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July 11, 2015


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Sir I am very thankful to you for your efforts.i have joined this site for the last four day's.i m very emotional because all materials are valuable for fresh students just like me.i m also very enthusiastic about the previous lessons.that when I will study those lessons.sir my English is very weak and I belong to a profession in which conversation in English is very important.Therefore I will be happy if you guide me time to time.i will be looking for your help in this regards.in the last I appreciate your this method of instruction in which you will provide feedback to the students regarding their weaknesses.thanks sir

Dear Simon
Thank you for your great pages.
Could you put some IELTS sample questions on your website?
It will be most helpful for all candidates.
With the best wishes

Again thanks!!! You make it possible and give us energy to keep going and trying..;)

Dear Simon,

Can you please let us do the mock test?
It will be great if we can.
Thanks in advance.

Dear Simon and sjm,

I hope you could give me a reply.

I am just wondering if our scores in speaking and writing are given according to the average level of candidates on the same testing date? For example, if most candidates of one day had an overall better performance, whether my score will be given lower than another day when everyone perform normally?

Thanks in advance!

James Z.

In my opinion, no. Examiners mark your performance based on 4 basic factors, not based on the overall performance

Hi K. Nguyen,

Thank you for your comment. I don't know if there exist some subjective factors with examiners as many candidates here in China are increasingly likely to adopt the approach of preparing difficult words, advanced collocations and linking terms. Of course I know those are not recommended. But I'm a bit upset if Simon's approach would be regarded as "simple" by examiners after reviewing too many 'sophisticated' words by other candidates.

Hi, Simon
I have been using this website to prepare for my IELTS exam for a while. It is very useful. I managed to achieve my goal band score(7 on each test), with L8R7W7.5S7.5O7.5 on 27 June's test.
Thank you for your a bulk of precious IELTS material.

James Z

Examiners are not impressed at all by 'difficult words' 'advanced collocations' or 'sophisticated' language, mainly because they are usually used in the wrong situation and are usually inappropriate in spoken conversation. Examiners ARE impressed with 'natural spoken English' delivered in a native style. For example, instead of saying 'I like something', you could say 'I'm really into something' or 'I'm a big fan of something'.

If you are focussing on complex vocabulary in the speaking test you are going completely in the wrong direction.

Dear sjm,

Thank you so much for your kind reply as always. I really appreciate it.

I will definitely go on with your approach since I've been learning with Simon from the very beginning. Your reply does give me more confidence for the coming test. It's always nice to read your comment!

All the best to you and Simon!

James Z.

Hi simon sir
I have problem in speaking part 2. Pls help me.

what are the main words that the examiners will observe?
is it ok if we cover all the parts in question and the essay is been used with some easy words?

i have problems with listening and reading . i only score 6 or 6.5 in listening and in reading i score 5.5 only i want improve my both modules and i want to score above 7 in both .. plz give me relevant solution

Hi Simon,

I have tried twice but all the time i got 5.5 in Reading.Please guide me how to boost my score in reading.
Thank you.

Hi Simon,
I have tried three time but all I had low score especially in listening (spelling wrong ), got only 6 in listening, reading ,writing .. but 7-8 in speaking .. need 7 each , overall 7.5 .. please need your help have to re do the exam in jan ??

thanks alot

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