Here's my full letter for last week's question:
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Hi Simon
thank you all your support us.
ı got the exam two times. in first ı got 6 point in writing although ı didnt believe ı could as my practice wasnt enough . and for second exam ı studied more and ı thought that ı would get higher score but ı get only 5.5 in writing part. ı wonder what was my falses about that.
Posted by: niky | February 10, 2013 at 21:28
Dear Niky,
That is IELTS, one of the most reverese and unrealistic exam pattern in the world.
Posted by: jay | February 11, 2013 at 06:12
Hi Simon,
Here's a list of formal phrases your readers will hopefully find useful.
I am contacting you regarding.... (the position of...)
Kind Regards...
Thank you in advance...
We / I regret to inform you...
Enclosed is a summary...
Please find enclosed...
I would be grateful if you could …
You may contact me using the detail below...
Speak soon,
Ben W
PS, Niky, that's strange, I'd get your essay corrected then you can concentrate on rectifying your errors. See the link top left on this page.
Posted by: | February 11, 2013 at 07:14
Thanks for the useful phrases Ben!
Posted by: Simon | February 11, 2013 at 11:24
hi simon im on my first week of review. i worked in middle east for 6 years and most of the time people are using arabic language, english was set aside for long years. now i find it difficult to constract the correct and straight english. could u please check my work too, i need your opinion pleaassseeee..thank u..
Posted by: adee | February 12, 2013 at 17:17
my name is adee, i posted my letter last jan 6, 2012..kindly check my work, i really need your help and some advices and reccomendations in order for me to improve..thank you
Posted by: adee | February 12, 2013 at 17:23
The model letter looks like in printed form pasted here.
An off-topic question:
Do you make it into a picture deliberately to avoid searching engineer reaching your writing or is there any other intention?
Posted by: Anonymity | February 14, 2013 at 15:15
I've learned all the general writing posted in this category, but there is no writing about task 2.
Does that mean general examinees have to learn the category "IELTS Writing Task 2" which applies to academic testing?
Posted by: Anonymity | February 14, 2013 at 15:28
Hi, Simon
Write letter to your neighbour for look after your house while you away for a week----is this a semi formal or formal type??? I (wrote in formal as my neighbour is my best friend..)
Thank you
Posted by: bhavini | February 14, 2013 at 20:37
Hi Simon
I have a big question regarding this tone.
When I sat for IELTS few months ago, I got a question to write a letter to colleague who will arrive to my office. Question explains that he has written to me asking the details about accommodation in our area.
Now, do i have to write this question as informal (with contractions) or semi-formal (without contractions). I wrote as using the second method and I got band 6.5
In this case I do not know this person really well!!
Please advise me.
Posted by: chanz | February 15, 2013 at 00:05
Hi Simon,
Great letter. What I've got from all your letters is fluency found throughout your essay. You actually do well that one likes to follow your letter. Thank you
Posted by: Salamat | February 15, 2013 at 16:32
Hi Simon,
I have seen that you have used the below given closing sentence in many formal letters you published in your lessons with a "full stop" at the end of the sentence.
"I look forward to receiving your response."
I have read the below closing sentence on many places on the internet with a "comma" at the end of the sentence.
"I look forward to hearing from you,"
What do you suggest putting a comma or a full stop at the end of the closing sentence? And which is correct or more appropriate from the IELTS point of view?
Posted by: Rohit | February 25, 2013 at 11:09
Hi Simon,
I have a huge doubt. Is there any "correct" way to write a job application letter? how is it assessed in IELTS? could you please post a model of it? I really appreciate your help. Thank you!
Posted by: Adrian | March 03, 2013 at 05:34
Hi Simon,
Can you please tell me where can I find topics for IELTS General Writing, including task one (letters) and task two (essay)?
Thank you,
Dragan Babic
Posted by: Dragan | May 17, 2013 at 03:39
Hello Simon,
I have a question regarding task 1 Application to Manager. (Book 9)
Can I start like this
" With due respect, I am writing to apply for short leave from work......"
Posted by: MH | June 22, 2013 at 10:14
Hi Simon,
One quick important question!
Here it says write a letter to the project manager...
Do we have to somehow fit the phrase"Project manger" in?
I can see that you haven't...
isn't it safer to do so though?
Posted by: Ella | May 28, 2015 at 01:53
hi. Can we start this letter by saying
Dear Sir / Madam
I appreciate your idea about the environment cleanliness project.
Posted by: gurpreet | May 19, 2017 at 18:18
May I know the difference between environment project and environmental project?
Posted by: David | April 10, 2018 at 18:29