Reading is probably the best way to expand your knowledge of English vocabulary. And if you want to make faster progress, I recommend keeping a notebook for useful words and phrases that you find.
For example, I came across this interesting article the other day. Have a look at the article, and note down any useful words or phrases that you find. Feel free to share your notes in the 'comments' area below.
1. unpopulated full-scale city
2. realistic scale
3. testing ground
4. biggest scale
5. real world setting
6. mixed styles of suburban neighbourhoods
Posted by: cyl | August 31, 2015 at 11:47
1-realistic scale
2-functional test site
3-suburban neighbourhoods
Posted by: parisa | August 31, 2015 at 12:24
1. ground for
2. is designed to
3. is set to be
4. intelligent transport systems
5. mixed styles of ~
6. fixed-line
7. a mid-sized
Posted by: Matthew | August 31, 2015 at 14:21
on a realistic scale
under construction
is designed to be representative of
is set to be
collect information on
in a real world setting
fixed-line telecoms infrastructure
urban road systems
Posted by: James Z. | August 31, 2015 at 15:08
full-scale city
testing ground
Biggest scale testing centre
Eco-friendly system
High-rise buildings
The functional test site
Posted by: Huynh Ngoc | August 31, 2015 at 16:40
under construction
unpopulated city
test site
in real world setting
intelligent transport systems
the city will feature mixed styles of...
real town
The town is the work of.....
Posted by: Aria | August 31, 2015 at 19:29
in order to
on a realistic scale
under construction
an unpopulated full-scale
be used as
known as
be representative of
Pre-wired for
intelligent transport system
Eco-friendly system
along with
will feature mixed styles of
be capable of supporting up to
Posted by: niuxiufeng | September 01, 2015 at 03:14
a realistic scale
an unpopulated full-scale city
a mid-sized American city
intelligent transport systems
eco-friendly systems
high-rise buildings
mixed styles of suburban neighbourhoods
Posted by: CCbb | September 01, 2015 at 04:26
is being built
will be used for testing
being tested
setting can be analyed
if it were .. would ...v-ing
Posted by: good | September 01, 2015 at 07:14
on a realistic scale
Intelligent Transport System
Posted by: Nandini | September 01, 2015 at 07:53
City lab,
Testing centre
Real World setting
Testing new innovative
Intelligent transport systems
Eco-friendly systems
High rise buildings
Mixed style
Posted by: Lipterian. | September 01, 2015 at 19:05
Good notes guys!
Posted by: Simon | September 01, 2015 at 19:57
unpopulated ful-scale city
mid-sized American city
pre-wired for data collection
eco-friendly system
high-rise buliding
fixed-line telecom infrastructure
Posted by: ahda | September 01, 2015 at 22:53
be capable of doing sth
Hi Simon,how to use a word or phrase to express "a tool from long long time ago"?
tool of long ago?
ancient tool?
tool from long ago?
Thank you.
Posted by: KK | September 15, 2015 at 09:58
it seems an easy artical for an English learner. I got it,but whether I can correctly repeat it according to the meaning after I close the website? I do not think so. Thus I translated it to Chinese and plan to re-translate it return to English in order to see how different the ways of thinking.
Posted by: KK | September 15, 2015 at 10:20
hi simon, am joining too your tutorial on ielts. just begun a back...will keep in touch..thanks
Posted by: karma | November 16, 2015 at 21:12