all my questions regarding the exam..I followed the techniques that you recommended, they were very helpful !! I cannot deny that this website incredibly upgraded my Ielts level skills in such a verey short time.
I would like to attend your classes very much indeed, but unfortunately I live in Holland, so it is somewhat difficult..
I just took the test a couple of weeks a go, and you really helped me Simon, you are GREAT teacher !! again thanks ever such a lot, and your effort is greatly appreciated.

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your kind comments. I'm really pleased that you have found the site so useful.

Good luck with your results. I hope you get the score you need.

All the best


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