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October 23, 2012


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Thank you for uploading such a great video.It was really interesting and outstanding.

This web is fantastic. Thanks

It is similar to academic lecturing style, great for the last part of the listening test.

Thanks Simon!!

Dear Simon
I am Pantheia from Iran and I managed to score 7.5 in writing only by reading your weblog and writing a few essay and reports which were even never corrected! Thank you so much. I owe you so much.
God bless you.

Thank you Simon for telling us this animate listening website.

I'm glad you liked the site!

Congratulations Pantheia! I'm glad my site helped.

Hello Simon,
I am preparing for exam dated 27th October 2012. So please input something. Actually this is not query, but still good to know.

I regularly follow your blog and practice accordingly. Now I know that, in opinion type of essay, we can use "I believe" or "I think", in body paragraph also.
During my practice, I often come up with the phrase like, we can... ,We should...,
For Example,
- the government could make strict rules to deter the criminals.
- We can make strict rules to deter the criminals.

(Please note that, I use "we" as a whole society.)

My Question:
So is there any rules for using the word "we". Can we use it in our essay ? or should I have to avoid.

Please if possible, reply ASAP, as I will be sitting in exam after three days.
Thank you,

this site is very difficult .. i listened to it but i can not understand what he wants to say

Dear Simon,

Why do they write "Civilisation", in the video ?

I thought the right spelling for this word was "Civilization".

Kind regards,


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