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May 20, 2014


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In current circumstances, movies play vital role in children development
Is the above sentence grammatically and logically correct.?. please tell me

Please tell me how many body paragraphs are best 2 or 3

Hi Masoon, you must write under not in, in the meantime a vital role....

Thanx orxan, you mean it would be like.
Under the current circumstances, movies play in the meantime a vital role in children development
Am I right ?? I want to know also how many body paragraph should be in an essay for high score

In the meantime, movies play a vital role in children development.under the current circumstances, children should watch movies with in certain limits.

Is the above lines are correct or need correction ??

Hi Simon,

There are about 9 books of the Cambridge IELTS. What are the general differences between those, say, difficulty level or something. I heard that the latest one is the closest to the exam and I should focus on it, is that true?

If not, which one is a good start since I haven't used any of them yet?


Hi Masoon,

I always try to write 2 main paragraphs for writing task 2.


Hi helicha,

The numbers just show the edition i.e. book 1 was published first, and book 9 is the newest. I recommend the newer books, from 5 to 9.

Thank you simon , you are the best teacher

Thanks, Simon.

Hi simon sir
, in listening , there is no any difference in between " plants" and " plan " . Both have almost same sound. How can I recognize the difference

Hello simon,
I am going to take my ielts exam after 15 days and i want to improve my spaeking. As i cant find any native english speaker arround me. can you please suggest me how i train myself for speaking task.
Thanks in anticipation

Hi iwant to start study ing for ielts exam for first time how many weeks do I need if im in intermediate level in English.

awesome, Thanks , Simon

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