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October 28, 2012


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Hi Simon,

I took IELTS exam today, and I completed the letter with 130 words because I wrote Task 2 for longer time. How many bands will I loose for not meeting the required number of words in Task 1.


Dear Simon,

Your site is wonderful...

but like your e-book this site (http://www.docstoc.com/docs/58181367/IELTS-Speaking-Cue-cards-with-possible-answers)is very useful for speaking and writing opinions.

I think you would want to know this website to state in your site.

Hi.I have e question about scoring writing task1 , I had exam yesterday, bat I forgot to include one important.
It was about a table , like the sample "waste table" in your website, It was about "land area covered by forest in 1990 and 2000, in 7 countries" . I grouped them with their increase o decrease, I wrote comparison sentences but I forgot to mention that which one has the most percentage among others and which one has the least. I just mentioned and compared their changes,
I want to know how much this problem affect my score?

Grammar is my only enemy who prevents me from getting 7... Verb tenses are difficult to deal with, especially perfect tenses.

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