There are plenty of websites giving advice to native English speakers about how to write letters. Try a Google search for "how to write letters" or click here to see a website that has some good sample letters.
Note: In the IELTS test, you should not write an address or date at the top of your letter. Apart from that, sample letters on websites like the one above can teach you a lot.
Posted by: JOSEPH | July 01, 2012 at 09:08
Dear Simon
It is my forth times that I got 5.5. I studied so hard and also I had several teachers. I need only 6. in last exam,my reading is 6 and other skills is 5.5
I have to register at university and without 6 band score in IELTS i can not do it
I read all of pages in your site before, specially writing but i do not know why my result do not improve.Meanwhile, I read 8 books of Cambridge ielts practise several times.
Time limitation is my problem in writing.
Could you please guide me what can i do?
I have not much time for registration at university and my ielts exam will be on 28th July.
Posted by: goli | July 01, 2012 at 16:08
I need 6 in academic ielts
Thanks so much
Posted by: goli | July 01, 2012 at 16:11
Hi Simon
Thanks for your valuable guidance. I got 7.5 score in GT.
Posted by: TAJ | July 02, 2012 at 03:55
Congratulation! Can you tell me any other materials you used to prepare it except Simmon's website?
Posted by: Leo | July 02, 2012 at 04:36
Hi Simon,
I am writing here to know the differences of these words:
1. This and These
2. Has, had, have
It would be extremely helpful if you could put something like "This is used for past tense and so on and so fort. Thank you Simon i am taking the IELTS exam soon in August hope you replied to this message.
Posted by: Jamie | July 02, 2012 at 07:12
Hi simon
i gave the exam 2 times but i have fail to get 6.5 bands ....i got 5.5 bands
plz tell me how can i improve myself
Posted by: sandeep singh | July 02, 2012 at 13:47
Simon gives some of the best advice you will get anywhere for IELTS.
One piece of his advice I have often shared with my students is "IELTS preparation is about training not testing".
If you have taken the exam more than once, before your book another one then think about your individual scores. Working on the sections that are your weakest areas could really boost your band score. TRAIN yourself to recognise the question types in reading.
I know a number of first time band 6.5 and 7 achievers that 'trained hard'on their weaknesses to get their desired score.
The e-book is a great source of ideas for writing tasks, and according to some of my own students was a great help in preparing for the exam.
Good Luck to you all,
Posted by: Magi | July 02, 2012 at 15:32
Hi Goli,
It's difficult for me to help you because I don't know what your individual problems are. It would be a good idea to take a few lessons with a private teacher who can analyse what you are doing wrong.
I can give you the contact details of a teacher who can help you by email. Click the link below to read more about this:
Congratulations Taj!
Hi Jamie,
This = singular (this pen)
These = plural (these pens)
I have, you have, he/she/it has (present)
I had, you had, he/she/it had (past)
Hi Sandeep,
You probably just need to keep practising. You might benefit from taking some lessons with a private teacher or having some essays checked. Click on the link I gave Goli (above) if you would like to find out about an essay correction service.
Thanks Magi. I really hope everyone reads your advice!
Posted by: Simon | July 02, 2012 at 17:56
I used massive sources to study, I gave IELTS multiple times. But at the end I learned it's trick helps you not the amount of resources, as questions would be different at each test.
Posted by: TAJ | July 04, 2012 at 02:53
Dear Simon
It is my forth times that I got 5.5. I studied so hard and also I had several teachers. I need only 6. in last exam,my reading is 6 and other skills is 5.5
I have to register at university and without 6 band score in IELTS i can not do it
I read all of pages in your site before, specially writing but i do not know why my result do not improve.Meanwhile, I read 8 books of Cambridge ielts practise several times.
Could you please guide me what can i do?
I have not much time for registration at university and my ielts exam will be on 22th sept.
Posted by: dipesh | September 17, 2012 at 09:14