Look at the following question (from Cambridge IELTS 5) and the section of text that contains the answer. I've underlined the key words.
The writer suggests that newspapers print items that are intended to
A) educate readers
B) meet their readers' expectations
C) encourage feedback from readers
D) mislead readers
A third source of confusion is the attitude of the media. People are clearly more curious about bad news than good. Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants. That, however, can lead to significant distortions of perception.
Which keywords in the passage match the keywords in the question? What is the correct answer? Why?
mislead = distortions
Posted by: kalyani | August 03, 2015 at 09:02
intended to= can lead to
mislead= significant distortions of perception
Posted by: good | August 03, 2015 at 09:17
For me the correct answer is D.
Because this passage is looking for a reason or justification.
Posted by: Raquel | August 03, 2015 at 09:20
B :)
because, I think:
1) newspapers print items=Newspapers and broadcasters
2) that are intended to=are there to
3) meet their readers' expectations=provide what the public wants.
Posted by: Jimmy | August 03, 2015 at 09:34
The correct answer should be B, because "Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants."
Posted by: IELTSTAKER | August 03, 2015 at 09:34
I think the correct answer is B.
In addition to keywords, the following approach may also be useful in this question.
''intend to'' is an expression used to state goals.
Therefore, the answer should include the goal of the newspapers, either by a word or a structure.
You can state the goal of your actions by adding an infinitive to the main sentence, as is the case in the second sentence.
Newspapers print items = Newspapers are there
intended to = to provide (infinitive)
meet the reader's expectations = what the public wants
Posted by: Someone from Turkey | August 03, 2015 at 09:41
- Newspapers and broadcasters = newspapers print items
- intended to = provide
The correct answer is B
- meet expectations = what the public wants
Posted by: Tinh | August 03, 2015 at 09:54
Posted by: mehran | August 03, 2015 at 10:03
I think it is D,,,
Posted by: seoyoung | August 03, 2015 at 10:51
distortion of perception = mislead readers.
Posted by: Biks | August 03, 2015 at 11:14
I believe that the right answer is B. Newspapers print items aren't intended to mislead reader because distortions of perception might be the consequence of their actions to meet their readers' expectations. In other words, newspapers provide what the public wants even though this can lead to negative consequences.
Posted by: Lioness | August 03, 2015 at 11:49
newspapers print items = Newspapers and broadcasters provide
intended = meet
expectations = wants
Posted by: NEE | August 03, 2015 at 12:38
Posted by: justin kuttipuzha | August 03, 2015 at 12:43
Posted by: Aisha | August 03, 2015 at 13:00
D is correct
Posted by: nica | August 03, 2015 at 13:44
Posted by: chu | August 03, 2015 at 14:08
Posted by: MAYADA | August 03, 2015 at 14:24
Posted by: tuan | August 03, 2015 at 14:40
Answer :B
key words :provide what the public wants
Posted by: Michelle | August 03, 2015 at 14:50
meet their readers' expectations = are there to provide what the public wants.
Posted by: Biks | August 03, 2015 at 15:11
Posted by: Dream Chaser | August 03, 2015 at 15:53
I think the correct answer is B simply because:
Newspapers & broadcasters = the writers
meet = provide
public want = reader's expectation
Posted by: Phuongnhung | August 03, 2015 at 17:10
Posted by: murmur | August 03, 2015 at 17:18
Posted by: the wall | August 03, 2015 at 17:41
I think the correct answer is B.
Keywords are:
provide= meet
what the public want= readers' expectations
Posted by: İris | August 03, 2015 at 17:44
Attended to = are there to
to meet someone's expectation = to provide what they want
Posted by: Shugi | August 03, 2015 at 17:50
I think the answer is B.
be intended to meet = to provide
expectation = what the public wants
Posted by: Lee, jongs | August 03, 2015 at 19:05
Posted by: Gulden | August 03, 2015 at 20:09
no doubt the correct answer is B
Posted by: saad al baldawi | August 03, 2015 at 20:34
Posted by: shapol | August 03, 2015 at 21:32
i chose B because i think although the newspaper reports can mislead people(D), but they just intend to provide what the people want. so i guess B is correct.
Posted by: shapol | August 03, 2015 at 21:37
be intended to meet = to provide
expectation = what the public wants
Posted by: vian | August 03, 2015 at 21:44
Posted by: nigara | August 03, 2015 at 21:54
B) meet their readers' expectations.
...to provide what the public wants.
Posted by: Aria | August 03, 2015 at 23:41
My answer is B.
readers' expectations = what the public wants.
I think phrase “can lead to significant distortions of perception” is just consequence of argument “Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants”.
Posted by: herry | August 04, 2015 at 01:34
Posted by: Ling Zi | August 04, 2015 at 01:40
Posted by: Ian Wu | August 04, 2015 at 02:17
I think B is the answer. I totally agree with the explanation of Lioness above :). Have a nice day everyone and Hope to hear from our beloved teacher Simon soon :)
Posted by: Miss Home | August 04, 2015 at 02:23
to provide what the public want = readers' expectations
I think D is not the correct answer because it is not the intention from print media, but it could mislead readers.
Posted by: kiran patel | August 04, 2015 at 02:34
i think D Because" distortion of perception "= mislead readers
Posted by: Beginner | August 04, 2015 at 02:38
I think is B.
The question is asking what is newspaper print items' intention, it should be want to meet readers' expectation.
However, answer D(misleading readers) is the effect of the behaviour.
Posted by: Shirley | August 04, 2015 at 03:32
I think the answer is B.
The key words are:
1. Newspapers and broadcasters = newspapers print items
2. that are intended to=are there to
3. meet their readers' expectations=provide what the public wants.
Waiting to hear the correct answer from teacher Simon :-)
Posted by: vace_ex | August 04, 2015 at 04:16
My answer is B because 'Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants'.
Posted by: Hannah | August 04, 2015 at 04:37
B is my answer. Many people explained why it is correct answer above my comment.
Posted by: TrongTruong | August 04, 2015 at 04:38
intended to=attitude
mislead=A third source of confusion
Posted by: bbrobert17 | August 04, 2015 at 06:23
The answer I am thinking is B !
Due to people are more curious of bad news than good news.
Posted by: J | August 04, 2015 at 06:49
B :meet their readers' expectations
Posted by: sun | August 04, 2015 at 06:56
why go with B
look the front paragraph:
"people are clearly more curious about bad news than good "it is leading the media, print items to fulfil the reader's curious ,looking the forward of the paragraph:
" Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants"
therefore, similar meaning:
Newspaper print items = Newspapers are there intended to = to provide (infinitive) meet the reader's expectations = what the public wants
Dear Simon,
when to do the Ielts 10 and analyze it?
look forward any messages about Ielts 10 with technical and guidance . As I know the Task2 is more challenging than ever.
Best Wishes
Posted by: sun | August 04, 2015 at 07:38
however and distortions are the key words
Posted by: Jen | August 04, 2015 at 08:15
keywords in the question: newspapers, intended to
keywords in the passage: newspapers are there to
provide what the public
Posted by: ena | August 04, 2015 at 09:56
Posted by: Tian | August 04, 2015 at 11:18
meet their readers' expectation=to provide what the public wants
Posted by: Tian | August 04, 2015 at 11:21
meet readers' expectations = provide what the public wants
Posted by: Simon | August 04, 2015 at 13:12
Posted by: EMILIA | August 04, 2015 at 14:23
B ..
expectations = wants
Posted by: Shezy | August 04, 2015 at 15:27
I think the answer is D
Posted by: Phuong Huyen | August 05, 2015 at 03:06
People's want means expectations
Posted by: Pankit | August 06, 2015 at 18:55
simon pls give more tips for reading because reading is very hard for me
Posted by: pam | August 07, 2015 at 16:11
B is much better than D.The reason is that the question is about the suggestion of newspaper,and B is a assertion(100%) by the writer from the context, but D is just a inference with probability(?%),the writer is not sure all the media can mislead readers.
Posted by: Leo | August 07, 2015 at 20:48
Posted by: CJ | August 13, 2015 at 06:00
B is correct
Posted by: rupinder | September 02, 2015 at 23:31
correct answer is B
Posted by: Rosy | September 07, 2015 at 17:34
B is my choice
Posted by: LA | September 16, 2015 at 15:25
B is the correct answer,as they write in order to meet the expectations of the reader
Posted by: sameera | September 18, 2015 at 11:05
B is the correct answer
Posted by: minakshi | October 07, 2015 at 01:25
I think the correct answer is B
Posted by: a3d_91 | October 22, 2015 at 18:18
ans seems to be D BUT said that however can lead to distortion that is after ans
Posted by: aashina miya | October 25, 2015 at 07:43
Posted by: amrit | November 01, 2015 at 05:29
Dear Simon,
First of all, thanks for all useful tips and your amazing blog.
Could you please prepare a new post about book cambridge IELTS-5 ,test 1, reading part question 37.
It would be very useful if you can give some clarification about that question.
Posted by: Ayşen Müge | November 14, 2015 at 22:51
Posted by: Zani | January 18, 2016 at 16:16
I think is its D
Posted by: Bushra | February 24, 2016 at 10:07
Hi everyone I am preparing to give exam I April need 7.5 each ,struggling with reading and writing
Any good advice plz and moral support
Posted by: Bushra | February 24, 2016 at 10:11
Posted by: Rc | December 20, 2017 at 10:01