Here are some steps that you could follow when practising for the speaking test:
- Choose a real speaking test from one of the Cambridge books.
- Record yourself answering one or all of the parts of the test.
- Listen to the recording and transcribe it (write down everything you said).
- Analyse the transcript. How could your answers be improved?
- Take some time to prepare better answers for the same questions.
- Try the same questions again! Record yourself, transcribe and analyse.
- Repeat the process a few times until you are happy.
Imagine if you did this kind of hard work every day for a month. I'm sure you'd be more confident and better prepared than you are now.
Hi Simon, I received the results of IELTS exam written on 26th May. My scores are:
Listening: 8.0
Reading: 7.0
Writing: 7.0
Speaking: 7.5
This was my first attempt and I needed min 7 in each of the module. Following your guidelines was a major contributing factor in arriving at this score. Thanks a lot!
Posted by: IELTSSimonFollower | June 08, 2012 at 09:28
Congratulations! Those are great scores, especially for a first attempt. I'm glad my advice helped.
Posted by: Simon | June 08, 2012 at 10:55
hi simon i really get confident when i inter this site>>i recieved my IELTS result it was like this:
Listening: 5.5
Reading: 5
Writing: 6.5
i got overall "5.5 and i need to get at least 6
so how can i get this brand >>i relly get ipressed>>
thank you very much simon
ur site helped me alot
Posted by: abu mohammed | June 08, 2012 at 12:18
every day I read passage and learn new word but when i test my reading it is always horrible i spend to much tiome on each passage and in the middle of passage i always disappointed and feel like im stupid and leave the of exam.when i read the passage i try to find the answer of all questions togther so i miss all the questions im so frustrated and diasappointed
Posted by: taliah | June 08, 2012 at 16:12
hi simon
i got my test result today,and it was dispointing.i was practising almost 2 monnths on the writing ,but i got only 5.5.however the las time i got 6.5 in the writing,and i thought i might be very close.i`ve been follwing ur advices espicially in the writting because it is my weakest point . i think i might`ve missed the writing task2 Q.otherwise i dont no what else is wrong!after finishing the exam i felt satisfied about the writing but today i am very confused.i dont remember every word of the question, but here is statment which is close to the question in the exam
(exploring other people`s culture has benefits for the tourists, however tourist industry can prevent the local people from developing their country in to a modern world. to what extent you agree or disagree.)so i thought that i should dis agree, and to point out the benefit of the tourist economically (attract invetment,creat jobs,bring money to the local erea,helpe in the improvment of the infrastracture,improvment in the services and raising the living standard)
from culture point of view(people will learn english to deal better with tourist,people become more understanding,more open minded and developed)
is this is suitable plan or i missed it?please can u help me simon.
by the way the good news ,i got 8 in the speaking which is agreat ,listening 7,reading unfortunatly6.6
Posted by: meso | June 08, 2012 at 16:41
Hi meso, i have got exactly same result but not this time it was couple of months ago and like u i got 6.5 in writing but next time i got 5.5 it was very dispointing. Kindly can u tell me where did u give ur exam i mean which test center.but don't disapointed wish u all the best for next time.
Posted by: reema | June 08, 2012 at 20:45
hi reema,actually it was in edinburgh.
on 26th of may
Posted by: meso | June 08, 2012 at 22:08
Hi Simon,
I took three times IETLS GT. I couldn't get over all 7.I got problem on reading....
Here is my score for three test.
1. Listening 7.5
reading 6
Writing 6
Speaking 6
2. Listening 6.5
reading 6
writing 6.5
Speaking 7
3. Listening 7
reading 5.5
writing 6.5
Speaking 6.5
Can you give me some suggesstion.How to improve....
Thank you///Hope to hear from you soon..
Posted by: Veeryday lifestyle | June 09, 2012 at 04:37
Simon I have a question, if I really do well in task 1 but it is underlength and my score in task 2 is 6.5 do you think I can still get band 7? And another thing is AB-65 a one word in reading?tnx a lot!
Posted by: dave | June 09, 2012 at 07:52
Hi simon i took my ilets today. The question i writing task 2 almost goes this way - people doesnt need to know the latest news because theyre not related to them personally.reading the news is just a waste of time. To what extent do u agree or disagree? My introduction for this was - there are diff views about the importance of reading, watching and listening to news reports on tv, newspapers and radios but i strongly agree that news reports are very important . Then in the subsequent paragraphs, i wrote on the advantages and importance of news in our lives. My question is, did i give the correct point of view regarding my stand especially in the intro? Did i say my view correctly or i was off-point somehow because i should have written - "i completely disagree that knowing the latest news is not a waste of time...." Please let me know your expert opinion. Im quite worried and anxious because it seems that i didnt stick to the argument.
Posted by: Raine | June 09, 2012 at 14:12
hi raine, I also took ielts this morning with the same question as yours. I took it here in the Philippines. My introduction says I completely disagree that watchng tv news and reading newspapers is just a waste of time.. Hope we'll get the band we need. Gudluck
Posted by: dave | June 09, 2012 at 14:24
Hi dave do u think my intro was wrong?
Posted by: Raine | June 09, 2012 at 14:52
What is you exact stand raine?
I think if you are against reading or watching, your stand must me agree, whereas if you are in favor of it, you should disagree because you think there are advantages of it..well, that is my opinion.
Posted by: dave | June 09, 2012 at 14:57
there are plenty of typo errors there. anyway where did you take the exam?? did you include the views of other people?
Posted by: dave | June 09, 2012 at 15:01
My stand? Well i strongly agree that news are important. Thats exactly what i said in my opinion
Posted by: Raine | June 09, 2012 at 15:21
well, i think we both have the same opinion. did you also include the opinion of other people?
Posted by: dave | June 09, 2012 at 15:28
did you have a fb account so we can chat there instead in simon's page?tnx
Posted by: dave | June 09, 2012 at 15:32
Hmmmm..i cant give it out dave but if u have ym ill give it to u. Just add me up [email protected]
Posted by: Raine | June 09, 2012 at 15:40
Just leave a message in my ym dave
Posted by: Raine | June 09, 2012 at 16:01
My internet line's bugged, davenwei, ive messaged you from my ym
Posted by: Raine | June 09, 2012 at 20:42
Ok i went offline already. Anyway i left my mobile number there i think we took the same ielts exam yesterday
Posted by: Raine | June 10, 2012 at 03:55
Hi raine and dave! i took an elts in baguio last june 9 and that was exactly my writing task 2...i diagree that watching news and reading news paper is just a waste of time...regards to both of you!
Posted by: angeline | June 11, 2012 at 04:25
Lots of people have asked similar questions about how to improve their scores here.
I'm afraid I can't reply to everyone individually, but I've written quite a lot of lessons about how to improve here on the site. Here's an example:
Posted by: Simon | June 11, 2012 at 10:32
I just want to say Thank you for your advice for speaking test. It is so useful tips which I think I will try to do it for in coming exam :D.
Posted by: Paijin | July 10, 2012 at 04:47
No problem Paijin!
Posted by: Simon | July 10, 2012 at 12:28
hai.. I took my ielts speaking test today and I did my 1st part good and my secong part also went well.. But coming to the 3rd part I did not answer well and I deviated from the topic. what could be spaeking score?? will it effect my over all performnace.. I have clearly seen in the examiners face that she was not happy with my performance.. Please suggest me some tips to improve my score in listening, rading and writing..
Posted by: vaishnavi | January 17, 2013 at 12:23