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June 03, 2012


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ِDear simon

I don't need to know how to write a letter for academic Ielts,but I was really interested to know it.Thank u so much for ur best teaching style.
You are the best teacher.I wish I were in Manchester!!


informative! thank u Simon! I've been following your lessons... please wish me luck on my exam next saturday... :D

Hi Simon,

My boss, who is Australian and a native speaker, often signs off his emails with "Kind regards" or "Thanks and regards". Are these considered acceptable on the IELTS or is it best to stick to the "proper" types of endings?

hi Simon

first i would like to thank you for doing general training preparation.

i've seen that you write a name at the end of the letter, so do we have to mention the name ???

eg.yours faithfully
bhavini bhatt


yours faithfully

pls answer my question....

Hi Bhavini,

It's good etiquette to sign off with your full name in a formal letter or e-mail. In an informal letter to a friend or relative, you can just sign off with your given name.

Good luck Gelaine!


Hi Jean-Luc,

Those endings are perfect for "semi-formal" letters and emails (between neighbours, colleagues etc.)


Hi Bhavini,

Please read Jean-Luc's answer above.

Thank you simon!... :)

Thank you so much for answering my question.

Thank you Simon & Jean Luc...

Hi Simon,

Is a letter to colleague another form of semi-formal letter?

Could you give more example of semi-formal letters?

Hi Simon,

I am just new here trying to discover your huge knowledge. I have been working as a customer support and I am not a native speaker. I also get used to using "Best regards" at the end of letter sent to client. After reading this post, I am going to change my habit and use "Yours sincerely".
Please tell me what you do think. I hope to get your advice.

Best wishes,

Magnificent simon

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