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May 29, 2013


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Some possible band 7 words/phrases:

primary school age
the core subjects
take valuable study time
key disciplines
from these key disciplines

core subjects
mother tongue language
valuable study time
key disciplines
causing confusion
could delay the development

'It is true that there...'
'...primary school age.'
'The core subjects in most primary...'
'...it can be argued ...'
'In particular, some people (might)...'

Dear Simon,
Thank you so much for the effective lessons.

Here are some vocabulary which could be considered as ' band 7 or higher'

1. Learning a foreign language at primary school age
2.Can be considered
3. More important than a second language
4.the core subjects in most primary school
5. The mother tongue language
6.take valuable study time
7. From these key disciplines
8.causing confusion in the young learners
9.could delay the development of a child's first language

Have a nice day:)

-disadvantages to learing foreign language
-young children need to study other subjects
-can be considered as
-the core subject is
-lessons in new language can take valuable study time away from this key disciplines
-causing confusion to younger learners
-some people might worry
-delay the development of child's first language

some band 7 words and phrases:
(at least for me)

foreign language
primary school age
second language
The core subjects
the mother tongue language
take valuable study time
key disciplines
the young learners
the development of a child’s first language

Band & vocabs
which can be considered ,The core subjects ,the mother tongue language,valuable study time,from these key disciplines, causing confusion ,could delay the development,

opposite view,

However,there are some reasons why to learn learn foreign language at priimary school.Second language is as important as other subjects such as maths and science, and thats why should be part of curriculum at pirmary school.For example,English is taught at primary schools in many countries where English is not a primary language.During primary school years students are capable of learning second language easily.Furthermore,they do not have to waste time after second language,and they can give more time to academic subjects.

easily.Furthermore,they do not have to waste time after second language,and they can give more time to academic subjects

little bit correction,

easily.Furthermore,they do not have to waste time after second language DURING SECONDARY SCHOOL,and they can give more time to academic subjects

Some vocabularies and phrases that help improve the score as follow:

1.Primary school age
2.Core subjects
3.Mother tongue language
4.Take valuable study time away from these key disciplines
5.Causing confusion in the young learners
6.Delay the development of a child's first language.

hope to receive many remarks from all of you
all the best!

Hi Simon,

I'd like what you have been doing all these years to us and I'd really appreciate it. It seems that you like Alex Ferguson work passinately feeling no exhastion. Interestingly enough, your tips and techniques seem that are getting better and better , if someone already takes a look at your site he will find that today's tips are valued more than before.

1. Primary school age
2. The core subjects
3. Mother tongue language
4. Key disciplines
5. Delay the development of a child’s first language.

the core subject.
take valuable study time away.
causing confusion in the young learners.
delay in the development of a child's first language.

1- The core subjects in most primary schools are the mother tongue language,
2- as well as causing

1- Subjects which can be considered more important than a second language.
2- mother tangue.
3- new lessons in new language take valuable study time away from these key DISCIPLINES.
4-confusions in the young learners.
5- could delay the development of child's first language.


at primary school age
core subjects
mother tongue language
take valuable study time away
key disciplines
causing confusion
In particular
delay the development of a child’s first language


- primary school age
- which can be considered
- the core subjects
- the mother tongue language
- valuable study time
- key disciplines
- causing confusion
- delay the development

-primary school age
-core subjects
-key disciplines
-cousing confusion
-delay the development

Hi Siomon!
Could i ask you a stupid question?
If i get 7.0 in my task2 writing and 6.0 in my task1 writing,what would be my overall band score in my writing? and how about the opposite(T1:7.0; T2:6.0)

at primary school age
can be considered as
core subjects
the mother tongue language
can be argued that
take valuable study time
these key disciplines
cause confusing in
delay the development of a child's first language

Hi Simon,

"The main problem is that young children need to study other subjects which can be considered as more important than a second language", do we need 'as' here?

However, the benefits of early age foreign language lessons are even more. Young children tend to learn every thing faster as well as be less shy so that it is easy to teach them a language through games and other activities in the shortest time. Moreover, most adult learners often experience problems to adjust new pronunciation but this problem can be delt easily with young students. On the top of that, today knowing international language is becoming one of the most essential skills in our globalized era, so it is worth setting this subject top priority at schools from early days.

By the way of conclusion, we should ignore some disadvantages of teaching students at primary school, because its benefits offset drawbacks in long term.

primary school age
core subjects
mother tongue language
can be argued
valuable study time
key disciplines
young learners


Here are the words/phrases that I think would impress the examiner.


- at primary school age
- core subjects
- mother tongue language
- take valuable study time away from
- key disciplines
- causing confusion in the young learners
- delay the development of a child’s first language


- which can be considered as
- it can be argued that
- In particular, some people might worry that


Hi Abdolaziz,

Thanks for your kind comment. I don't think I deserve to be compared to Alex Ferguson, but it was very nice of you!


Hi ptc,

I'm not an expert (examiners don't do the calculations), but I'd assume that you would get 6.5 in both cases.

Hi I have incorporated the things i learnt through days of reading and studying this website.

I am wondering if anyone can help me and comment on my essay. Can someone be kind enough to maybe rate (?) my essay?

Child labor is still an issue unsolved in many of the under developed, less developed or developing countries. Should developed countries come forward to provide some aid to eradicate it totally? Give your views.


It is true that despite the efforts directed towards resolving the issue of child labor, countries all over the world continue to face this major concern. In my opinion, developed countries should spearhead the campaign against this debilitating problem.

There are several convincing reasons why rich countries should take a strong stand and responsibility in leading the movement for total eradication of child labor.

Firstly, rich countries own enough monetary gains to implement radical changes. On the other hand, poor countries are in a lot of debts to international financing organizations that they are powerless in supporting the family’s basic needs; hence, resulting to drastic measures such as exploitation of children to contribute income to the family. With the support of rich countries through creating good paying jobs for these children’s parents, poor families living in third-world countries may improve their sub human conditions.

Secondly, powerful countries are capable of strengthening the campaign against child labor by implementing international laws that protects the human rights of these children. They can impose serious punishments to anyone who supports and allows child trafficking and exploitation.

Finally, this global concern needs quick resolution which can only be attained if all countries work hand-in-hand. Although we know that child labor occurs mostly in underdeveloped countries due to the high poverty rates, developed countries should back them up to avoid further harm to its victims.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that developed countries have the wealth and the power to implement change for these affected children’s ongoing misery. On this note, I am very convinced that they should play an indispensable role in the fight towards a complete stop to child labor.

Dear teacher & friends!

I continue with the rest of the essay. Welcome your comments:

On the other hand, the advantages of learning an another language early have been proved through time.

Firstly, many experts advise that the sooner you learn a new language, the higher level you can gain.

Secondly, children are less self-conscious and shy than adults, so it really easy for them to copy and pick up the pronunciation of a new tongue, which is one of the decisive factors leading to success in pursuing a foreign language.

Finally, nowadays studying a foreign tongue has become popular as other disciplines, and it is considered as the key factor opening the door to better job opportunities.

In conclusion, with what mentioned above, i completely believe that primary school age is the most suitable time for children to begin learning a new language.

Today a lot of different cultures and ethnic groups live together in one country. Why is this so and do you think this is a positive or negative development?

could any 1 give ideas ONLY for the the above essay ..

thank u

do u think one line should be left blank between two paragraphs??

Is it necessary for a test taker to write word count after completing the essay?

Hi Simon, I have a question on introduction. I have read your many lesson on this and I understand your advise is to keep it short and sweet. However, I am still very much confused. First question is, does our introduction should be able to express to examiner that if we are going to write about both side or arguments or only one side. Because I understand we should introduce topic and then write our opinion, but then in essays where I would write both side vs one side there is no difference. For example, if we take topic
"Families who do not send their children to public schools should not be required to pay taxes that support universal education.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?"

I wrote this intro,

"Many people feel that citizens who don’t send their children to public school shouldn’t be required to pay education taxes. While I believe that there are arguments in the favor of this statement, I disagree with this point of view."

now it would be same even if I write both side of arguments here or write both para supporting disagree side. Please help, I have exam on June 8th this confusion is really making me nervous. thanks so much in advance!

What is the format to write various type of essays like agree or disagree,discussion essay,argumentative essay and so on.

- The main problem is that
- which can be considered as more important than
- take valuable study time away from these key disciplines
- as well as causing confusion in the young learners
- In particular
- delay the development of a child's first language

just copy.
on the other hand, there are some significant advantages to learn a foreign language for primary children. the main reason is that young children can learn new things faster. compared with others, they are less self-conscious or shy, and mimic pronunciation without inhibitions.Also they enjoy copying and learning through games, which could bring them a lot of fun during studying progress. practice and repetition through games or activities are essential for a language learner. furthermore, learning a new language could broaden children's horizons, which means language learning is more than just speaking and writing in a different language, but it is a good opportunity to experience a different culture.

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