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August 31, 2015


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1. unpopulated full-scale city
2. realistic scale
3. testing ground
4. biggest scale
5. real world setting
6. mixed styles of suburban neighbourhoods

1-realistic scale
2-functional test site
3-suburban neighbourhoods

1. ground for
2. is designed to
3. is set to be
4. intelligent transport systems
5. mixed styles of ~
6. fixed-line
7. a mid-sized

on a realistic scale
under construction
is designed to be representative of
is set to be
collect information on
in a real world setting
fixed-line telecoms infrastructure
urban road systems

full-scale city
testing ground
Biggest scale testing centre
Eco-friendly system
High-rise buildings
The functional test site

under construction
unpopulated city
test site
in real world setting
intelligent transport systems
the city will feature mixed styles of...
real town
The town is the work of.....

in order to
on a realistic scale
under construction
an unpopulated full-scale
be used as
known as
be representative of
Pre-wired for
intelligent transport system
Eco-friendly system
along with
will feature mixed styles of
be capable of supporting up to

a realistic scale
an unpopulated full-scale city
a mid-sized American city
intelligent transport systems
eco-friendly systems
high-rise buildings
mixed styles of suburban neighbourhoods

is being built
will be used for testing
being tested
setting can be analyed
if it were .. would ...v-ing

on a realistic scale
Intelligent Transport System

City lab,
Testing centre
Real World setting
Testing new innovative
Intelligent transport systems
Eco-friendly systems
High rise buildings
Mixed style

Good notes guys!

unpopulated ful-scale city
mid-sized American city
pre-wired for data collection
eco-friendly system
high-rise buliding
fixed-line telecom infrastructure

be capable of doing sth

Hi Simon,how to use a word or phrase to express "a tool from long long time ago"?
tool of long ago?
ancient tool?
tool from long ago?

Thank you.

it seems an easy artical for an English learner. I got it,but whether I can correctly repeat it according to the meaning after I close the website? I do not think so. Thus I translated it to Chinese and plan to re-translate it return to English in order to see how different the ways of thinking.

hi simon, am joining too your tutorial on ielts. just begun a back...will keep in touch..thanks

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