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May 11, 2015


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Thanks Simon, for your kind guidance. I recently took my IELTS exam and got more than expected results due to your great tips.

No problem Alok. That's great news!


Can anyone advice which exam centres are good near chester pls thank u

Hi Alok,
Please share your exam questions & in which city did you take exam?

Hi Simon,

I want to ask you is there any difference in the type of question

TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE. (as I have seen that in these type of question you have told first give the opposite opinion and then write your own opinion.

please clear my confusion.


Hi Mandeep,

For me, there's no difference. I treat both questions in the same way: you can either have a strong opinion (competely agree or disagree) or a balanced opinion (partly agree).

I'll write more about this in tomorrow's lesson here on the blog.

This technique is really nice and it save precious time.

Thanks Simon,

I am surprise to see your reply for my question as it happens first time, I feel like lucky enough and hope I am gonna achieve my target now.

Thanks a lot.

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