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May 18, 2013


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Hi Simon
Today I took the speaking part of my test. Everything was ok. Just I got confused in part 2. Because I did not know the exact differences between games and sports. I put me in trouble. I was supposed to talk about A game not a sport that you did when you were a child (with whom? Where? When? Why was it enjoyable?).
I chose hide-and-seek but I could not speak properly because in 1 minute for preparing I just thought about game and sport.
In part 3 I was asked kind of games and their differences and importance for ADULTS not CHILDREN!

Thanks for your advice. you are really kind and generous.

Hi Simon,

Can you please elaborate "band 7 vocabulary"?

Dear Simon,
With you a very weekend:)
Thank's for great suggestions.

I wish for you a great weekend:)

Hi Simon,
You have no idea how much you have enlightened me so far.
Thanks again for your advice. I'm a big fan of yours ;)

Hi everybody

Could anyone recommend "road to ielts" by created British council to practice the test?

If it is good to practice like Cambridge books(1 to 9) I will buy that one.

Please suggestions...

Dear Mert,

From my experience, "road to ielts" is not that much effective.


Hi Simon,

As we all know, for ielts writing, we get score for each criteria – task response, coherence, vocabulary and task response. Someone told me even if we get 7, 7, 7, 6 in each criteria, we still get 6.5. Is that true? He said an examiner said in order to get 7, we have to get at least 28 for total.

Hi Simon,

Can we use dash or bracket in ielts writing?

In the writing Task 2, is the number of paragraphs fixed on 3 or 4?
Wish you a enjoyable weekend!

Hi Mert,

ROAD to IELTS is 30 hours of free practice that you get once you have booked your exam with the British Council.

As a trainer, my advice would be - stick to Simon's format for both writing tasks, and use the free preparation materials.

hi Simon! how r u? i'd like to ask a question about task 2. there is one type of essay, it is when we have to disscus causes and effects and suggest a solution. in such type of essay, do we have to give a solution in body or is it better give it in concluson? please help me with that!

hi Simon,

i'd like to ask a question about speaking part 2. do i have to talk all the points that are on that card or could i talk anything i like associated with the topic?

Thanks shams and magi

Hi Simon,

What do you mean about the "band 7 vocabulary"?
Have you got any list available?

Best Regards,

Hi Benson, you have to talk 1-2 minutes about the topic and to answer all the questions which are on the card.

Hi Simon
I just need to ask that does it matter if u write in all capitals in listening and reading tests and what about the brackets that we can put in the for example brake(s) is that right.

Hi Pk.

As far as i know from Simons old lessons,No it does not matter to write in Capital letters.


thank you soha

Hai friends anyone willing to discuss ielts on skype for minimum 1 hr a day ? i require a minimum mandatory score of 7+ . i prefer to combine discussion with any one sailing in the same boat only. I am practicing writing task 2 at the moment. Then pl add my skype id shafva


I have been searching for some offline and online ielts materials to self-study to get a bandscore at least 7.5 - 8; however, i am too confused to pick a right one beacause there are too many sources outthere. May you suggest any websites or books which might suit my case?

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