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November 22, 2012


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This sentence " average temperatures in Kolkata rise from their lowest point at around 20°C to a peak of just over 30°C."

"Lowest "here you mean it is minus?

Hi Natasha,

No, it just means that 20°C was the low point on the graph.

Hi Simon,

You mention the other day in speaking lesson that we have give an example in speaking part-3 while answering the question asked by examiner.My concern is that do we have to give example for every single question when we answer?
PLease help

Hi simon
I will do my IELTS exam (Academic) in 24/11/2012 in iraq. Do you have any suggestions for Task 2 in writing?

Shouldn't we use 'the' before the word 'highest'?

Hello Simon and every body,
I have search the site called ieltsielts.com, which is created and updated by Ryan (I believe you come across it or youtube channel)and I found this interesting chart regarding how they calculated score to ielts writing together.

I am sorry not to have direct link to the post but I have bookmarked that image and here you go:

Please note that, I do not know how accurate it but looks like ok.

Hope, Simon or other examiners could provide some more information.

Thank you,

Hi Simon
Like this essay, if nothing about specific year or date in the graph, we should use verbs in the present tense to analyse data although the data must have gathered and calculated at someday(or year) in the past?

Dear Mr.Simon
I have a question that why you don't offer the instruction to do diagram exercise of Task 1 Writing Ielts in this website ?
I think we should practice this kind of exercise, even just a little bit
Thank you for your consideration!


I'm afraid I no longer have time to answer everyone's questions individually. However, I do still read them all, and I try to answer some questions in a lesson once a week (usually Saturdays).



I've done several 'diagram' lessons. Have a look back to some of my older task 1 lessons.

the carth provides information about average mounthly temperatures and precipition in the city of Kolkata.

Wile rainfall is approximately 20 mm in first month of years.

Hi eveyone, please help me to collect it. Thanks!

Trend of monthly temperature and precipitation is obvious in the city of Kolkata during a whole year. The temperature of four seasons is distinct. Precipitation is abundant and no obvious distinct during a whole year.

In the temperature side, the temperatures of July, August and September are high and over thirty degrees,nearly to forty degrees. The temperature among Sept. Oct. and Nov is quite difference, a bit over ten degrees for each. The temperature from November to April is average minus ten degrees. May temperature is still under Zero, however June suddenly reaches to 25 degrees.

The rainfalls during one year in Kolkata are average above 200 mm. The lowest months rainfalls in Dec. and Jan are 230mm. The rainfall from Feb to May is continuously increasing and arrived to the highest 300 mm. Then it shows the gradually a little decreasing.

I would like to thak you for this brilliant website ,where IELTS students can get maximum benefits. They will definitely incease their knowledge,once they will be able to reread and analyse every single word was pubished from Simon. I do really appritate him for his efforts and his understanding .
I personally wish to get my desire band score of IELTS exam which is at least 7 for each topic,I know it is not uterly impossible , but it is fairly difficult and it could be achieved if a student will work hard on both : firstly, enhancing his vocabulary quanititively and qualitively , and of course his listeninig skills . INn general, you should have a sence of the Language , and to use it naturally , otherwise you are not going to succeed.

Dear Simon,
Can I please ask the differences between more than doubles and doubled?

very good ,,,,,

Hi eveyone, please help me to check my test. Thanks!
The chart gives information about average monthly temperature and precipitation in a year in the city of Kolkata.
It is clear from the chart that. The average temperatures in the city of Kolkata is (are) the highest in months of the summer, especially for April. Meanwhile, Average rainfall is the most in months of the autumn, typically in July. both temperature and rainfall of December are the lowest in all of the months
The average temperatures in the first month of the year in the city is (are) 20°C. Between the months of January and May, the temperatures increase rapidly and reach a peak in May, at around 30 °C. After that. The temperatures decrease dramatically and to a low in December, at 20°C.
In January, average rainfall achieves around 240mm. Afterwards, medium precipitation rises quickly and it is the highest in July, at nearly 340mm. The late months of the year. The average rainfall goes down sharply and the lowest is around 10mm in December.

The graph illustrates temperatures and precipitation on average from Jan. to Dec. in the city of Kolkata.

It is clear that temperature rise to its peak in May and fall for the rest of year. By contrast, most of rainfall concentrates between Jun. and Sep.

In Jan., the average monthly temperature is around 20C, the figure rises roughly 3C every month until April. There is slightly increase in May reaching the peak of whole year, at 31C. Temperature drops gradually with slow pace since Jun. It is around 28C in Oct. Nov and Dec. see faster speed in the decline of temperature.

In the respect of rainfall, the number is highest in July, at 330mm. Similar level of precipitation is seen in Aug. The third highest number takes place in Sep. at around 290mm. The numbers of June and Oct are 260mm and 150mm respectively. No figure more than 100mm is recorded for the rest of year, and the lowest goes to Dec.

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