If you want to write about both sides of the argument for an "agree or disagree" question, you need to make it clear in your introduction that you "partly agree". For example:
The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still relevant and should not be forgotten.
Notice that I often start my introductions with "It is true that", and I use a while sentence to give both views in the same sentence.
In conclusion, it is argued that the traditional ideas seem to be updated which are not acceptable for the younger, especially in the modern lifestyle. but others are still beneficial in terms of the work and the relationships.
Posted by: good | July 22, 2015 at 09:13
Hello sir,
"The very idea of intellectual copy rights is impractical because useful ideas are ultimately for service of humanity.Therefore claiming intellectual rights for anything is depriving others of benefits of innovative ideas. Do u agree or disagree????
In this essay how to agree partly ?? Can u give me some ideas??
Thanks in advance!!
Posted by: Sachin | July 22, 2015 at 09:22
Hi good,
Isn't that outdated in place of updated??
Posted by: Sachin | July 22, 2015 at 09:27
Thank you very much for the introduction, and look forward to reading your full model answer. This essay is very hard for me.
Posted by: Jing | July 22, 2015 at 09:33
oh, Dear
correct spelling: outdated
syn: old-fashioned
Posted by: good | July 22, 2015 at 09:38
I was talking about ur conclusion where u wrote updated!!!
That's why I was asking!!
Posted by: Sachin | July 22, 2015 at 09:55
Dear Simon,
I believe there are a few ways to describe 'generations'. For example:
'The older generations'
'The older generation'
'Older generations'
'The old generations'
'The old generation'
'Old generations'
Firstly, are they all correct? Secondly I get very confused sometimes. Whenever I trap in this type of noun, my writing deteriorates.
Please could I ask what are the differences?
Thank you
Posted by: Jing | July 22, 2015 at 09:58
Is this right introduction for partial agree stand?
People have different views about whether or not the beliefs of traditional ways of life and behavior are still relevant in building current generation’s modern life. In my views, while many suggestions of old generation are still applicable in today’s time, there are some that have become unnecessary.
Posted by: jay | July 22, 2015 at 14:51
Hi Simon
What would be the best ideas for 2 main paragraphs in this question?
"The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 2000 there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. To what extent do you agree or disagree?"
What if, in first paragraph write our opinion about "alternative forms of transport" and on the second paragraph write about our opinion on "controlled car ownership" (for the first one agree argument, and for the second one a disagree argument)
In this way, do we answer the question properly?
Posted by: Aria | July 22, 2015 at 19:28
I have appeared for the exam two months ago. I am satisfied with all of my modules except writing where I have scored 6. It is noteworthy that I scored 7 at ll of my 20 mock tests. would you mind suggesting the do's to score 7 in writing?
Posted by: Mostofa Mukul | July 23, 2015 at 04:03
It is a fact that old people follow traditional values in their life, but several people think that these old fashioned values are not applicable for modern people. To a certain point, I would agree that some traditional values might not be applicable for the current condition, but there are several of them which are important and they should be maintained.
On the one hand, it is true that some traditional values cannot be implemented in our lives these days. One of the examples would be that we must fully obey our parents, though they might be making a wrong decision for us. Many people in the past had studied subjects which were not in accordance with their passion, but they did it to please their parents. And then another example would be in choosing a spouse, as in the olden days, it is the duty of parents to choose a partner for their sons or daughters. I believe that these kinds of traditions could not be followed anymore, as we are living in the modern world. We have the right to choose our own passion and partner.
On the other hand, not all of the traditional ideas are old fashioned as there are some that still applicable until today. People in the past are friendlier to their neighbors than the modern people. They were socializing with their neighbors, such as having barbeque parties. Knowing the neighbors is an important thing, as sometimes they are the one who will help you when you are in an emergency situation. And then, the old generation were concerned about being effective and efficient in spending the money. I believe that this idea should always be maintained, as it is important for the young generation to learn about saving money for future education or any emergency matters.
In conclusion, to a certain extent I would agree that there are some traditional ideas that could not be implemented in the modern society. But several of them are important and beneficial for the modern people, and I believe that they should be maintained, and taught to the future generation.
Posted by: Juli | July 23, 2015 at 04:03
Juli, you had very good ideas and examples. I liked your balanced answer.
1. I believe that these kinds of traditions SHOULD not be followed anymore. We SHOULD have the right to choose our passion and partner.
2.On the other hand, there are some conventional practices that are still useful to follow.
3.People in the past WERE friendlier to their neighbors than the modern people.
4.Having a cordial relationship with neighbours is important as they are the first who would help us when we are in need.
5. I believe maintain is not an appropriate word. I would use follow, obey and something like that.
6. conclusion could have been paraphrased better. Certain extend was repeated.
Please take this as suggestions not as a corrections as I am also a learner like you.
Posted by: jay | July 23, 2015 at 08:59
Guys, if you can provide your feedback on my answer, it would be great.
People have different views about whether or not the beliefs of traditional ways of life and behavior are still relevant in building current generation’s modern life. In my views, while many suggestions of old generation are still applicable in today’s time, there are some that have become unnecessary.
The traditions are the result of the wisdom of many generations, which are tested and proven to be the most suitable approach of livings after considering various factors such as weather, availability of resources and social fabrics of the local places. Elderly people know these facts very well because of their experience and the way they overcome difficult situations. For example, in hot countries like India cotton cloths are often suggested by the senior people to young individuals, because cotton tends to have cooling effect against heat and sweat. Therefore, such conventional practices will find their place in today’s advanced lifestyle.
On the other hand, I can understand the arguments against the conventional thinking and practices. Some of them were acceptable based on the situation of the past. However, our lifestyle keeps on changing and therefore we need to act, behave and think accordingly. Today, we live in more comfortable houses and we tend to do less physical work than we do in the past. Therefore, food as an example should have more protein content rather than carbo-hydride, because people require mental strength than the physical energy people should add more proteins on their diets rather than carbo-hydride because they require to be more mental agile than to have physical strength. Considering all such factors, young people should follow only that advises of elderly people, which are still relevant in today’s environment.
In conclusion, it seems to me that the young people should wisely choose those traditional values and lifestyles which still suit their modern life rather than blinding following them blindly.
Posted by: jay | July 23, 2015 at 09:00
Sorry friends, please ignore the previous essay as it has some invalid sentences.
have a look on this essay.
People have different views about whether or not the beliefs of traditional ways of life and behavior are still relevant in building current generation’s modern life. In my view, while many suggestions of old generation are still applicable in today’s time, there are some that have become unnecessary.
The traditions are the result of the wisdom of many generations, which are tested and proven to be the most suitable approach of livings after considering various factors such as weather, availability of resources and social fabrics of local places. Elderly people know these facts very well because of their experience and the way they overcome difficult situations. For example, in hot countries like India cotton cloths are often suggested by the senior people to young individuals, because cotton tends to have cooling effect against heat and sweat. Therefore, such conventional practices will find their place in today’s advanced lifestyle.
On the other hand, I can understand the arguments against the conventional thinking and practices. Some of them were acceptable based on the situation of the past. However, our lifestyle keeps on changing and therefore we need to act, behave and think accordingly. Today, we live in more comfortable houses and we tend to do less physical work than we do in the past. Therefore, people should add more proteins on their diets rather than carbo-hydride because they require to be more mental agile than to have physical strength. Considering all such factors, young people should follow only that advises of elderly people, which are still relevant in today’s environment.
In conclusion, it seems to me that the young people should wisely choose those traditional values and lifestyles which still suite their modern life rather than following them blindly.
Posted by: jay | July 23, 2015 at 09:02
we should write It i true in universal truth case only or that should be true sentence???? Please let me know sir, and let me know the different type of question and introduction style
Posted by: Binita Pathak | July 23, 2015 at 11:07
can someone give me some opinions about this topic?
First impressions are important.Some people think that doing well in interviews is the key to securing the position.
Posted by: Asarin | July 23, 2015 at 13:31
To what extent do you agree?
Posted by: Asarin | July 23, 2015 at 13:32
Hi Simon,
I am not sure where to post this so you can see. I cant say thank you enough. i finally got the score i need. you are the best of the best
Thank you again. All of your techniques are effective and wonderful.
Posted by: Tran Nguyen | July 24, 2015 at 03:38
Hi Jay
Many thanks for your review. I really appreciate it.
Posted by: Juli | July 24, 2015 at 03:48
Hi, Simon.
It is my first time to leave some message here. I really appreciate what you are doing now for students. I am one of them. I had the test on 11th July and I got overall 7(R:7 L:7.5 W:6 S:7). I only focused on your website for 2 months and I did my best to absorb everything you said. It is not each 7 yet..I need to work on Writing more but it was really big help.As you see, my Enlgish is not good enough but I am doing my best and your website is amazing! I Wanted to say thank you. I want to share my recent exam experience as well.
*Listening: I practiced as this site advised. I practiced all cambridge section 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively. I tried to get perfect score during section 1 and 2. I set the goal as 70% in section 3 and 50% in section 4. I made an analysis chart on my notebook and recorded what I did wrong. I could see clearly what I was doing wrong very often.I did like this all reading and listening. I practiced your everyday practice and listened TV, radio and english music all day long.
* Reading: I did a mock test at the begining and just before the exam day and then recorded what I missed and what part was the worst. Everyday I chose one of sections. One passage everyday and did the passage in 15 mits time frame and then started looking closely. I made a keyword table as I saw here and analysed all sentences closely.
* writing: I couldn't control time frame that's why I couldn't get the score at the test I think. I finished Task 2 first and then started task 1 but wasn't enough time. I could write only around 100 words in task1. In practice, I collected all recent Task 2 questions like 10 in one page and practiced paraphraising once a day for 7 days until I became familiar. I did the same with Task 1 questions too. I focused this part the most and then started reading a lot of sample essays band8 or 9 and other articles about topics. After reading I tried to make body and compared with sample essays. I used Thesaurus dictionary app together. It was really good to know all synonyms. I wrote one essay every day and sent it to the professional editting site and get some feed back. Practice practice practice.. i guess.
* Speaking: when I studied writing topics, I tried to find similar speaking topic and practice as I saw speaking tip in this site. I tried to answer KISS way(Keep in simple) in the first sentence and then I talked about whatever I wanted to say. Recored it and listened every morning when I was in the bus.I tried to enjoy talking rather than preparing an exam.
Here is what I've got on the test day.I did academic module.
*Listening: 2ppl's Research about european bees and australian bees, Hotel booking, creditcard number...it was so long! can't remember other things.
*Speaking: My question started from weather of my country..how weather would affect on people.. collecting stamps or coins. Part2 was describe when you heard a good news. when did it happend, how did you know, how did you feel about it, why did you feel that way. Discussion questions were how can we access to news thesedays? How does it affect on people's life. Is it positive or negative? What do you think about the relationship between news media and politics.. and he asked the recent news in TV which was lucky for me cause I knew about it. My friend who did the test on the same day as I did got the movie and colour questions and part 2 was about leadership.
* Writing task 1: 3 pie charts regarding the percentage of game players in South Korea 2008..
Writing task2: Some people say that we don't have to teach children handwriting anymore. What extent do you agree?
I wish everyone good luck! and I appreciate everyone's effort to help each other in this site. By the way, I am going to sit down for the test at the end of August again! Thank you.
Posted by: Hannah | July 24, 2015 at 05:04
thank you for sharing your exam experience.Good luck for your next exam, hope for you a high score
Posted by: IELTSwinner | July 24, 2015 at 21:55
Hi, IELTSwinner. Thanks :) fingers crossed!
Posted by: Hannah | July 25, 2015 at 05:18
It has been long discussed that older generation tend to be conservative about how people should do. Some people may think that these ideas are not useful in preparing younger generation for modern life. Although I firmly believed that the older generation help young people to reflect themselves. The view point of both sides of argument will be presented in the following paragraph.
There are two reasons why traditional thinking is useful for younger generation undoubtedly. First, It is no doubt that the older cogitation have impact on the behavior concerning about politeness, interaction and habit. For example, when hanging out with friends or after coming home, it is necessary to greet to parents who are worried about children's safty. In addition, the older generation have great impact on community, which is thought to be friendly, unite and eco-friendly.
On the other hand, there are contrary opinion on the conservative thinking. It is noticeable that there was gender discrimination which females couldn't have education or occupation in the past. However, It is fabulous that every job can offer to women in modern life. Furthermore, It is old fashion for older people that work is unchanged forever while changing jobs easily is shown in younger generation.
In conclusion, It si true that some conservative values still beneficial in younger generation while some are thought to be outdated.
Posted by: Jessie | July 26, 2015 at 11:11
hi Hannah, overall 7 congrats
In practice, I collected all recent Task 2 questions like 10 in one page and practiced paraphrasing once a day for 7 days until I became familiar as you were mentions " collected all recent Task 2 questions like 10 in one page " how to collect current topics it is hard for me to know from where to collect those topics, could you please send those questions to me (can be accept of photoshop, scan it then send it for me) but not too much difficult questions while I am setting the clock for preparations.
MERCI & DANKS ("kind-hearted" Dear Hannah)
Posted by: good | July 28, 2015 at 04:21
my mail: [email protected]
Posted by: good | July 28, 2015 at 04:29
Hello Simon sir,
Please See the topic of task-2 and suggest some idea.
University students should pay in full for their own education instead of the society funding their studies. The reason is that individuals tend to benefit after graduation more than the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.
Posted by: Anand | July 28, 2015 at 19:45
Hi, Merci&Danks.
I get an email from IELTS-Blog.com everyday.
They collect all recent real exam questions from everywhere and send an e-mail to students who agreed to subscribe. You can find it very easily from Google. That is how I collected the recent questions.
I hope this is helpful for you.
Posted by: Hannah | July 31, 2015 at 03:12
It is undeniable that traditions are formed of long standing practices that have been deemed socially acceptable to the relevant people of a particular time. While I agree that following traditions to the book may be old-fashioned and outdated, I also believe that there are still ideas that retain its value in modern day society.
Posted by: Asian Ricebowl | July 31, 2015 at 14:52
Hi Simon i wanted to write both sides agree and disagreeb but i got wrong the task that's why it seems like i wrote both bodies agree but in overview i noticed partly agree and disagree how will be my score?
Posted by: A | August 03, 2015 at 20:30