Here's a useful question that someone asked me this week:
Is it possible to give a balanced (partly agree) answer if the question contains a strong word like best, most, all or only?
This is the question that the student gave as an example:
The best way to improve road safety is by introducing stricter punishments for bad drivers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Can you see the problem with the word 'best'? Either something is the best or it isn't - we can agree or disagree, but there's no middle point. So, is there a way to give a balanced answer or to talk about both sides of the argument? What do you think? I'll tell you what I think tomorrow.
In my opinion, the "strong" words are mentioned as traps to lose our marks if we ignore or forget them. So, We should highlight it and focus our task response around the situation indicated with these "dangerous" words. And also we should paraphrase them in the essay.
In this case, I think we cannot talk about both sides of the argument. It is so hard.
This is my thought. How about you?
Posted by: Duc Pham | August 22, 2015 at 13:09
To the best of my knowledge,all of these words are used for more emphasis on the specific way of tackling or improving something which means definitely there in no room for immersing yourself in these misconception.
What i'm saying precisely is that you deserve to write a balanced view about this essay.
Posted by: Mahmoud | August 22, 2015 at 13:39
Here's my opinion:
while it's not sensible to partly agree that something is the best, we can give a balanced answer. Take the question here for an example, the introduction can be: while I believe that imposing heavy punishments on reckless drivers is a good way to better regulate driving, there are also some other effective measures to achieve the same goal. Then in the first main body paragraph, explain why punishements are reasonable; in the second main body paragraph, introducing some other good ways.
But does this a completely disagree essay because by giving some other good ways, we actually agree that punishments are NOT the best way.
Posted by: Ashley | August 22, 2015 at 14:09
In my opinion, it may be a good way to partially agree that the opinion given is reasonable, while it is by no means to say that the solution provided is the best, because there are many other solutions available, such as strengthening the process of driving license test, improving the safety awareness of pedestrians or enhancing the infrastructures of transport etc.
Posted by: Sheldon LEE | August 22, 2015 at 15:49
I think that it is possible to give a balance answer, first you can give reasons why the stricter punishment may or may not work, then u conclude by stating other measures which could work better.
Posted by: Sandy | August 22, 2015 at 17:24
I think the main point in the question is 'to what extent' that is mean I may agree or disagree but not 100%
this give me the chance to be agree with 80% and disagree with 20% and visa versa
Posted by: mm | August 22, 2015 at 19:02
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Posted by: Max | August 22, 2015 at 19:12
Hi everybody! I think in this case, if you partly agree with the question including 'best' strong word, you will write something about its good side and you must show some disadvantages evidencing this idea is not the best. Of course, you can provide some other solutions to the problem but they are only the supporters, not the main points of the essay.
Posted by: Duc | August 23, 2015 at 04:27
I think one can disagree with the statement in order to mention the other side of the argument - that is, other means are also necessary to ensure road safety.
Posted by: tm | August 23, 2015 at 05:20
Hi Simon, I am starting from today to practice IELTS so please correct me wherever I am wrong.
My answer will be like..
In my opinion we can say....I don not think so that every situation has only 1 best way....the situation may have 2 best way or more so we can choose one of them.
For example the stricter punishment to bad drivers can be one of the best way to improve road safety....but we can also tell drivers the same thing by putting hoarding on the highway or road stating like -THIS IS THE ROAD WHERE YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS ALSO DRIVE ..SO BE GOOD IN DRIVING...or there are many other ways that may be best like stricter punishment...
A situation may have to 2 best way to move out of can argue like that...
This is only my opinion and i have written first time in this you all are my senior all can correct me so i can improve my English and get good score in IELTS.
Thank you.
Simon sir please correct me where i am going wrong....
Posted by: Jagdeep Singh | August 23, 2015 at 13:27
Hi Simon
I believe it is not a good idea to give a balance answer, when a question with an extreme situation exists. we should write about whether we are agree or disagree.
However, my question is, what it could be in body paragraphs.
I decide to write in paragraph one why harsher rules are not effective.
"I believe that harsher regulations do not help to reduce road accidents, because (reason 1, 2,3")
And in the second one to write some alternatives for having a safer roads.
"There are some alternatives that we can do to have a safer roads (option 1,2,3,)"
Is these choice of topics for each paragraph relevant?
Posted by: Aria | August 25, 2015 at 14:34
Hi Simon,
I think it is also a good idea to agree with the idea and add additional information from own ideas. For exampl, I agree that promoting stricter punishments to incompetent drivers is the best way to improve road safety. However, I also belive that developing the roads and more traffic signs are also the key.
Posted by: carlo | September 20, 2015 at 13:37
as you said earlier in your posts sir,i think instead of words we should focus on the content of the statement,now best is very clear that we have asked to give the best solution but the content that is mentioned seems not will prvoke violency among,rather stricter punishment,the best way chould be thorugh peaceful free of cost learning for bad i intend to completely disagree with the statement.and i will only write one best solution and will support it with other optional solutions too.
Posted by: doctor | October 08, 2015 at 06:38
Can we answer the question this way.First of all ,we can write it is the best way in the first paragraph and the reason for this particular argument.In the second paragraph we can tell that why other measures are not as effective as the punishments
Posted by: Sebi Augustin | October 02, 2016 at 15:06