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April 22, 2013


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Dear Simon, thank you for such useful website. I took the exam twice and I've got such problems as filling gaps in the text by choosing synonyms from a box. I will appreciate, if you can help me in this case. I need more practise and I know it. Basically I learn new vocabulary and brush up old (previous) vocabulary on a daily basis. Also I play some games with choosing synonyms, but I've got problems with filling gaps by choosing synonyms from the boxes. I have to say that I don't have problems with filling gap from the text, only with the ready words from the boxes. Please, give me a piece of advice.
Sincerelly, yours Makhabbat

Hi, Simon. I'm about to buy a book to study. Would ur book examples still work for me, if I bought cambridge ielts book 8? I think urs is book4 which is published in 2005. Still the same topics? what do you suggest? Thank you in advance.

Hi Enes,

I use all of the Cambridge IELTS books (1 to 9) - they are all useful.


Just keep practising Makhabbat! The more practice you do, the better.

Thank you very much


Simon i have a question I am cobfused
Before starting answer the questions we should skim and scan or read a text about 8-10 minutes

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