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October 24, 2012


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Dear Si mon,
Thank you so much for your useful lessons.
I've just known your blog 1 week ago and my test is coming soon, this weekend. It's better for my if I know you sooner. My writing is better as following your guide, however, my reading is still terrible.
I think I must take another test next month to get 7.5 (my submit's deadline will be 9 Jan). I am looking forward to hear your suggestions. what can I do within 1 month to get that band? For my reading, I usually got 26-30 right answers. I regconized my problem is concentration and logical thinking while doing the test, however vocabulary is also a difficulty.
My listenting is better, usually got 30-36 correct answers.
I don't know about W and S but I guess around 6 to 6.5.
Therefore, I think my reading score must be higher to get a high score overall.
I planned to study at an English center but I am considering about the effectiveness. Except the necessity of having a teacher to correct my writing, I think It is better for me to study by myself because I don't have much time (I am working full time)
Sorry for my long explanation.
Thank you so much for your time.
Ps: I am eager to know your advice to restart study for the next test.

Hi,ev1,there are 2 questions i'm not really understand why the answer is this and that.
32. A link between depression and the time of year has been established.
what is meant by 'the time of year'?the answer is True and i answer it with NG.
35. One of the answers is (E.SUNNY WEATHER) and i choose A.Lack of negative ions.
Why cant we say that it is due to lacking of -ve ions?? In d last paragraph last sentence,they say : Many people claim they feel
better in negatively charged air.
So i think it is possible to put answer as A??
Thanks in advance for any reply!

Hi Simon. thanks for support again.
I chose the topic of researching and used a couple of collocations you gave last week.

From ancient times every nation has its musical preferences which takes a vital part in their culture. Old life stories prove it as well. Researchers studied a range of reasons separately why people give so much importance to music.

Hi Friends,

Can anyone please comment on my passage so that it would be very great help for me to assess myself. Thanks for all your support.

Question: Today more people are travelling more than before.
why is this case?
what are the benifits of travelling for traveller?

My passage:
In today’s world, travelling has ever-increased comparatively in past. Many reasons leading this, as the traveler obtaining enormous advantages by travelling.

People’s travelling habits acquired a dramatic changes nowadays, because of two main reasons. First,y, increase of convenient transportation means like metro trains, audtomobiles and air travelling. For example, in accord to recent research annals released by ‘business times’ newspaper, the metro transportation and flight travelling increasing by 35% each year. Secondly, globalization opened an outsourcing jobs doors, consequently unemployed people triggered to travel other places like metro cities or abroad.
Indeed, travelling brought up revolutionary changes in people’s lefe towards positive direction. On one hand, by travelling, people emerging into diversified jobs throughout globe thus earning high wages. In addition, traveler persuades foreign languages and cultures. On the other hand, traveller gets entertainment by visiting new places as a tourist. Consequently, traveller moves out from regular stressful job and family obligations, to perceive relaxation. Finally, traveler gets chance to create new friends therefore new means of support in life.

For the aforementioned reasons, in accord to my scrutiny, the increased travelling reasons are beneficial to traveller with comfortable travelling means.

Dear All,

Here is my attempt to use Simon's underlined words for a totally different topic; hope you find these sentences/ideas useful!


In the upcoming U.S. presidential election, I think more importance should be given to the local economy, and this issue should be valued over international conflicts because it affects the lives of all American citizens. The next president should demonstrate the abilitiy to create a rich variety of jobs so that people from different fields can be benefited. Expressing their emotions and concerns during their speeches is really not enough. In order to convince the public, the presidential candidates must show a specific and realistic plan on how to rebuild and strengthen the U.S. economy.



Thanks simon and martin, i believe both are great examples.

hi Simon,
I want to ask what's the difference between following two sentences:

1.The inflation rate is reckoned to be 10%.
2.The inflation rate are predicted to be 10%.

Thanks for your response:)

hi Simon,
I want to ask what's the difference between following two sentences:

1.The inflation rate is reckoned to be 10%.
2.The inflation rate is predicted to be 10%.

Thanks for your response:)

hello Simon,
Firstly I would like to say thanks to you for sharing such a useful knowledge with us . I was just searching for a good IELTS clog and I am very happy to see your blog.
ielts mohali

Hai Simon,

Here is a question which I got in the ielts exam...

Can u Please respond how to write this essay...

" People are living longer nowadays,and in some countries there are more old people than young people.

Will this development bring more benefits or more drawbacks.

I couldn't write the essay properly as i didn't know how to structure this essay..

Hi Simon,

I would like to thank for your remarkable web site which helped me to get a good band score in IELTS. I took IELTS several times, and couldn't manage to get 7 for writing.However, in my last attempt, I followed your essays, and got 8.5 for writing.There is a controversy whether your essays are too simple, however, my results have proved a clear evidence where the simplicity is the best approach. Thank you once again, and I hope your web site definitely helps for IELTS students to get higher brands.

Dearest Simon! I finally got 7 for my academic writing! Last two times i only managed to score 6.5, but they say 3rd is a lucky one!! I used your website a lot, it is really helpful and i think for anyone who is about to take IELTS it should be a bible! IELTS bible! Thank you so much, without you my dream 7 would never come true!!!
For the rest of the guys GOOD LUCK!

Hi Simon,

I got a new topic for task. Could you pls check do the structure for it?

Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas. Do you agree or disagree?

Yes I agree with it.

Paragraph 1: why the rich countries should help them in health and education.

Paragraph 2: why the rich countries should help them in trade.

Repeat my introduction


Congratulations Marveltracker and Medina!

Thanks for adding such a useful content in this blog , I am really glad to see this . Writing is a very difficult task for a starter, I am reading it in continuous intervals. Very Beneficial .
ielts in mohali

I am going for IELTS test this month I want to ask you one question .Can we use quotations in writing task 2 and in speaking section?

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