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April 11, 2016


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1. check out
2. job oppotunities
3. before

1.Should check out
2.Job opportunities

Check put
Job opportunities

Hi, Simon

I bought your writing task courses, but I got a little confused about the writing task 2.

1. Is it proper to use personal examples to support my ideas? Some teachers told me don't, because these examples are not objective and universal

2. I used your "firstly, secondly, finally" structure in one of my body paragraph, but I was told that I gave too much ideas, which are not well-supported and well-extended. After all, I only get one or two sentences for each idea.

Could you give me some advises about them

Hi, here are my answers.
1. Check out.
2. Job opportunities.
3. Before they depart.

1. should check out
2. job opportunities
3. before they depart

1.should check out.
2. job opportunities

1. should check out
2. job opportunities
3. before they depart

My answer is:
1. Should check out.
2. Job opportunities.
3. Before.

Thank you for the lesson.

1-check out
2-travel plans

1. check out
2. job opportunities
3. before

1- Should check out.
2- Job opportunities
3- Before

1.should check out
2.job opportunities
3.before they depart

1. should check out
2.job opportunities
3.before they depart


I'll make a lesson to answer your questions this weekend. Some teachers give the wrong advice about those things.

1. check out
2. job opportunity
3. before

1.check out
2.job opportunities
3.before they depart

hello simon where can we find the answers for the reading exercices thank you

@ Javier

Are these "teachers" former IELTS examiners or have taught IELTS for a long time?

Should check out
Job opportunities

Hi Simon,

just want to say thank you, I've passed my test, got the score today!
Although I didn't do really well. I've learnt a lot of things from your website. Anyway, I am gonna study in Australia, thanks a lot!!!!


Here are my answers:

1. should check out
2. job opportunities
3. before they depart


Congratulations Lene. I'm glad my lessons helped.

1 Should check out
2 Job oppertunties
3 before they depart

1 should check out
2 job oppertunities
3 before


should check out
job opportunities
befrore they depart

check out
job opportunity

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