I've just published a video lesson about process diagrams on this webpage.
In the video lesson I focus on the most common type of process diagram, a production process. Here's the question that I used:
(Click on the picture above to enlarge it)
Apart from the 'production process', there are two other types of process diagram:
- Natural process diagram: click here to see an example.
- Map showing a process: click here to see an example.
The technique is basically the same for all 3 types of process, but it's a good idea to practise an example of each.
Effective, simple and helpful website. I just want to share A Task 2 topic, which I encountered today 12th March's Academic IELTS:
People live longer to stay in the workforce. To what extent Do you agree or disagree with this statement? I will appreciate if you provide skeleton on this topic.
Posted by: Toxic | March 12, 2015 at 19:04
@toxic. was this on a recent ielts exam.and is this the exact wording of the question?beacause it sounds incorrect
Posted by: anne | March 12, 2015 at 19:21
sorry typo....because
Posted by: anne | March 12, 2015 at 19:39
@Toxic will you please tell us the exact wording for task 2,also what was task 1 please?
Posted by: kay | March 12, 2015 at 22:54
Hi simon,
At the moment i have some difficulties which is i have took 2 times seat for ielts exam. Firstly, i took it in november 2014 that time i only got L-5.5 R- 5 w- 5.5 S - 5 overall - 5.5, secondly,in January i got L - 6, w- 5.5, R- 5 , S - 6 overall also 5.5..so right now i am thinking how can i really improved my ielts exam.It is pretty enough if you give me some advice .
Yati, Brunei
Posted by: Yati | March 13, 2015 at 03:26
The diagrams illustrate the processes of how to produce and recycle glass containers receptively.
It is noticeable that in first diagram three major procedures consist of making glass containers. The first step is to mix various materials together such as sand, soda ash, limestone, and other chemicals. After that, all those mixed materials will be melted under very high temperature which is approximately 1500c in Glass furnace. The third step is to blow molten glass to have glass container shaped. Finally glass containers are formed.
For the process of glass recycling, as can be seen in the second diagram, it is comprised of four stages. The first stage begins with the collection of used glass. The following step is to sort all glass out according to their color difference. After sorting, glass will be washed to remove impurities in order to get purified glass in place for curshing and melting which will be carried out in step 4. At last, new products will be moulded with processed glass.
Posted by: paul | March 13, 2015 at 04:10
Don't use 'will' in processes. Just use the present simple.
Posted by: Sjm | March 13, 2015 at 05:38
Thanks Sjm
Posted by: paul | March 13, 2015 at 05:54
The diagrams illustrate the processes of how to produce and recyle glass containers. It is clear from the diagrams that there are three stages in the process of making glass containers. Meanwhile, four steps are required to recycle glass.
At the first stage of producing glass containers, sand is mixed with soda ash, limestone and other chemicals. This mixture is then brought and is melt in glass furnace where it is heated in high temperature which is approximately 1500˚C . The process continues with shaping the molten glass blowing, and then glass containers are produced at the final stage.
The first step of recycling glass is collecting the used glass. This collection is then sorted by colour before washing to remove impurities. The next steps of the cycling process, the sorted materials are crushed and melted. At the final step, these materials come to the moulding stage where they become final new products.
Posted by: Thuy Hoang | March 13, 2015 at 07:39
Hi, Sjm. Do you have facebook or website of ielts?
Posted by: Linh | March 13, 2015 at 11:38
Hi Toxic
Thank you for sharing your test topic. Please could you re word the topic? It is a bit confusing for me. Is it like 'people should stay in the workforce longer because they live longer'?
Thank you
Posted by: Jing | March 13, 2015 at 11:48
The diagram shows us how to make a glass. A glass can be make after passing three stages.
In first stage sand ,soda wash lime stone and some other chemical materials are mixing .after mixing these then melt with high temperature almost 1500c in furnace. Then it pass to next stage for giving a specific shape and finally glass is formed.
In the other part if the diagram it shows us how to recycling the glass first by collecting usable glass then it is crushing and and the washing the impurities SBD modulating to produce a new product
Posted by: irshad khan afridi | March 13, 2015 at 12:29
A glance at the diagram provided below reveals how to produce glass and how to recycle it. Making glass containers has three major steps and recycling it need one more step than that.
Of making glasses process, mixing is the first step. Sans, soda ash, limestone and other chemicals are all necessary materials. Following it, all the mixtures are melted in the glass furnace which temperature inside reaches to some 1500 degree. When glass becomes molten to be blow, it starts to be shaped. After that, fantastic glass containers are ready to be sold.
Picking up used glass for recycling is the beginning. After collecting the suitable glass, it starts to sort all glass by its colours. At this moment, there are still some other things with glass. In order to have a clean glass, washing the glass and taking impurities away will be third processing step. After getting the pure and clean glass, it needs to be crushed to small pieces then melted it. At the end, the melted glass is remodel to be new produces.
Posted by: Yun-Chen Lin | March 16, 2015 at 01:59
Hello All,
As far as as I remembered, it was
"People live longer these days to continue to stay longer in the workforce"
Task one was about the UK's households' budget on six different categories, cell-phone, telephone, internet, washing machines and desktop computers from 1999 to 2008.
Indeed it was a confusing topic.
Simon or anyone please enlighten us:)
Posted by: Toxic | March 16, 2015 at 13:44
@ Jing,
I thought it would be more appropriate as you wrote it, but it wasn't. There were no because, due to or another synonyms, which reflects cause and effect task.
@ Ann,
Yes it was on 12th March, and I spent 5 minutes on it to reassure that these is nothing I am missing :(
Posted by: Toxic | March 16, 2015 at 13:50
The picture illustrates the process of producing and recycling glass containers.
It is clear that there are four distinct stages to produce glass production from raw materials and four different steps to recycle used glass. It is also noticeable that there are some stages which are the same in the two process.
At the first stage, sand, soda ash, limestone are mixed with other chemicals. This mixture, afterthat are gone into glass furnace and dissolved at 1500 Celcius degree. At final stage molten glass is blew to create glass containers.
After the glass is used, they will be gathered and arranged according to their colour. At stage two, all of them are washed to remove the impurities. Cleaned glass then are crushed and melt again as step two of the producing glass. From this stage, similar steps as the process of producing glass above are follow to make new products.
Posted by: Giang | March 20, 2015 at 12:33
The first diagram elucidates glass manufacturing steps and raw materials required while, the second one presents glass recycling procedures.
In order to make glass sand,soda ash,limestone and other chemicals are mixed and then melted at 1500 Oc in a glass furnace. Once molten glass is obtained blowing is done to give the desired shape and finally the final product is collected.
Unlike glass production recycling starts with collection of disposable glasses as a precursor to start up its process.Then glass are categorized based on colors before washing to clean up undesired substances on it. After making sure that they are quite clean grinding and melting takes place. At the end the molten glass is molded in to various glass of interest once again.
To summarize both glass making and recycling follows more or less similar procedures. The main difference between these process is their starting materials and probably the quality of the final product.
Posted by: Tiruwork | March 21, 2015 at 17:40
The diagrams depict the process of producing and recycling glass within three and five stages respectively.
As is illustrated from the first diagram, the material needed to create glass containers is made by mixing sand, soda ash, limestone and other chemicals together. After that, the mixture is melted under an extremely high temperature which is approximately 1500oC, in a glass furnace. The last stage involves blowing molten glass up and shaping it into containers such as bottles, pots and jars.
It is clear from the second diagram that collecting used glass containers would be the first stage of glass recycling. Next, that collection is classified in accordance with colors so as to produce products in different colors. Subsequently, used glass is washed and cleaned by removing impurities contained in it. The fourth stage entails crushing glass that has been purified and then melting it. Finally, melted glass is molded into new products.
Posted by: Duong Nguyen | March 27, 2015 at 06:23
The two diagrams illustrate the production process of glass containers and the recycling process of this product, in the form of flow chart.
The process of production is divided into 4 steps, while that of recycling takes 5 steps. On the whole, the recycling process is similar to the reverse version of the production process, the main difference is that the first step to produce glass is eliminated when it is recycled.
According to the first chart, the production starts with the mixing stage, where various kinds of chemicals are added in, including sand, soda ash, limestone, and other chemicals. In the second step, these mixed chemicals need to be melted in the glass furnace, where the temperature is set at approximate 1500. After the melting stage is finished, the molten glass will go through the shaping process, where the temperature is decreased by blowing. Finally, after the glass is cooled and shaped in required form, the eventual product--glass containers--are produced.
To begin with the recycling process, a great bulk of used glass is collected. The second step is to divide the glass into different color group, each flowing into separate recycling process in the further steps. Then the glass is washed to remove impurities that are unnecessarily needed. The next step is to crush and melt these glass, which is turned into the form in the step 2 of the production process. Finally, the molten glass is molded into new products, just like the final step in production process.
Posted by: Damon | October 25, 2015 at 08:00
The diagrams illustrate the various steps in the production and recycling of the glass containers. It is noticeable that there are different steps showing how to produce or recycle the glass.
In the first step of the glass production, it start mixing with the raw materials including sand, soda ash, limestone and other chemicals, and then to melt those materials in the furnace by around 1500C. After finishing the melting process, it needs to blow the molten glass to shape a complete glass container product.
In addition, the recycling process of the used glass seems as more simple than the production process. It needs to collect those glass have been used and sort them by colour, and then to wash them in order to remove the impurities. Afterwards, those glass containers need to be crushed and then melt the washed glass in the furnace in order to mould into new products.
Posted by: Chloe Long | September 08, 2016 at 11:29
where can I find simon's full essay for this
Posted by: Sriya | December 10, 2016 at 22:56
Hello, guys. Where can I see the model answer of this diagrams from Simon. I cant find them. Thank in advance.
Posted by: Hoa Kim | January 29, 2019 at 06:04