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March 08, 2014


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Thank you Mr. Simon.

I been reading your lesson for the past 2 weeks and it help me a lot. The "Firstly, Secondly and Finally technique is very useful and I never thought it would also work in speaking.

Thank you so much! God Bless!

Owa from Philippines


I wanna share advice about mistake I had it at my last speaking exam

The examiner asked me to talk about tourism attractions in Part 2&3...
which is means beaches,mountains,amusment parks,temples,museums,skyscrpers and castles...

but I when I answerd I talked about tourism destinations such as cities and towns,Then I had bad score..

So there is difference between tourism destniations and tourism attractions

Be careful guys about the these specific details,which might reduce your score

Hi everyone,
I think many people ignore this small but very effective advice in terms of improving your score and concentrate on big and hard suggestions.

The reason behind this view is that I follow very well Mr Simon advice for the reading. And as a result, it turns out my (G)reading score from 5.5 to 7.5 within 15 days. I read somewhere from a Mr Simon website that to improve your general reading score, one should improve his academic reading at some extent and only read academic passage also with sharp concentration will help a lot.

From my experience, focus on one particular part for improvement will help you a lot rather than applying so many methods together.

i blieve that many people know this way, but most of people do not arrange everything before starting to speak at the moment.
So it is important to practice every day to achieve that we want.

It is certainly very difficult to speak in such an organized way, but with regular practice and quick thinking, I think this is perfectly doable, especially in Part2 when you have 1 minute to prepare.

Some people have great ambitions in life, others don’t. Do you think ambition is important to succeed in life? Is it a positive or a negative quality to have?

Sir please i need ur answer

Sir going for my exam on 6 sep.need ur reply before 6 sep.

sir moreover i bought ur ebook online .really it is very helpful for my exam preparation

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