In part 3 of the IELTS speaking test, you will probably get some questions about the past and the future. The examiner will be listening carefully to make sure you use the correct tense.
- If the examiner mentions “50 years ago”, “when your parents were young” or “when you were a child”, you should answer using the past simple.
- If the question asks you to predict, or if it mentions “in 50 years” or “in the future”, use a future tense (will + infinitive).
Do you think people had easier lives 50 years ago?
Yes, maybe life was simpler and less stressful 50 years ago. The mobile phone didn’t exist, so I suppose it was easier to forget about work at the end of the day because people couldn't contact you so easily.
Do you think life will be more stressful in the future?
Yes, it probably will be more stressful. As the world gets smaller, employees will probably have to travel to different countries more often and stay in touch with colleagues and clients all over the world. There will also be more competition for jobs and the cost of living will keep going up.
I have a question. I had my speaking last November 14. I believe I did good in speaking part 1 and part 2. If I had mistakes, it's very minimal because I prepared well for the exam and I was able to answer the cue card question well but then, in part 3, some questions are quite difficult. I know I was able to answer the questions though I'm not sure about the relation of my answer to his question and I had some grammar errors. Do you think it will greatly affect my grade or the examiner will consider my part 1 and part 2 answers?
Thank you.
Posted by: Carlo | November 18, 2011 at 10:36
Hi Carlo,
The examiner considers all of your answers (all 3 parts), so don't worry too much. Part 3 is supposed to be more difficult - maybe you didn't get band 9, but you can still do well!
Posted by: Simon | November 18, 2011 at 11:29
Thank you Simon. It's just that,it is the last part so I was thinking it will be more remembered by the examiner. Thank you for clarifying (Keeping my fingers crossed) :)
Posted by: Carlo | November 18, 2011 at 12:20
Hai simon, i am going to attend the exam tmrow...pls pray for me..i wil post the questions just after that...i wil definitely follow ur advices...i am hoping for the best.
Posted by: Jobs | November 18, 2011 at 15:55
Hi Simon,
First of all thank you!
i just got my results, overall 7.5!
It is unbelievable for me. So many people following your blog from Turkey and we all appreciate your help! Your blog was my main source then cambridge series :) I did what you said exactly. Just missed 8 :)
Listening 8
Reading 7.5
Writing 7.5
Speaking 7.5
I owe you!!! Thank you very much indeed...
Alper from Istanbul, Turkey
Posted by: Alper | November 18, 2011 at 17:27
Hi Simon,
I got my IELTS result yesterday and my overall band is 8.0. What I'm most proud of is that I scored 7.0 in writing, which is really great since I didn't take any writing courses. If it hadn't been for your help, my score would have been much lower.
So...thank you, Simon, from the bottom of my heart!
Posted by: mei | November 18, 2011 at 18:16
Simon, can you please recommend a site or a tutor who teaches speaking practice online? :)
Posted by: gwapo | November 20, 2011 at 12:47
Ok Carlo, fingers crossed!
Hi Jobs,
I hope it went well. Good luck!
Hi Alper and Mei,
Congratulations on getting such fantastic scores! I'm glad the blog helped.
Hi Gwapo,
I'm afraid I don't know anyone who does that. I'll let you know if I find someone.
Posted by: Simon | November 21, 2011 at 10:43
thank you simon
Posted by: gwapo | November 23, 2011 at 23:45
hi simon
I JUST took my speaking test in Australia and Saturday is the rest of the tests.part 2 was about describe a situation that made you angry
part 3 was about"is it really good to show your emotions when you're angry? is it emotionally good for men or women to show their emotions?some people can tell by the face of a person who is angry or sad is it good or bad? why women show their emotions more than men?
for part one she first asked me to tell her where I'm originally from and describe the city I'm from.then she asked me is your city good for education of children ?
then do you go to a place you went on holidays again next year?
I read all your speaking parts but didn't know she will ask me these questions.I didn't know what to say even in my own language.
please give a sample answer to these questions for others to use.
Posted by: sonia | November 24, 2011 at 00:09
Hi Sonia,
Thanks for sharing your questions. Don't worry about finishing first - it's not a sign of anything.
I'll try to do some sample answers in tomorrow's lesson for the questions about anger.
I hope you get the score you need!
Posted by: Simon | November 24, 2011 at 12:35
Thank you thank you thank yoooooooooouuuuu just thank you =)))
Posted by: Aigerim | December 23, 2011 at 08:05
No problem Aigerim.
Posted by: Simon | December 23, 2011 at 10:42