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February 11, 2014


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Thanks Simon,very nice one...:)

It is very useful.

Thanks to Simon.

Thank you for a very useful lesson - As Always!
It's so good to see your today's lesson -- at last. It doesn't feel right until have seen your daily lesson , most of the time quite interesting ,quite inspiring. May God Always Bless you ,Dear Simon!!!!!!!!

Thank you Mr Simon.
Everyday I am waiting for your daily lessons which are extremely useful.
I appreciate your work in this helpful website.
I hope I can get 7 in all band studying this website.

Very informative! Thanks a lot Simon 😊

Thank you Simon! More power!!!

Thank you so much.

It was really a helpful lesson.


Excellent! Additional ideas for me. Thanks Simon

thankx sir....

i cant hear negative sentences properly.for example in the video when interwee said " that wasn't my original choice to work..." i heard it as "that was my original choice...". it also happens a lot to me. please help me.

Thank you Simon

Amazing work Simon, Quite impressive.... Happy that i am your student.

Thanks a ton.


Thanks guys! I'm glad you like the lesson.


Hi Northern,

It's just a matter of practice to improve your "ear".

Hi guys ....
Iam looking for some body to practice some Ilets speaking with each other ... I've got 6.5 and wanna bring it up to band 7 ....

My skyPe Id : slloom2014

Please tell me which one is correct in listening test
q1-giveAnswer in 3 word
22nd of October, 22nd October,22 October
Q2-give one word ans
31st March, 31 March
Q3-4:30 and 5-12 contains how many words?

Thank you so much,Simon! I got an 8.5 for listening last December!

Great page, soo informative!thank you for your hard work Simon!

Thanks a lot. Informative and clear .

dear Simon,
In my country, we can't access to Youtube, could you plz post your lesson on other video sharing pages ( Vimeo, Bing Video, dailymotion...)
Many thanks Simon

Thank you very much, Simon. However, I have a bit question for listening. When I am listening some English report and TV show for improving my listening skill, should I read the captions(if it provides)?

Thank you so much, it is really helpful,

God bless you

Very helpful.I got 6.0 score in listening skill last year but my target is 7.0. I need more time to practice all skill. Thanks Simon

Thank you very much!

Hi, Simon. I can't see the video, but I really want to have a look at it. Would you please send it to me if it's possible, thanks very much. My e-mail is [email protected].

Thanks so much Simon :)

@Ammy: You can watch the video directly from youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6aF79U1HnY

thanks simon

@Ammy:hi,you may also need this website http://youtube.ccnn.info/
to visit the website that danhpt gave you

Dear, Simon
I can't see the video, but I really want to look at it. I would be very grateful if you could send it to me. thanks a lot. My e-mail is [email protected]

thank you very very much Simon !

Your clips help me a lots with my study :)

All the videos are extremely instructive, thanks a lot!)

god ! ielts listening is quite tricky like a maze.

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