I've just finished my final video lesson for IELTS speaking part 2. In this lesson I talk about questions that don't seem to fit into the six main topic areas.
To watch the video lesson click here.
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Thank you Simon.
Gyus who took the IELTS recently please give me advice:
We can see in Cambridge 11 all 4 tests in listening part for filling gap questions ask to write one word only.
Now I have question:
In recent exams, is it listening part in real exam is the same as Cambridge 11?
Posted by: Reza | April 29, 2016 at 10:07
Posted by: romesh | April 29, 2016 at 11:12
book 11......Thanks for the info....
Posted by: romesh | April 29, 2016 at 11:13
Dear Simon,
Thank you for helping us generously.
Posted by: DR-ALI | April 29, 2016 at 11:51
Hello simon
I passed my exam ,
You are my heroooo
I took this exam more than 30 times
To be honest I did not count it after my 25th attempt
Your video lessons are vital for every body
To be honest I try different teachers , like Ryan , Liz and others but you are the best
I was waiting for this day for 3 years
Nobody should lose hope , just keep trying and study hard
For writing difinitely follow simon
Sorry for any mistakes, mobile keyboard is too small
If anybody has any question, feel free
Posted by: Nee | April 29, 2016 at 13:49
I don't want to say bye bye for ever
I will keep checking this website at least once a week.
My best website ever.
Simon is my hero
Simon is my hero
Simon is my hero
Posted by: Nee | April 29, 2016 at 13:57
Dear Nee,
First of all, i want to congratulate you for getting your desireable result. I understand how sweet it is to receiving aimed scores. I have taken this test over 16 times, but i have not achieved 7.5 and 7 in each skill. I always need half a point in writing, and i stuck on 6.5 in writing over a year... :-(
which centre did you try last time?
Posted by: DR-ALI | April 29, 2016 at 14:19
@dr ali
Ealing Hammersmith and west London college
Posted by: Nee | April 29, 2016 at 17:52
Congratulation Nee
I had almost 19 attempts of IELTS exam but I still stuck with this exam!
your story is motivating me
can I have your email address
Posted by: mouza | April 29, 2016 at 17:54
I STRONGLY agree with you Nee
Simon is the best teacher! I had many tutors who could not help me!
unfortunately I did not know simon before, I just recently started to follow his blog and I bought his videos.
He is really an amazing teacher I passed writing because of his help
I am going to take the exam after I finish all his videos
Many thanks Simon, I admire your kind personality you are a very helpful person.
Posted by: mouza | April 29, 2016 at 18:02
@ mouza
Please post your email then I will send u an email
Posted by: Nee | April 29, 2016 at 18:24
Hi , anybody doing IELTS exam tomorrow ( 30th April)?
Posted by: sumi | April 29, 2016 at 18:44
Dear Nee,
Which campus?
Posted by: DR-ALI | April 29, 2016 at 19:51
Hi Nee, congratulations on your well deserved result,it goes to show that persistence and hard-work are the keys to success in Ielts.For you to have written the exams for 30 good times,its no mean feat,i commend your courage and wish you the best in your future endeavour.
NB please you can send your email to: [email protected],i'll like to talk to you privately.Thanks,God bless.
Posted by: emmanuel | April 29, 2016 at 22:26
I just finished the test today and feel worry a lot abt listening part, so disappointed because I skip th record but when I go home n see Nee's comment I decide to book another one which take place on 7/5. Your story really push me up. Anw thank u Nee, I will try my best n not give up doesn't matter how many time I need to do
Hope others in this web can be a motivator to each other
Posted by: VU | April 30, 2016 at 06:30
I share today's essay question in China for you all:
People's shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factor.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Posted by: James Z. | April 30, 2016 at 07:05
What about speaking part2question?
Posted by: Sumi | April 30, 2016 at 07:17
Hi James,Are you remembering any other questions ?
Posted by: Sumi | April 30, 2016 at 07:41
Hi Sumi,
IELTS has a pretty big database of part 2 topics. For me, my question is:
Describe a long car journey you remember well.
Posted by: James Z. | April 30, 2016 at 07:58
Thanks. I am on the way for my exam.
Posted by: Sumi | April 30, 2016 at 09:06
Thank you Simon.
James Z,,,
Thank you for sharing the question.
I was thinking about splitting (the group)into advertisement followers and a well planning shoppers(Partially agree).
Another grouping could include consuming habits in different places of the continent(Strong opinion: Completely agree with the statement).
I don't know if it's accepted to treat the task as I mentioned?
Posted by: N.S | April 30, 2016 at 09:31
thanks for doing this
Posted by: masum | May 02, 2016 at 20:38
Hi simon,
this site is really helpful for us
Posted by: masum | May 02, 2016 at 20:42
1.Could I use "guru"to replace "expert "or "pro"anytime? And can I use etc. in the speaking test?
2.Could I use some idioms like"all the rage"or"get on the bandwagon "in the IELTS speaking test?I checked them on the dictionary and it said they were informal.However,I learnt them from BBC 6 minute English.
Posted by: Zaine | May 03, 2016 at 06:20
Thanks for the positive comments on this page!
Congratulations Nee!
1. No, there are subtle differences in meaning. And try not to use "etc."
2. Have a look at my lesson about idioms:
Posted by: Simon | May 03, 2016 at 19:02
Thanks a million!Simon.
Posted by: Zaine | May 04, 2016 at 01:42
I am really sorry for my query related to the question posted by James Z. Actually, I missed the word (age) written before (group),that's why I was confused.
Posted by: N.S | May 04, 2016 at 12:45