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August 16, 2015


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The main street suffers from traffic congestion.
There is a traffic jam on the main street.
People get caught in a heavy-loaded traffic on the main street.

Local citizens should reveal the problem.
The problem needs to be exposed to the public.
There is a need for local residents to uncover the problem.

They need to think of some other potential layouts.
They should put/bring forward a range of feasible layouts.
Some other designs need to be introduced.

This would bring up an overwhelmingly positive influence.
This would exert a stunning active impact.

James Z.

Hisimon . My wife took ielts 3 times. All the time result is same 5 bands every 3 times .she did too much work hard.any ideas please .email me at .its my humble request ([email protected])

Hi there!

Recently, I've come to the question in the Listening task which I've found a bit confusing. It was written NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS, and the question was asking the name of the novel. I wrote "Secret Garden" (two words). But after comparing my answers to the Correct Answers, I discovered that I omitted an article "the" before the novel's name. Correct Answer to that question was "The Secret Garden". So I'm confused if my answer is still wrong?

My apologies for writing off-topic.

Thank you in advance.

This would have a positive knock-on effect.
The major street is blocked by traffic.
Traffic obstructs the main street.

The problem should be brought to the light by local residents.
The local residents ought to make the problem clear.

There would be some potential designs for the new road system.
Some probable designs would be submitted by architects.

There would be some positive consequences.
It could bring about a positive knock-on effect.

The main street is congested with traffic
The main street is full of traffic congestion
the main street is blocked of traffic

Local people should open up on issues
Local people should discuss about the problem in public

they should come forward with possible designs
they should bring up feasible desings

This would have a significant effect
This would have an eyebrow-raising effect

1- Continual bustle of cars coming and going in the main roads.
2- Residential individuals should cast fascinated light on solving problems.
3- Some workable initiatives should be hired to wipe out any problems.
4- A chain of inspiring impacts would be achieved.

1. The main street has be overcrowded with traffic.
2. Local People have the highlight the problem.
3. They should provide some workable design.
4. This would have some favorable effect.

1. The main street blocked by traffic congestion.
2. the citizens reveal the problems.
3. They should come up with supersede designs.
4. This would have some considerable effect.


the main street is jammed by traffic
the local citizen should report the problem
they should think some more designs

Traffic clogs up the main street.

1. The main street often suffers from the traffic conjestion.
2. Traffic in the main street is really heavy.

Local people need to bring the problem to light.

1. Local citizens need to highlight the problem in order to bring it to the awareness to the council.
2. Local residents need to shed light on the problem.

They should come up with some possible designs.

1. They should afford some actionable designs.

This would have a positive knock-on effect.

1. This might bring about some positive follow-on effect.
2. This may ensue from a positive effect.

*Traffic clogs up the main street.
-the street is almost blocked by traffic up to the main street.

-ther is a traffic jam up to the main road.

-the street is totally clogged up to the main street.
*Local people need to bring the problem to light.
-the resedents have to focus on this problem to solve it.
*They should come up with some possible designs
- they have to find out some applicable suggestions.
-they are supposed to find a wayout from this probleem

*This would have a positive knock-on effect.
- This is the only way to get an effecient solution.
- This would be a positive effective way.

The main street is often stuck by the traffic.
There is chaotic traffic at the main street.
The main street is always chocked with many means of transportation.

The local people should project this problem.
This problem has to make public to get the support of improvement.

They would make some layout proposals.
They may come up with some ideas of improvement.

This will take a turn for a better.
A positive result may come true.

BBC headline of local's current news :

the crowds clogs up the main road while the parade

Recently, extremely demonstrate of some high school student to against the new curriculum, Evidently report the facts that it is one possible, bring the problem to light and leading the public pay a attentions to tackle this problem .

Newly plan is come up with some possible designs of the low carbon park, no sooner the layout is established by the architect of his usual idiosyncratic style than build it up this year

the event of against the new curriculum we shall doubt whether it is a positive knock-on effect the whole society to notice its skeleton and implement of the education system to meet the younger.

1.Traffic congests the main street.
Traffic blocks the main street.
Traffic obstructs the main street.
2.Local people need to resolve the problem.
The problem should be settled in the region.
The residents need to tackle with the problem immediately.
3.They should propose some reasonable designs.
They should bring forth some operational designs.
They should supply some practical designs.
4.This would have a series of positive effects.
This would bring up a lot of benefits.
This would get a variety of advantages.

from Ali M

1/Traffic clogs up the main street.
- the main street is blocked due to traffic.
- Traffic makes the main street closed.

2/Local people need to bring the problem to light.
- Local people have to shed light on the problem.
- the problem needs to be discussed on the round table.
- Local people need to come up with solutions to the problem.

3/They should come up with some possible designs.
- They have to contrive probable designs.
- They must find some way to make possible designs.
- They are required to find some likely designs.
They need to bring some possible designs into light/effect.

4/This would have a positive knock-on effect.
- This would led to a series of sequential positive events.
- This would cause a sequence of constructive actions.
- This would make the positive incidents alternated.

Ali M

1.Traffic jam pours down to the prime road.
2. The problem needs solving.
3. A number of drawings should be introduced.
4. This would have affected positively.

1.There is a traffic congestion up the main street.
2.The problem should be addressed to the public.
3.They should present some acceptable designs.
4.This would have a favorable significant effect.

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