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November 15, 2014


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Thanks your advice.
IELTS left me feeling powerless several times ,and I am going to take another shot next week. This advice makes me feel encouraged and I think that I will not give up even if I failed this time. This is because I realised that I am still making progress when I read this recommendation.
I got a question. Have you ever thought that you can update this blog for such a long time? I used to try to write diary everyday, but I never succeeded!

thanks Simon for everything you did

Hi simon!
"We also should..." and "we should also". which one is correct?


Both are possible but the second is more natural because 'also' often sits just before the main verb.

Hi Sjm!
Thanks you so much :)

Hello, Simon!
Somebody in recent exam questions 7 says that we must not write dates in this way : 28th October , for example. However, in the answer sheets of many books that is correct...
What is really true? How to write dates in the IELTS: 28th October or 28 October?

Hi Simon, Can I improve my score from 6.5 to 7 in one month?

Thanks, it really helps me to keep my concentration.

Hi simon can I improve my score from 5.5 to 6.5 in two months I have been trying for exam so long. it gives really frustration.I am studying hard .This is my final attempt.

It is true that you can not improve your score from 5.5 to 7.0 in one month, particularly in writing and speaking. However, your score can drop from 7.5 to 6.0 within one month. This did happen to me once. So you need ability and luck.

Hi, Simon! My exam is soon can you check my essay if I send it?

Hi Simon,

I definitely agree with you. I am very that thankful that I found your website. Very true indeed. You really need lots of practice

Thank you simon.
you are absolutely right. It is impossible to improve your score from 5.5 to 7 within 1 month. We should work hard and keep our momentum going.

Hi Simon,
I took the general ielts last month and my scores was L:5.5 R:6 W:6.5 S:6.5
However, when I practice cambridge books my listenings are usually 7-7.5 and the readings usually 6-6.5 and I have the academic exam next Saturday. Can I score a band 7.5 for listening and 6.5 for reading in your view?

Can I improve my score from 5.5 to 7 in two months?..How to Start preparation?

Can i improve my band score from 5.5 to 6.5 in month???? Plz give me advice

It is very interesting, everyone asking the same question. Firstly, I wanted to do the same, to ask whether i can improve from 5.5 to 7, but now i see no point of repeating:))

but how would you assess a person who gets L8 S8 R7 W5.5?
I found excuse that i am not a lingual person, more arithmetic.

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