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August 22, 2011


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1.considerable = important ,substantial , sizeable.
2.trigger = start ,precipitate , activate.
3.cue =indicate , give a signal.

Hi Simon i have got question i donot understand how can i aproach this question and kindly can you help me in this.(In particular ideas).

Because of the busy pace of modern life, many children spend most of their time indoors and have little exposure to the natural world.
How important is it for children to learn to understand and appreciate nature?

To my understanding i have to ans for this above statment that how important for children to underatand and appraciate nature. but i am confused how do i start intro and other paragraphs plz help me.

Good answers sun3a.


Hi Reema,

I think the easiest answer would be this:

Introduction: say that you think it's very important for children to understand and appreciate nature.

Main body: explain reasons (2 paragraphs for 2 main reasons) why children should understand and appreciate nature e.g. to look after the planet for the future, reduce problems such as the destruction of rainforests and the extinction of animals. Maybe explain what could happen if children don't learn these things.

Conclusion: repeat/summarise the main ideas.

Thankyou very much simon i would try to write it down.

Hello SImon,I surfed the internet and found this website : http://www.adultenglishschool.com/ieltsband7/

The teacher of this website compare the band 5 and band 7 through these two paragraphs :

Band 5 : A physical lifestyle is recommended for any child as the negative effects of laziness far outweighs the time that might be spent on keeping fit. It is necessary, though, to make sure that this time is chosen well, and that there is balance between study and sport, so that they are more likely to be able to pass through the interview and get a job.

ban 7 : It is crucial that our young participate enthusiastically in the sporting arena so that they may be imbued with a sense of understanding regarding their vigour and the value of their lymphatic system. Indolence is anathema to progress, and physical fitness would enable them to advance to and reach their goals and aspirations. Nonetheless, it is vital that equilibrium be found between periods spent on learning and those spent on sport so that this happy medium can result in successful career goals in the future."

I am shocked with this band 7 example because it is impossible to me to get to at the moment. In your opinion, does an essay need to be like this "band 7 example" to achieve a band 7, honestly . Thank you :)

Hi Kevin,

I've just checked the site - I completely disagree with most of their banding. In my opinion, the examples above do not represent those bands, and I wouldn't recommend trying to copy that style of writing.

hi simon i'm confused about the preparation of reading module as i recently appeared in Ielts and got 6.5 in other modules but got only 5 in reading and i'm shocked for it. Can u please guide me what should i do?? i am not good in skimming and scanning and unable to understand the scientific theories completely because i'm not into in science so what do u suggest??????

Thank you Simon :D

Hi Fakhra,

I think you should stop skimming and scanning - if you read too quickly, you will miss the answers. Read the text more carefully.

To improve your understanding, try to read as much as possible - not only IELTS tests, but also newspaper articles, books, magazines etc. The reading test is difficult, and it takes a lot of hard work. Just don't give up!

PS. Don't forget to do the reading exercises here on my website.

Dear Simon, I am now very confused about Not given and False question . I did what you advised in this online practice test, but the result contradicted it .

Here is a part of the text : Research by road safety groups suggests speaking on a phone whilst driving increases your chances of an accident, increasing to nine times more likely when texting .

This is the question : According to research conducted by road safety groups, speaking on a phone makes an accident nine times more likely.

I chose NOT GIVEN for this one because it doesnot mention how many times it increases while driving and the statement doesnot contradict the true idea. However, the result states that : IT INCREASES 9 TIMES WHILE TEXTING, NOT DRIVING.

I follow all your reading practice exercises and I did very well thanks to your advice. However,this question is different from what I learned from you, as far as I think.Please break this down for me. Thank you

Hi Simon
I found IELTS PLUS reading is too difficult to me rather than Cambridge Books .what do you think which one is more reliable to assess my skills?
And the second question is where do examiner find scripts to put them as a test?
Could you please introduce me some sites which they were used as a source of reading test?
very thanks for your consideration

Hi Kevin,

I agree that it's a confusing question. Did it come from an official IELTS test?

I suppose the answer could be FALSE because we know that speaking makes an accident LESS than 9 times more likely (if it INCREASES to 9 times for texting, it must be less than 9 times for speaking).


Hi Mohamed,

The Cambridge books are the only OFFICIAL (real) test books. Other books are not as reliable.

Have a look at this for suggestions about reading:


Well I think I got the idea, you and the answer are right . Thank you for your clear explain.

By the way, this test is from one online course .There is no ielts class in my place so I have to study on this online course by myself. Fortunately, I am very lucky to have your guidance on this blog.

Ok Kevin. Questions that are from unofficial sources (i.e. not Cambridge) are sometimes confusing or unclear. Real IELTS questions are usually clearer.

thanks simon

hi simon,
which one is better? Should I underline the main words in the question to find them in the text, or just read at first the text without doing nothing and then look at the questions? If I do the second chose I lose every detail and I mix every part.

Hi Bebetto,

Definitely choose the first way!

my name is Gagandeep Kaur. One of my friend recommended me about your site. Actually I am so tired of repeating IELTS again and again. I need 7 in each module and my weakest area is reading. My latest result is:

7.5 writing
7 speaking and listening
6 reading

actually everytime I got 6 in reading and I am so desperate. How can I improve my reading skills? Please help me.

Thanks very much

Hi Simon,
I am Amit. I have taken IElTS test thrice got 6.5 band overall each time, but still trying to get 7 band in each module that I needed. I have some queries for you. Request you to guide me on the following.

In reading module, most of the time I got
confused in FALSE or NOT GIVEN. Could you let me know by following which strategy I can easily judge whether the given statement is FALSE or NOT GIVEN.
In writing task 2 easy, if I am following below structure. Is it fine for argumental essay?
Introduction state the argument both side of it. Not to mention my opinion ans save it for conclusion section.
Body Paragraph 1 - mention the disagreed arugument first, their corresponding reasons and supporting examples
Body Paragraph 2 - mention the agreed arugument first, their corresponding reasons and supporting examples
Conclusion - summary of the points I were making and shared my side or my opinion.

Thanks & Regards,

Dear sir, please tell me, when we take IELTS exam, in reading can we pin out the each paper. I mean to say it is always fix 3/4 paper with stepler pin, so can we separate them , we can find easily with this idea and no need to look out here and there.

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