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October 20, 2011


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hi simon
all your instructions are very useful
thanks a lot
your student from china

No problem Stacy.

Dear Simon

This table description also useful for another graphs such as line graph or pie chart e.t.c?

Thank you for your help.

Is there any possible way to write a pie chart as like table..what can we do if there is 2 diagram ,for example a pie chart and table.

Hi Jobs,
look at one of Simons lesson


This for two pie chart and two charts essay.

Wait for Simon reply,He will answer you more accuratley.
he explained both your questions during one of his lesson that I had on saturday in manchester.


Hi Erzhan,

I've done other lessons about line graphs and pie charts. Have a look through all of the lessons.


Hi Jobs,

Look at the link that Tahir (above) mentioned.

I've done several lessons about 2 charts and pie charts. Click on 'IELTS writing task 1' in the menu on the left of this page, and look through the lessons. I'm sure you'll find what you need.

Hi simon

i want to know if we are allowed to write only past simple for past years, u have mentioned in
one session that when we use 'By' before the year we need to write past perfect.

Hi Josh,

Yes, usually you just need the past simple. The only exception to this is when you need the past perfect after "by".

Hi Simon,

I can't open the link attached with this lesson for seeing an essay.
So could you help me to open it?

Thank you very much.
Your lessons are always useful for all of us.
Thanks again.

Hi UT,

Sorry, I've changed that link. I'll put a "table" essay on the site on Thursday this week.

It's very useful for me...
Thanks lot of teacher.
Student from Vietnam

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