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November 14, 2011


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thank you Simon for making this table. I really appreciate it.

No problem.

Thank you Simon very much for this advice.
I have just found out this website few days ago. I think it is very helpful and thank you a lot. Hope you health and happiness.

Hi Simon

Thanks so much for your lessons. I got 8.5 out of 9 in the exam. Got 9 on speaking, 9 on listening, 8.5 on reading and 8 on writing. Your website was very helpful in my preparation. I will recommend this website to my friends who are going to write the test soon.
Thanks again for all your help. I really appreciate it.


What is the difference between can-could?
Technologies can make lessons much more interesting
Technologies could make lessons much more interesting.

Also,what is the difference bet funds,grants.

Any one interested to practice on speaking, from Canada or USA,PS. contact me at [email protected]

I write Y/N/NG in the answer sheet in ielts test instead of yes/No/Not given...Will i lost all mark in this section

Hi Simon
Leading active lifestyle is essential in keeping ourselves fitter and healthier.
Is this sentence true

HI Kevin


We will be so glad if you give us some tips about your best job ! I was wondering if you send me some essays like the one you wrote in exam .
Thabk you

Thanks Dnagnga. I'm glad you found the site.


Hi Kevin,

Those are fantastic scores! Congratulations - I'm happy to have been able to help.


Hi Moka,

'Can' shows more certainty. 'Could' is like 'might be able to... if...'

Have a look in a dictionary for precise definitions of funds and grants.


Hi Linh,

I think Y,N,NG will be marked correct.


Hi Hassan,

Your sentence is fine.

Hi kevin

I was wondering are you a native speaker or live in English country?

if you would like I add you in my Email

[email protected]
Sorry simon

Hi Simon,
Question 13 asks 'by how much did some cyclist' performance improve at the 1996 Olympic Games?'.
The answer is in the last paragraph which says 'At the Olympic Games in 1996, these sliced as much as two per cent off cyclist and rowers times', I do not get how it could be 'by 20 percent'!!!
Please help me out.

Hi Fahime,

In my book the answer page says 2% not 20%, so you are right.

Thanks Simon.
I suppose there are some mistakes in my book.

thank u Simon. You helping to every one god bless you

Dear Simon,

how to score well in reading and listening??
today in cambridges tests i am able to score 6-6.5 bands but i want it to go high to 8-8.5.
please can u help me as i am from small village in india.

Hi Nipa,

There's no secret I'm afraid. You just need to keep practising and working hard. Try to follow the daily lessons on this site, and use the Cambridge IELTS books for test practice. Good luck!

Hi Simon,

Thanks for your useful web site. I've just found it and read some of your notes here. They are really great helps for me, because I work and I can't take part in English classes, so I am studying English by myself.
I have recently been studying some IELTS book printed in 1997. (IELT Preparation and Practice by V. Pejovic) I read about some answering strategies for reading and writing questions in general module. It said that the first sentence of each paragraph generally contains the main topic of the paragraph. This book recommends some method for different question types. For example, it said that if question would be about main idea and student was asked to identify which sections related to certain topics, they should read the question at first. However, if the question would ask students to match headings, they should read the first sentence of each paragraph first.
I'd like to know that do these strategies work now, in the latest IELTS test? Actually, I tried to use the strategies in some Cambridge Test books' tests, but sometimes, it didn't work.
It seems that they change their method of making questions and choosing the texts in IELTS.
Furthermore, I read about standard pattern for organizing the letter and essay in English. Please let me know that shouldn't I use the pattern, which I am asked in the question or instruction? For instance, there is an explanation of situation, requesting something special from someone who addressed in the question. I mean I have to follow the question pattern or I can choose any different pattern for my letter?


Hi simon,
I have just found out this website few days ago but I really appreciate it.
I have a question for you.with the sentence" Total unemployment would more than double in Japan, primarily because of discouraged workers" can I change it into "Unemployment in Japan would total more than double, primarily because of discouraged workers"
thanks so much

hi simon...
i will be sit my exam soon....less than a month and i still got the problem on my reading test given by my tutor..my problem is that i cant get the key word.even i cant even find the synonim of the word in the paragraph..please help me.....and do email me for your simple tips...

Hi Simon

In reading i wrote Y/N/NG instead of Yes, No, Not Given. Will I loss marks

hi simon

Do u have any ielts center in england ?

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