Let's start writing a report for the question in last week's lesson. Today I'll write an introduction and summary, and next week I'll describe the specific details.
Introduction - paraphrase the question statement
The two pictures compare the layout of a school as it was in the year 2004 with a proposed site design for the year 2024.
Overview - summarise the information (look for 2 main points)
It is clear that the main change for 2024 involves the addition of a new school building. The school will then be able to accommodate a considerably larger number of students.
thou are the best teacher in the world , we are one of super writer from the corner of the world
be able to accommodate
a considerably larger number of students
Posted by: good | August 20, 2015 at 09:26
Hi Simon
Can we still have a describing of images or processes in writing task 1?
I thought it was an old form of task and now it is only tables or diagrams with numbers.
Posted by: Aria | August 20, 2015 at 13:40
Should we use 'it is clear that' for task 1?
Posted by: Minh | August 20, 2015 at 15:53
Two pictures for a school diagrams to compare the existent scheme of 2004 with the proposed design for the year of 2024 for the same school.
Posted by: Ammar | August 21, 2015 at 05:22
a should be omitted before school diagrams.
Posted by: Ammar | August 21, 2015 at 05:23
Yes, they still use diagrams sometimes!
Yes, I often use "It is clear that". It's a good way to begin your summary of the main features.
Posted by: Simon | August 21, 2015 at 10:39
Dear Simon
When we describe future plans, can I use " in the next 20 years, it is expected to see a new car park....
.... at the back of the school OR
......which will be located east of the school compound. OR
.....which is adjacent to the newly built school building.
Kindly give us some tips to describe a location in your daily lessons. Thank you very much.
Posted by: Dar Dar | August 21, 2015 at 12:54
Hi Simon and everyone,
I have got a problem with detail paragraphs in task 1. When we have a graph or a chart that contains information of different categories of products over a period of time, do we categorize the detail information according to the year or products?
I prefer the latter but I am not sure I am doing the right thing. Is there an absolutely correct method to categorize information in task 1?
Posted by: sammie | August 23, 2015 at 08:15
Hi simon you are the best and this is the best site for ilets learning ...
Posted by: Saba | August 24, 2015 at 23:14
The two pictures show two different layouts of a school between the year 2004 and the year 2024.
Posted by: shelley | November 03, 2015 at 05:35