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August 26, 2015


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Dear simon, to give an example , can relevant examples from some charactor of moive, or TV shows, the books ...etc ..so on . but those plays or hero are made up , they are not exit in today

pls answer

they are not exist in today

Dear Simon,

I got my result. L 7.5 R 7.5 W 7 S 7 Overall 7.5. I don't know how to express my gratitude to you. You are a truly wonderful teacher. I couldn't achieve my goal without your great help and generosity. I’d like to recommend IELTS students to follow Simon’s instructions, read Simon’s e-book,sample essays and daily lessons as frequently as they can. I already got 8 in writing in the previous attempt becuase of your lessons. Thanks a lot.

Thanx for producing ebook. Today I received ebook by my elder brother (AJIT KUMAR) who bought from you 2 hours ago. I🌹 heartily appreciate u for giving that ebook. I get immense knowledge from that ebook.
Are templates and solved essays are certainly ielts materials?
Any other option to increase score in ielts.

Can you wirte a full essay for this topic ?

Ajit bought ebook for me not himself. Thanks

It is true that some prisoners are seriously being good citizens after releasing from the prison. It is really good for telling young guys and persuading them to do good things and not be guilty of crime. From my point of view, I completely agree with this idea and give some reasons to support my view.
First of all, ex-prisoners have real experiences that they can tell the teenagers about. Young people will believe them, and will be shocked by the reality of their stories. For example, it can be deeply affect to the health of children when they consume a lot of alcoholic drugs and be ill if they drink too much then they have some bad actions to the society and prisoners help them to be understandable about their actions which they did previously. Moreover, according a research, 80 percent of prisoners who do not have a job or go to school usually access to some bad websites and read negative articles. Most of them become attackers or crime afterwards. This means that prisoners who already have had this case and they aid young people about the ways to do not meet this situation again.
In addition, the alternatives are teachers or police officers talking to young people, or the use of educational films. These methods have a lesser impact - young people often ignore authority figures. Indeed, children who are young usually observe about the real things and situations. It cannot be easily for students who follow and focus on films. They will less be aware of teachers and others. For instance, you guys can hear and learn about the dangerous things but they do not know how serious situations really are and they cannot imagine without the real samples like the prisoners.
In conclusion, it can be easier to raise young people’s awareness by giving the real samples. As I have already mentioned above. Prisoners would absolutely be some good people to tell about the important things of dangers because they meet the real situations.


Criminals go back to the society after the period of their sentence. Some people believe that because these ex-prisoners are better citizens, they are the best to educate the young people on the implication of committing crime. I agree with is opinion because they are living examples.

True life experience is a good factor in teaching teanegers not to commit crime. This is due to the fact that, with the wealth of experience the ex-convict have had, they will be a perfect role model. For instance, the ex-prisoner will share the reason for their getting imprisoned and how long the sentence took. And also show any obvious deformity or scar which they have gotten while in prison. This will obviously serve as warning and make the individual be careul in engaging in such an abominable act.

Furthermore, some may argue that, other alternative approach such as teaching with educational resources or teaching by the law enforcement officer could be better. However, it is sometimes difficult to get the attention of the teneger because some of them do not respect these authority figure. This is evident with the increasing crime rate in most countries even with the information available for the young people in schools and the society. Therefore, engaging these tenegers with those who have experienced prision life could be effective.

In conclusion, to get the best result from teaching teenagers about crime, I strongly believe that personal life experience will serve as a trigger in their indept understanding of the negative consequences of bridging the law. Therefore, ex-offenders should be the best people to teach young people about crime and its implications.

I will be greatful if you comment on my essay.
Thank you Sir.

In the second paragraph, can I talk about how we choose ex-prisoners to make sure they are a good citizen (for example, doing some psychological test or put under observation)
thanks a lot

Can I write the following to give a negative opinion?

If ex-prisoners tell young people about their crime, there will be some adverse effects on young people. (For example, some aggressive teenagers might try to imitate them)

Is this kind of off-topic?

Thanks in advance.

parrtly agree:
......While i agree it can bring some benefits to teenagers, disadvantages outweight advantages.

Reason1, the criminals know what drived them to commit crimes;
Reason2, the criminals know the importance of respecting others (they saw the bad effect caused to others' lives);
Reason3,they know there are better choices now.

1,the criminals might not want to talk about their history
2, the criminals might not know the approiate way to educate teenagers.
3, teenagers more likely to believe intimate people like parents and friends.

conclusion. review what has been taked.

I normally don't like to tell students that there is just one way to answer a question, but I have personally found this is the easiest way to teach this type of question and it normally results in solid essays.

I think this approach takes much of the thinking out of the process, allows students to really focus and avoids the confusion a balanced approach often brings.

I have a few examples here- http://ieltsadvantage.com/writing-task-2/

Hello Chris, please what do think about my essay.


In recent time, governments concern about the high rate of youth crime and they are struggling to address this issue. While many people think that ex-offenders have a lot to do with controlling youth crime, others tend to believe that people who have been to prison should not be being around their children. Personally, I completely agree with this idea but it is important to bear in mind that mentoring with ex-prisoners does not work for every student.
There are several reasons why having a conversation with ex-prisoners helps teenagers reduce the possibility of committing crimes. Ex-prisoners have real experiences to tell the teenagers about. These ex-offenders know the consequences of crime very well and they can explain to teenagers about it profoundly. One of the main advantages of doing this is that they know why young people misbehave because they did it themselves. This means they can interact very well with the misbehavior children and encourage those children to have a better view of life.

It can be argued that there are a few children who never are easily influenced, which means that there is a fair chance for them to learn more serious crimes while talking with ex-offenders. However, I strongly believe that it never has been easy to control all levels of students with the same method of discipline. Teenagers will not be able to aware of the real-risk from the consequences of crimes unless they have an opportunity to talk with someone who has actually been to prisons. Another great benefit of talking with ex-prisoners is that teenagers are highly likely to listen to these people rather than authority figures, such as teachers and police officers. Many schools find these methods like classes with educational films and teachers have fewer impacts on students.

To sum up, it is true that receiving a proper education is crucial to reduce the rate of crime in many countries. I believe there are many different ways to discipline young students not to be criminals. From my point of view, if teenagers can be fully award of the risks of being criminals and how regret life would be after committing crimes while talking with ex-prisoners, it will extremely help to prevent youth crime in the future.


IELTS Writing task 2: Ex-prisoner topic.

Many people think that ex-prisoner would turn to better behaviour after they have been rehabilitation in prison, and they would be often affective teachers to teach young people about the consequences when breaking the law. I completely agree with this idea because of several reasons.

Real experiences from ex-prisoner is the main reason for why I believe that they can have significant effects to teenagers in terms of deter them from similar behaviour. Because when ex-prisoners are telling young people their real stories and showing what the reality feelings of being in jail are, they are transporting young people into losing freedom world, sympathy statement and be watched twenty-four seven. All of these things will surely shock people, and in this way, their warning stories acts as a deterrent to make people think carefully before breaking the law. For example, many ex-prisoners in the US recently have involved in many social activities as well as helping rise awareness of young class about unlawful actions have consequences.

Moreover, I think if we only simply using alternative measures like teachers, police officers presentation or education films, it is likely have lesser impact on young people in comparison with having a real ex-prisoner talk. Because youngster often ignore authority figures, and they also tend to be influenced by the true content which be provided by a real model. Understandable, it is hard to convince the young to believe in something by some dry and educational theorists, they require the truth as much as possible. Therefore, a real ex-prisoner talking and sharing seem to be the best way to make a huge influence on young people, and hopefully this can prevent them from criminal actions.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that let people who have been in jail talking and sharing to youngster is a good way to stop them have a similar behaviour.


I can't check people's essays I'm afraid - I would receive too many if I did.

I know some colleagues who offer essay checking, but it isn't a free service:




Yes, any kind of example is fine.


Congratulations Khai. Great scores!


No problem Surjeet!



Be careful with that. It seems a bit "off-topic" to me.



That would be fine.

Some of the prisoners are really nice people that owing to their circumstances they have committed a criminal activity. The majority of them also become a useful member of society. Then, I completely support this idea that those people are the best teachers for adolescence to advise and warn them form a crime consequences.
Ex-prisoners are real and live example for teenagers, who are full of ambitiousness. The roots of any crime usually come back the two factors, which are money and power. Reaching to these factors in a possible minimum period encourage teenagers to continue their path in a wrong direction. Smuggling, rubbery and similar affairs are the common actions among young people that lead them to jail in fortunate state. Because they never think about this probability that if they are captured what will be the results. Therefore, prisoners who have passed their sentences and regretted bout their past are persons to talk with youngers. They can easily understand young people’s thoughts and their feeling, to ware them from bad action accompanied with sympathy.
Other alternatives are educational movies, police officers, psychologists and son on. However, by looking at the past we can readily see that the impacts of these persons awareness were trivial compared with former solution. Because any person always thinks that he/she is smarter than others. When this person face with guys who say that we had same thought and now we regret, I think it makes them more convinced.
In conclusion, I buy this idea that ex-prisoners (of course some of them) are the best teachers for adolescence people and at the same time it has been shown that some of them become a prominent citizen during the time.

this is my first time that I wrote something here, please advise me to make my writing better and tell me my mistakes.

in advance, thanks

Hi Simon, i want to ask you about (agree or disagree) question in your book target band 7 sometimes you answer this type of question (for and against) while i saw your video about this type and i understood that i should talk about one side either agree or disagree or partly agree .please help me i am so confused

In the modern world, the number of the criminals is constantly increase and we need to spread the danger and bad results of committing a crime throughout the teenagers who will become the future of our world. One of the argued-solution is using the prisoners who become the good citizens later to talk to the teenagers about this and I agree with this solution.
First of all, the ex-prisoners are the living examples and the teenagers can see and determine the consequence of committing crime from their real-story and their wealth-experience. For instance, when you hear a man talk about the death, the injuries and the cruelty he had when he was being a criminal, and it could make you be shocked and never want to involve the crime even just one bit. In addition, I believe that the ex-prisoners who obvious become a good man after releasing would try their best to prevent the next generation from the hand of the crime.
Furthermore, someone claims that the alternatives such as teaching with educational resources and law could be better. However, these methods would be less attractive to the young people who feel bored with the lessons and the books in classes. Additionally, I think that the authority figure would be ignored by most young people and this numbers could even make the teenager be curious about the world of crime and it would be a poison for us if we did not apply the methods exactly. Therefore, engaging the young people with the story of the ex-prisoners who have experiment could work out.
In conclusion, I have strong believe that one of the best way to help the teenagers have deep knowledge about crime and its implication is taking a look at the living examples who had been criminals and become a good citizens later and hearing their own story. Finally, we should combine the methods to build a new world without crime and war.
Please give me some suggestions.
Thanks in advance, Simon

Hi, Simon,

I am wondering if the topics of writing TASK 2 in general training module are similar to these topics in academic module? For example, can the topic about ANIMAL be covered in general training module?


"Target Band 7" is not my book, so maybe that's why the different advice is confusing you.



Yes, I personally use the same list of topics for both academic and general writing task 2.

Dear simon

Can I use your suggestion for disagreement like this?

Introduction: Completely disagree with the idea.

First reason: Ex-prisoners can help to prevent the young from commiting juvenile delinquency

Second reason: However teachers,police officers or the use of educational films can also have an impact on young people.

Conclusion: Repeat / summarise your opinion.

It seems alright to me..
Could you get me some advice?

Thank you

Hi my l,r,w completed today task-2 topic is "most of tha animals are on dangerous extinction.Some people says that people protect animals which are useful to human. What extent do u agree or disagree. . Can any one answer to this plz

It is true that ex-prisoner can become normal, productive members of society. I completely agree with the idea that allowing such people speak to teenagers about their experiences is the best way to deter young people from breaking the law.

Firstly, ex-prisoner have real experiences that they can tell teenagers about. Young people will believe them and they will be impacted by these stories. For example, it can deeply affect to the behaviour of teenagers when they listen to a real tale of a person who had been addicted. In their stories they might tell teenagers about the reasons why they start using drug, how they spent that terrible period of time, how it changed their lives and how regret they were. Those real evidences have strong impact on the behavior and mindset of young people.

Beside there are some alternatives method in order to educate young people. For example, teachers or polices are invited to talk to pupils or some genre of educational film can be used. But these method would have less impact on the detering young people from breaking the law because teenagers often ignore authority figures. As I remember, when I was a teenagers, every year my school held a seminar and they invited the head of police officer to talk to us about the crime. But it seemed to me that those talking were only theory, it would happen with someone else, not me. And at the end of their talking I mostly did not remember much and I was not attracted by those talking.

In conclusion, I fully support the view that people who turned their lives around after serving a prison sentence should talk to young people to deter them from committing crimes.

hi simon i want to get 7 bands overall
i feel strugle in reading
please help me

Adolescence crime has become an important issue that draws a lot of attentions from all walks of society. There are various ways to educate our young generation to avoid committing a crime. One way of that is to let an ex-prisoner to introduce the outcome of crime to the teenager.

It seems that such a method indeed has some good impacts on the teenagers. An ex-prisoner was exactly a vivid example to let the youngster to know what a crime is and how badly the consequence would be. Teenagers would learn a more impressive lesson from such an actual example. Besides, since the students at school do not get much societal experience, they do not know how things are going in the society. Chatting with a person who had committed a crime is a means to let the students know the society in an all-round way.

However, introducing a crime committer is not always an easy thing, and due to privacy concerns, some people may not want to talk about their past. However, there are still other ways to educate our younger generation of the risks of crime, such as to watch crime-related videos and to acquire more knowledge on the criminal laws. Educators and parents need to work collectively to raise the awareness of crime risks among the youngsters.

In conclusion, it is a good way to educate the young people of the crime by talking to a person who previously was in a prison. However, there are still other things that we can do to curb crimes happening among teenagers. It is not only a task imposed in front of our schools, but also an obligation that our parents should carry on.

It is certainly true that ex-prisoner can live a normal life and be a member of society. I entirely agree with the idea that they are the best people to discourage teenagers from breaking laws.

There are various reasons why people who have been in prison can deter young people from commit a crime. They can tell the teenagers how they became break the law, the dangers of breaking laws, and what the life in prison is really like. They can dispel any idea that teenagers have about wonderful life in prison. Young people are more willing to hear to the stories from ex-prisoners because these stories from their experience are more vivid and shocking than those told by other people. Predictably, this can have a powerful impact on the young people.

The alternative to using reformed prisoners to educate young people is much less effective. One option is would be for policeman to visit school and talk to the young, but they tend to tell what will happen to lawbreaker after the breaker are caught by them, so teenagers are reluctant to hear their stories from figures of authorities. And a second option would be for teachers speak to their students about the harm of breaking law, but I am doubt that students would see teachers as creditable source of information about the topic. This may have no effect. Finally, parents of teenagers can try to keep their kids far away from breaking laws, but most teenagers do not hear to their parents and are indifferent to the guides from parents.

In conclusion, I offer support to the view that people who have a normal life after they live a life in prison will be most likely to deter young people from committing a crime.

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