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May 11, 2013


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Hi Simon
I am a continuous follower of your blog. I really like your teaching styles and your approach to your followers here on the Internet.I have scored overall band score of 8 after making notes from your blog.
You are a magical person and please always be there to guide your followers.


Good luck Simon.

Hi Mamta:)
Congratulation for the great score.
I'm from bangladesh but I live in Norway now.
I'm also following Simon's website everyday.
It's really great help for ielts taker. Simon is too much helpful for us.
I'll give exam in august. Any suggestions from you to get 6.5 in reading and writing.
Hope to hear from you.
Thank you so much in advance.

Great programme Simon.
Are they/you accepting International Students?

I always support your projects :)

Hi Simon,

Thanks for sharing!
This is indeed very interesting and I wish you lots of success in this project!


This is a great initiative. Dare I ask which team you support Simon.


Thanks for the supportive comments guys!

Hi Magi,

We can't help with visas this year (because of the time it takes to get accreditation), so it's just students from within the EU. Next year we hope to open the course to international students. Maybe we can collaborate in some way!

PS. Hi K, I support Man U.

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