One problem for students is that different teachers, books and websites teach different techniques. Students get confused.
My advice is to stop looking for the magic technique; it doesn't exist. There is no best book or website, and there are many different ways to write a good essay.
You just need one way, one technique that you like.
If you look at my lessons, you will see that I have "my technique" for each part of the exam (feel free to use my techniques if you like them). For example, I always write introductions in the same way, and I always start paragraphs with a topic sentence.
Because of the time limit in the exam, you NEED to know what you're going to do. You need to practise ONE way of working. Don't get confused by having too many options.
Dear Simon,
I just bought your ebook. I am going to keep working and studying on this book. I also keep practicing the IELTS test samples.
I only have 14 days before my IELTS Exam. Do you have any advise or tips? It will be my first IELTS Exam. I am a bit nervous. Any advise will be appreciated?
Miss T
Posted by: tess | April 28, 2012 at 13:35
Hi Simon,
Thanks for all your material, it's very useful.
I have one question..In my previous test I used to get 7 or 7.5 in writing, but in last 2 exams I am getting only 6 or 6.5.
Can you suggest me what kind of mistakes I could be making????
My next test is on 12th May and need to prepare. If you can give me few suggestions to improve my writing I would be really grateful.
Thanks once again for all your help and especially TED videos.
Have a great weekend.
Posted by: Preeti | April 28, 2012 at 14:04
I'm totally agree with you
Thank you for your helpful material
Posted by: Hiep Pham | April 28, 2012 at 14:15
Hello Simon and other friends,
Today, April 28, 2012 I took my IELTS test here in the UK. The writing test was quite easy to me. Task one we have given two bar charts. First chart was about the amount of protein which is consumed by people per day in North America, Latin America, West Africa and India, in this chart there was two rates, animal protein and other protein. Second chart was about the amount of calorie which is consumed by people in the same countries.
Task two was opinion question. Topic was "It is better for elderly people to live in special places and look after by professional people more than live with noisy and young members in their own families. To what extend do you agree or disagree with the statement".
Listening and reading were quite tough to me; I am not sure about my answers.
I am going to take speaking test today at 5 pm.
Kind regards
Posted by: Hemn Merany | April 28, 2012 at 14:21
Hi Hemn,
how are you? you will be succeeded I think,
Can you help me maybe by email or some else?
Posted by: saman | April 28, 2012 at 15:00
Hi everyone i supposed to take the test today at Birmingham but unfortunately the was problem in signaling so the train stopped many times that we were 80 minutes late than scheduled time .As aresult i missed the exam today .I hope the best for students who took the test today.
Posted by: Maya | April 28, 2012 at 17:05
Hello guys,
My speaking test was:
First: describe your house, what kinds of house do you like?
Part two:
Describe a something kind which someone did for you; say who is the person and what he/she did?
Part three:
The examiner asked different topics, some questions were relevant to part two. Others were irrelevant to the topic. They were about business people and social services. I have been asked about what should business people do for their local society and why?
The examiner asked me a statement which was "business people contribute in their local society just to make money, what do you think?"
Overall, while I think the questions and part two were not easy, I think I did well.
Posted by: Hemn Merany | April 28, 2012 at 18:40
very sad to hear maya,, but never mind ,,it wasnt your time ,, hopefully u can write nd pass as well your exam,, good luck,,
Posted by: Raaj | April 28, 2012 at 19:18
Tanx Mr simon for your all guidance,, i had exam today,not fully confident as raeding nd listening were quit tough,,
Posted by: Raaj | April 28, 2012 at 19:24
Thx v much HEMN.
Raaj can you please write your speaking exam questions?
I really appreciate that.
Posted by: noor | April 28, 2012 at 22:07
hey Raaj, I wanna congratulate you, that is really a spectacular improvement :X
Posted by: Hiep Pham | April 29, 2012 at 03:58
Hi Hemn, I had My IElTS exam in Wimbledon,yesterday. I also thought that the listening was difficult. The rest as you said was ok. Let's see the outcome.
Posted by: Juliana | April 29, 2012 at 08:36
Hi Tess,
I think I answered your email.
Hi Preeti,
It's difficult for me to help you because I don't know what your individual problems are. It would be a good idea to take a few lessons with a private teacher who can analyse what you are doing wrong.
Good luck to everyone who took an exam this weekend!
Posted by: Simon | April 30, 2012 at 10:09
Thanks Simon, I totally agree with you.
Even for the model essays published in Cambridge books, there is a note saying "This model has been prepared by an examiner as an example of a very good answer. HOWEVER, PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS JUST ONE EXAMPLE OUT OF MANY POSSIBLE APPROACHES."
Posted by: Martin | April 30, 2012 at 19:00
hi noor, sorry for delay,,
my speaking topic was a positive change , which happened in my life,,
i spoke about passing an exam, nd discussion topic was about society,,
Posted by: Raaj | April 30, 2012 at 23:25
Hi Hiep Pam,,we all should congrats nd thanks to Simon ,, My littel improvement s also because of his guidance,,
Posted by: Raaj | April 30, 2012 at 23:28
Hi Simon..I would like to know that do British and American accent have something to influence our Speaking score.The rumour has it that it`s going to decrease one`s score if one`s speak in American accent.And It is highly likely you to get higher score about British accent.I'm looking forward to getting your answer.Thanks.
Posted by: Abror | May 09, 2012 at 12:10
Hi Abror,
No, that's not true. Don't worry about accent; just try to speak clearly and pronounce words well.
Posted by: Simon | May 09, 2012 at 12:16
Hai,simon it would be really helpful if u can explain in detail how write topic centence for different type of essays.i often found it very difficult to make it simple as u advise.i hope that u will consider my doubt as a relevant one
Posted by: Jobs | May 12, 2012 at 20:53
Hi Simon,
first of all, I´d like to congratulate you for the great website =) Very helpful.
I am preparing myself to take the IELTS academic test in mid August and would like to ask your help on the type of question YES, NO, NOT GIVEN in the Reading part. Do you have a technique to work on these questions?
Thank you
Posted by: Cinthia | June 20, 2012 at 02:13
Hi Cinthia,
Have a look through all of my reading lessons. I've given quite a lot of advice about T,F,NG / Y,N,NG questions.
Posted by: Simon | June 21, 2012 at 12:44