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August 26, 2015


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It was really simple and easy way to find the answers. Awesome!

Can i use wanna,gonna,gotta,won't,don't in the speaking .Please suggest me .

thanks for the new video

Thanks for your kind help :-)

I cannot see and download the video! How can I do that?

Hi Sam,

It should work ok, unless video websites are blocked in your country.

Thanks for your reply dear Simon.
I have found your website 6 months ago. Your advice about writing helped me very much. Thank you very much!It is really great and helpful. I need more help and practice on reading too. I have got 6.5 but I need 7. So, I come back to the drawing board.

Actually I did buy the lessons and downloaded the free ones. This one just has downloading problem here.

Is it possible to email it to me? I know you are busy and this is a big request.
Email: [email protected]

I would appreciate for your kind help!

THANK YOU VERY MUCH Simon for free but profoundly helpful video lesson. I've learnt heaps of useful tips for reading!!!!

PS: Even though it is an 8-minute video lesson, it still manages to teach many usefull things about reading, providing that a careful attention is adequately drawn on.

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