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August 18, 2015


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thank you

Thank you very much, Simon.


Mr Simon,

This is a very effective advice. I watched so many TED video and I have improved my listening skills 5.5 to 7.5 within few months.

This is how we can improve real English and ielts.

Thanks Mr Simon

Ok, great! I will have a look it later. Thanks for recommendation!

thank you

Hello mr simon
i should say that 2 months ago i took an ielts exam and i got 4.5 in speaking part
Next months i could improve my band score to 6.5
i think my band score has soared dramatically
how do think?and can i ask u that have u seen any students like me??
finally,i should say that ur advice in speaking part help me a lot especially ur trick about part2(preparing something for some especial subject like advertisement)
thanks simon

I couldn't open this website.
Is it only my problem or something really goes wrong with that web?

Hi Ling,

Maybe that website is blocked in your country.

Hi Ling,

Are you living in China or overseas? Don't tell me this website has been blocked in China as I knew yutube and facebook are blocked there. I will go for my vacation soon in China. lukcy me, I can open this website in UAE country. I watched one film 'slavery' on that page, it was really good site to practice listening English skill.

Thank you so much for useful advice

Dear Mr.Simon,

I do not have an access to internet everyday, so I wonder if you know any websites where I can download such kind of documentaries?

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