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May 08, 2014


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hi simon.... your answer is well managed and cover all points as usual. you represented overview from general to specific point.I always got much more problem with describing the table form question type as writing task 1.would you please update any good recent type of table with answer and explanation in next lesson? your help would be appreciated. many thanks for your all lessons.

types = platforms

two main points
>> 3 platforms rose except one platforms which is Console game dropped
>> handheld games was the most increased

here is my answer:
The bar chart compares the worldwide selling of different four sorts of video games in billions of dollors over the period of 7 years.

It can be clearly seen that,sales of all three kind of digital games showed upward trend from 2000 to 2006 except console games.The sales figures for handheld games represented, it was remained most popular game among all other games each year.


Examples of paraphrasing:

bar graph = bar chart
global sale = turn over in dollar from sales
different types = different platforms

Two main points for overview:

The increasing trend for three out of four games.
The popularity of the handheld devices compared with other games

Hi Friends,
I am focusing on IELTS academic 7band score.If anyone would like to help me for speaking please join in my skype id b4uk2004

Bar chart- bar chart
Shows- compare
Global sales- turnover
Types- platforms

1. The overall picture is that three out of four platforms are significantly increased over a 6- year period.
2. The handheld games sales were twice higher in each platform

Here is my answer:

The given bar chart compares the consumption of people around the world in terms of four different kinds of game between 2000 and 2006
It is clear that the amount of money that people spent on handheld, mobile phone and online game rose over the period shown, and handheld devices experienced the fastest growth. By contrast, the console games consumption decreased gradually.

Simon I always have a feeling that you are good at maths ( are you?) apart from good at teaching. Well,' for teaching 'it seems that it's in your blood!!

Hi Simon,

I just received my result for 26th April test:
L:8, R:8.5,W:7.5,S:7.5

Many thanks for your free advice on writing.

The given chart shows the trend of amount spend on four different categories of game over a period of seven years between 2000 and 2006.

One of striking feature of this data is that all the three except one have increased over the said spin. another feature is that the handheld game remain the champion of all over the said period.

The bar chart compares the turnover of global sales in dollars from four different platforms,namely mobile phones, online games, console games and handheld games, from 2000 to 2006. In general, the sales of handheld games was higher than any other classes of games.

Hi all,

Below are the paraphrases that I noticed:

1- bar graph = bar chart
2- global sales = global turnover
3- global sales of handheld games = sales figures for handheld games
4- in billion dollars = in dollars
5- different types = different platforms
6- between 2000 and 2006 = from 2000 to 2006
7- between 2006 and 2006 = over the 7-year period

I think the two main points mentioned are :

- Games with increasing contribution to total turnover
- The most popular game

hi simon
I have just received result for 26th april test:
I Need to appear second time on next saturday as I need 7 in each module . can you please help me in writing?

Hai Jasur,
I will try to re write.
On the one hand, celebrities are extremely popular for the outstanding performances they perform and the young generation is a great admirer of these famous people. For example, nowadays, professional football players like Lionel Messi and Cristian Ronaldo, who are role models for youth in order to achieve their goals. Certainly, famous people are well known because of the talents and the way they perform their acts. If the stars can not achieve anything in their fields, they also might not be a person who is a good example for young people. Take sport stars and musicians for exampl, who give their best performance for the pride of the nation, but that does not always make them popular.

turnover in dollars = the amount of dollars
different platforms = types
namely = there are

According to graph, handheld games was the best seller games in this period. In detail, the sales of this type of games was at least twice throughout the period. In addition, the amount earned by selling handheld games went up for a period of six years with a platetue between 2004 and 2005. However, the least seller games was online games. Sales experienced the same trend as the former type of games but the increase rate was comparatively rapid. Similarly, sales for mobile phone games, first introduced in 2002, rocketed at in this period, amounting from only 1 bn in 2002 to about 7 bn in 2006.
However, there was a completely reverse trend found in sales of console games. Although the global sales in dollors of other three types of games rose up, the sales of console games decreased gradually in this period.

In conclusion, it is clear that the technological games tended to be more popular in these years but the demand of handheld games was far outweigh other types of games.

Hi Simon,

Paraphrases in the introduction and overview:
1. the bar graph = the bar chart
2. shows = compares
3. the global sales (in billions of dollars)= the turnover in dollars from sales
4. digital games = video games
5. different types = 4 different platforms
6. between 2000 and 2006 = from 2000 to 2006/ the 7-year period

Two main points:

1. Grouping 3 items having the increasing trend.
2. Pointing out which the highest rise is.

Ha Nguyen

Hi Simon,

It's a very good introduction. I have a small question: which one is correct?

The figures for 3 other types showed an upward trend


The figures for 3 other types showed upward trends

The difference here is the singular/plural noun I should use

The chart compares figures for worldwide sales by various virtual game types over a period of 6 years, from 2000 to 2006.

It is clear that by far the highest amount of money was spent on Handheld Games throughout the world during the period shown. It is also noticeable that while the amount of sales of Console Games fell steadily, figures for Mobile Phone and Online Games rose remarkably.

Good luck

Hai Simon,
Can I paraphrase the question as below?
The bar chart compares the worldwide sales in dollors of four different kinds of gadgets over a period of seven years.

I like this website. I intend to take the ielts exam in Sept. Thanks.

Examples of paraphrasing

The bar chart = the bar graph
The global sales = the turnover in dollars from sales
Digital games = video games
Types = platforms

Two main points for overview

1. Increasing trend of the platforms
2. Comparing the most increasing platform with the others

will take the ielts in 2 months time. appreciate if someone could help..here's my yahoo messenger. Lets exchange ideas [email protected]

The bar chart provides an information regarding the global sales in billions of games in four different areas namely, mobile phones, online, consoles and handheld devices over a period of seven years.

Can i write this introduction if at all such type of question is asked???

The bar chart presents global profits of four kinds of games including mobile phone, online, console, and handheld over a period of 6 years. Overall, while console games tended to slightly decrease, others increased obviously during the time.

i think the last sentence in the over view wasnt right

You mentioned many times about overviews.But what is an overview and how could i write an overview?

Hi Simon,
I have to get score 7 in each section. Could you join me in your team and help me writing part. I am always following your tips.

warm regards

Hello Sri,

I am in same situation. We could check each other works.
I am getting 6.5 in writing. I need 7.

Email me on [email protected]


hi sir,i want 8 on each band and i need help of you sir.

hi sir, give me all the ways to score band 8 on all task ..

Hi everyone,
I am a new learner of this page. Why don't we point out all figures for writing a bar chart?

hye simon, please i really need a help from you i am writing second time ielts test... first time i got L-5.5,r-5.0,w-5.0, and s-6 overall 5.5 but i want 7.0 in all the session. my second time test is on 13 november 2015 .. thank you warm regards...

Hello Suhel

Could you help me preparing with writing section?
It is because I`m only getting 5,5 in writing and I need something more. After one month I have to pass an Ielts exam so please help me to deal with it if there is enough experience on you.

This is my e-mail: [email protected]

Hi Simon.
If you don't mind please give me some advice with my answer below for the same task 1 question. I would be very grateful.
The bar chart compares turnover in four game types in the period of 6 years. Overall, it can seen from the graph that all types of games, except for console games, experienced an upward trend and that handheld games' sales remain higher than that of any other games.

In 2002, there were only two types of games, Console and handheld games, with the latter standing at nearly $12 billions, twice as much as the former. Over the next 6-year period, there was even a bigger gap between those two game types, which resulted from their opposite trends. While the sales of Console games decreased sharply, handheld game turnover rose steadily, ending the period at just below $18 billion, six times more than that of Console games.

The other two types of game, online and mobile games, started at modest levels of sales when they were introduced. There was though a gradual rise in both types from 2001 to 2006, and they were at the same level of sales for most of the time. In 2006, however, online games' sales exceeded that of mobile games for the first time, with approximately 2 billion dollar more than mobile games' sales.

The bar chart compares the sale volumes word wide of digital games for 4 platforms from 2000 to 2006.
First of all we can see that the turnover of mobile phone games, online games and handheld games saw an increase over the 7-year period while the revenue of console games went down. Handheld game is always the platform that made the highest revenue.
There is a marked upturn in the sale of handheld games between 2000 and 2006. Over 7 years, the sale amount rose around 150 percent from 11 to 17 billions dollars. In the same period, the revenue from console games fell from 6 to 3 billions dollars. In 2006, sale volume of handheld games is 6 times higher than that of console games.
Another point we can’t ignore is that although the platforms for online games and games on mobile phone have appeared just from 2001 and 2002 respectively, they have been making more and more money. The chart shows that there is a significant rise in the sale volume of online game from zero in 2000 to about 10 billion dollars in 2006. The same growth was recorded in the revenue of mobile phone games in these 7 years.

Hi, Simon. I found your samples very useful for me to improve my writing and I have a question. When learning how to write bar charts in class, my teacher said that we mustn't use words like "rise significantly" or "dramatic drop", etc. because they are only used when describing a line graph. Is that OK if I use these words for a bar chart? Thank you in anticipation

The bar graph illustrates the international consumption of four distinct digital games such as ( mobile phone games, online games, console games ,handheld games ) over the period of seven years. Units were measured in billions of dollars.
Overall, it is clear that demand of handheld games , online games and mobile games went down. Sales figures of handheld games were at least twice high as those for any other platform in almost every year.

Overall , it is clear that demand of handheld games,online games and mobile games rose each year while console games Went down .

Hi Sir,

The first paragraph you wrote: The bar chart compare the turnover in dollars from sales and video game for.....

I could like to ask what does “from....for”, is that any grammar can explain it? Because I did find any relative information when I google it. 😅

hi Simon!
I'm confused of this
between 2000 and 2006. it's " over the period of 7 or 6 years"
Thank you so much!

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