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May 22, 2013


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Thanks a lot to explain it.

Thanks a lot *for explaining it.

Thank you for explaining this situtaion.

I want to learn the meaning of phrases.

Could you tell us please?

Hi Simon,

Thanks a lot for today's lesson and I do hope students can be reminded once again to stop looking for "academic", "formal", "medical", or even "scientific" words with an attempt to impress the examiner (or even us!).


hi simon i would like to know some more phrases .then it wil be helpfull for me in writing......

I found Cambridge Collocations In Use ( book's name) very useful. I suggest all learning word combinations in variety topics.

Hi Simon,

I feel very confuse about "to + v.ing". Usually we use "to + v.", when should we use this special form?

Thanks a lot

Hi Simon,
I want to ask you how can i find " Band 7 vocab" in your website? too much for me to search it and i dont know where it is .

using more collocations rather than big words, right?

Hi, Simon. i need an urgent information.Because of the stress in writing session instead of writing "discuss both views and your own opinion", i did give my opinion and supported only one side with 6reasons and 2 examples. it was about free education . What do you think will i l be granted 6 points ? task one was line graph and i think i could express it pretty good, with the limited lexical mistakes .

Hi Simon,
Your site is fantastic.My question is about task 2.My teacher in Canada says Don't use "I agree"or "From my point of view".Also, about intro he says it is too short.I am just following your lessons .

Your essay is amazing,but i want to told you that a chinese traning teacher (郑仁强)zhengrenqiang is copying your article compeletly for training propose .what is more,he use it without explain where the reasoures come from.

Hi, Simon,

Does it mean that the essay uses plain English can get a good score?

Hi Simon..
Great explanation thank you a lot for being so heplful for all. I am aware of this way to get higher score in exam but I am totally confused how can i do those kind a phrases my own. Should I read more books, articles, magazines in English??? Or practise more by writing essays on different topics?
I hope to get the answer from u as soon as you have time.
I will visit these comments frequently to find out your reply..
Thank's beforehand

hi on 6 july my exam but my writing is too week i'm get only three bend in my class plz give me a salution

hi simon I would really appreciate if you could give some good phrases for different essay subjects along with you e book.thanks

On 27th August my exam but my writing is too week i'm get only three bend in my class plz give me a solution to achieve my desirable bands.
Or sand awesome vocabulary please its urgent.

Zia Liaquat

Hai Simon,

"delay the development of a child's first language",

Can you frame this sentence differently without changing the meaning?

Hi Simon
WIll it be correct if I say " put off the improvement of child's initial language

I used to use 'big' words, awkwardly, now I am practicing to use 'small' words and put them together naturally ...

Thank you Simon, you are great great great!

very nice explanation you shared. it will help me in writing task, thank you

hello simon
when we use the commas and other signs in essay.

HI simon
my examn is to near please send me vocabulary because my writting is to weak...


thanks a lot for explaination

ameliorate :- sudharna.
deliberately:- knowingly
peril :- strong
accord :- agree
tariff :- rate
amenities :- facilities

simon i feel very glad to got u .U advise us about writing skill those are really wonderful

Hi simon i cant speak proper english so i want to more improvment in speak english n i m so halpless for writing task 2

Hi simon i feel helpless becz i m weak in writing task 1'2 plz sir give me advise and ideas

Delay the development of child'first language
I want to know the meaning of this. I means who we can use this phrases.

Hi Simon,my exam is near so plzz can u send me some tips to score 7 bands in writing task 2..

hlo smon my exam is near , so plz help me . i rally need yor help

hi simon...i need some help for my writing task 2...need some important vocabulary

Hi Simon my exam is after 30days, so please help me, to get good score in writing task 2. So plz give me some common important vocabulary.plzzzzz

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