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March 15, 2015


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You will know that you are ready when you consistently get the score you need in all of your practice tests.

Excellent advice.

Thank you sir for the great advice!

Dear Simon. I m really grateful for your tips) My first attempt - 7.5(8.5 - listening 7.5 - reading, 6.5 - writing, 6.5 - speaking)

Thanks, Simon.
I have been thinking this question for quite a while!! I have never taken the test yet. However, I am about to step out to see what the test would be like and it is going to be this Sat. I did all self study on your webiste. Crossing my fingers for good luck!!

Dear Simon,

Thanks a lot for your useful lessons and tips! They were REALLY helpful for me, especially the Writing part. My first attempt results are better than I expected: L - 8,5
R - 9
W - 7
S - 7,5
O - 8

Your e-book was the most helpful for me. So thank you so much once again! :) And good luck to those who are preparing for their IELTS tests!

Congrats Elena, you've nailed it girl. Any advice on writing task two?

Hi Simon.
Is it good to write more than 200 words in pie chart or any task 1?
There are about 206 words in your pie chart video lesson.
Please answer

Dear Simon,

If we write an essay of 200 word, how many points will the examiners take as penalty?? 1 or 0.5?

Hi Simon, Thank you so much for the advise! I'm having an IELTS preparation course right now,My last day of this course is tomorrow. I feel this course is so fast, We have no enought time to write essays and hand over it to our teacher to correct for us. I will book my IELTS test after one month, instead of as soon as possible. I have never taken IELTS exam before, I know IELTS exam is a big challege which test the level of my english. I wish I could find another specific IELTS training for writing only.

Dear Simon,
I've never taken the exam before. Is there any alternative way to estimate how I strong in different sections rather than taking test? I heared about Mock test. Could you please guide me about it?

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