Yesterday I repeated my overall advice for the reading test, so now here's my list of advice and techniques for IELTS listening:
- Concentrate - it's really easy to miss the answers if you lose concentration, even for a moment.
- Read ahead - it's more important to be ready for the next section than to check the questions you have already done (check them at the end when you have 10 minutes to transfer your answers).
- Highlight key words - when reading ahead, it's a good idea to underline words that you think you will need to listen for.
- Have the next question in mind - when you're listening for the answer to a question, be ready for the next question as well. It's easy to miss several answers if all of your focus is on one question.
- Expect 'tricks' - the speaker may try to confuse you - click here to see an example.
- Spelling - as well as testing your understanding and vocabulary, IELTS Listening is also a spelling test. You must work on your spelling if this is a weakness.
- Difficult questions - don't worry if some questions seem really difficult. The exam needs to have questions that separate band 8 from band 9. If you are worrying too much, you might miss the easier questions that could get you a band 7.
Hi Simon,
I'm taking IELTS tests as I'm going to study in Canada. For now, my band of listening reaches 7. But when I listen to BBC news radio or online videos, I still cannot get the overall message well. In most cases I need to listen to the same piece for more than one time to understand what it's talking about. But in listening tests I think I can find most answers. I just wonder how I could get through my life abroad if I cannot understand well information from radio, vedio or TV. Is it because the topics of IELTS Listening are kind of fixed and simple? Or my level and vocabulary of band 7 are still too limited?
Posted by: Oria | August 11, 2015 at 12:04
Hi, Simon, I think I am good at gap fillings in listening part, but the multiple choice question is really tough for me, especially in section3 and 4, could you please give some more tips about that, thanks.
Posted by: Leo | August 11, 2015 at 22:19
Hi Simon,
I have a question about time management in listening sections. As you know the first questions in sections 1 , 2 are often easy.
but in sections 3 and specially 4 are getting immediately difficult. Most of the time I don't have enough time to skim them. So is it correct in first sections' s time, I skim the questions of last section?
Posted by: Azadeh | August 12, 2015 at 17:56
@Azadeh, I got some tips from the IELTS teacher: When you are allowed to open the exam paper, you should scan section3 &4 first, especially there are some mutiple choice questions.You should back to section1 till you hear the tape say the example of section1.And dont return to check the answers you have done,just move ahead. There are remain 10 minutes for you to check and transfer them to the answer sheet.
Posted by: Leo | August 16, 2015 at 07:27