Water usage seems to be a common topic in writing task 1. Have a look at the following pie chart question:
The pie charts below compare water usage in San Diego, California and the rest of the world.
Source: www.wrsc.org
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The diagram gives information about the proportions of water used in three sectors among three areas of the world.
Overall, it is clear that water is primarily used for residential purposes in San Diego and California, while the agriculture sector consumes the lowest amount of water. However, the global trend is completely reversed. It is also noticeable that water consumption is relatively similar in different usage in California.
Domestic water use accounts for the largest amount in San Diego and California, at 60% and 39% respectively. By contrast, only 8% of water is used for the same purpose in other parts of the world, which is the lowest figure in the chart.
While people living outside San Diego and California utilise 69% of water for agriculture, the highest figure in the graph as a whole, people in the former two areas consume the lowest amount of water in farmland, at 17% and 28% respectively. The figures for industrial consumption are the same in San Diego and the rest of the world, with 23% of water being used.
(177 words)
I've got a question here. Shall we use past tense for the verb like 'utilise' and 'consume' or present tense?
Posted by: James Z. | April 28, 2016 at 10:04
the agricultural sector
Sorry about the mistake.
Posted by: James Z. | April 28, 2016 at 10:07
hi simon sir,
my intro.
The three piecharts illustrate the percentage of water used in three different part of the world for three various (residential,industry and agricultury)sectors.
Is it ok simon?
Posted by: Mahmad belim | April 28, 2016 at 12:34
The pie charts show information about water usage in San Diego, California , and the other countries in term of residential, Industry , and Agriculture.
It true that the water usage of San Diego and California were highest in Residential , but the rest of the world had by far the highest amount of water in Agriculture.
As can be seen, 60 % of the total in San Diego was Residential usage , and this amount was over three times higher than Agriculture usage. By contrast, the amount of water usage in three dimensions in California seems to be equally distribute ,at around 36 %.
The amount of water in worldwide had by far the highest amount of water usage in Agriculture at 69 %, and the figure for Industry and residential were at 23 % and 8 %, respectively.
Thanks Simon for your lesson today, I still need to keep practising
Posted by: YEAN | April 28, 2016 at 14:07
The pai chat shows the water usage of three aspects in livelihood:namely resident,industry,among agriculture,among developing area,metropolitan,and the other parts of the world.
There are similar numbers of 28 per cent for manufacture usage in San Diego County and the rest of the world,in California,while industry usage tend to be slight higher by 10 percent.on the other hand, Whereas the vast majority of inhabitant water is utalized in San Diego County,in the rest of the world, only a small minority of people consume this type.In terms of agriculture, the wordwide makes a larger proption of 69 per cent than in San Diego town an California,account for 17 per cent and 28 per cent respectively.
To sum up ,It is clear that water usage in developed city are relatively equal or evenly. However, there is an significant distribution of usage between developing area and the rest of the world.
Thank you very much,Simon!
your website is really helpful to me.
Could you help me evaluate this essay.Thanks
Posted by: Cathy Cheung | April 28, 2016 at 15:00
Hi Simon,
Would you tell us how you would group and compare these data into two paragraphs?
Residential usage comparison of three in the first, and agricultural consumption comparison of the three in the second paragraph, maybe? And where would you put the data on ındustrial consumption? Or would you simply leave that out?
Posted by: Burak K. | April 28, 2016 at 15:19
I'll carry on with this question in next Thursday's lesson.
Posted by: Simon | April 29, 2016 at 01:38
well Simon, this is a ielts test that I have take last month. Seriously.
Posted by: David | April 29, 2016 at 01:42
The pie chart gives information about water consumptions in terms of residential, industrial, and farmland irrigation among the two areas and global trend.
The diagram compares with two areas and worldwide by water consumptions in terms of residential, industrial, and farmland irrigation
Posted by: sun | April 29, 2016 at 03:53
The pie charts illustrate comparison between water consumption in San Diego, California, and the whole world in term of household needs, manufacturing, and farming.
It is noticeable that 69% water globally is being used in farming, although it is only 17% in San Diego and 28% in California. In contrast, 60% and 39% of water are used for household needs in San Diego and California respectively. Interestingly, in global scale, people allocate only 8% of their water for the same purpose, the lowest proportion in various distributions.
It is also can be seen that percentage of water usage in industrial need in California is 33%, which is higher than in San Diego and global usage with 23% by the two.
All in all, most of global water is being used in agricultural sector, while in San Diego and California people are use most of their water to fulfill household needs.
(151 words; have no idea to expand more sentences)
Posted by: jfr | April 29, 2016 at 05:21
The pie charts show the percentage of water usage in San Diego, California and the rest of the world.
It is clear that in both San Diego County and California, the amount of water are used primarily for residential purposes. On the other hand, most water usage in the world are for agricultural purposes.
Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that the percentage of water quantity for residential purposes in San Diego County and California are 60% and 39 %, respectively. By contrast, only 8% of water in the world is used for daily life.
The other water purposes are for industry and agriculture. Manufacture in California need 28% of water, compared to 23 % in San Diego County and most of country in the word. The percentage of water usage for agriculture in San Diego County is the lowest, its only 17 %, compared to 28 % of the similar usage in California. By contrast, the percentage of water usage for agriculture in the world is the highest, its about 69%.
Posted by: wiwik | April 29, 2016 at 05:52
Dear sir,
I’m gonna take IELTS test within a month. I need your help and I have no other choice than you. I’m from Nepal and I don’t have any card neither account to get your book. Its almost a herculean task to get your e-book by here however I attempted so many time to get but I couldn’t. So please tell me what’s the difference between your IELTS-simon blog and the book you provide?? I follow your all blogs that has been running since 2009. Is it necessary to get your ebook or its just enough to follow your all blogs to notch up good marks. I don’t have good English proficiency as well and I hope you understand what I have written. Please help
Posted by: niraj | April 29, 2016 at 07:24
The pie charts compare water consumption in two given countries and other parts of the world over three categories.
Overall, it is clear that water usage for residential purposes has made up the highest proportion in San Diego and California while it has lowest percentage in agricultural sector. By contrast, water consumption has the highest proportion for agricultural purposes in other countries of the world.
According to the charts, water usage for domestic purposes has higher percentage in San Diego and California respectively 60% and 39% ,while it is 8% in the rest of the world. Moreover, water usage for industrial reasons is same in San Diego and the other countries, at 23%, as well as it is 33% in California. The proportion of water usage for agricultural need is 69% in the worldwide while it is less being consumed for this purpose in San Diego and California correspondingly 17% and 28 %.
155 words
Posted by: Murad | April 29, 2016 at 08:20
Dear Simon,
Just want to notice about the use of "usage".
when do we use "usage" and "use" as nouns.
Thank you
Posted by: Choirul | April 29, 2016 at 08:49
The pie chart compares the proportion of waste used three sectors in San Diego, California, and throughout the world.
Overall, agriculture consumes the greatest amount of water worldwide, domestic water usage accounts for the largest proportion of the total in California and San Diego. The figure for global residential water usage is the greatest in the chart, but the lowest figure can be seen in the agriculture water use in the rest of the world.
The water used in agriculture is made up 69% of the global water usage, but it only accounts for 28% and 17% of the total water usage in California and San Diego, the lowest figures compared with other two sectors.
In contrast, California and San Diego saw the greatest percentage of water used in households, at 39% and 60% respectively, but the residential water use in other parts of the world is lowest in chart, at 8%. The proportions of water consumed in industry don’t vary much among California, San Diego and the rest of the world, with 23% in San Diego, 33% in industry and 23% in other parts of the world.
Posted by: Keddie Z. | April 29, 2016 at 16:16
The pie chart compares the proportion of water used three sectors in San Diego, California, and throughout the world.
the first paragraph, sorry for the typo
Posted by: Keddie Z. | April 29, 2016 at 16:17
The three pie charts compare the percentage of using water in two particular countries and the rest of the world in terms of three main sectors.
Overall, the propotions of water usage in both San Diego and California are also the largest figures for usinng by resident. Whereas, worldwide use water for agricultural sector the most.
60% and 39% are the resident water percentages in San Diego and in California respectively.By contrast, that figure in other countries average only 8%.
The rest of the world use more water for agriculture than other sector, at 69%.While these figues in both particular countries just account for the smallest part, 17% in San Diego country and 28% in California. The amount of Industrial water usage in California account for 33% of the total country's water comsuming, is higher than those in San Diego and other countries over the world, by 10%
Posted by: Kimkkmonkey | April 29, 2016 at 16:53
The three given pie charts reveal the comparison of water consumption between San Diego, California and other areas in the world. Overall, It can be seen that the water is used for residential which is the majority in two areas belong to the USA, but this is only the minority of the other areas.
The largest mount of water use in San Diego and California is residential purposes at 60 per cent and 39 per cent respectively, in contrast to the same purpose is very insignificant figure in other places in the world which accounts for just 8 per cent.
It is interestingly that the farmers in the world use over two thirds of the worldwide water at 69 per cent, meanwhile this is the smallest number in two areas belong to the USA which are presented in San Diego at 17 per cent and California at 28 per cent.
There is an equal number in the industrial usage of water at 23 per cent in two places San Diego and Worldwide, the figure for this purpose in California is higher than two mentioned areas by 10 per cent. (35 words)
(188 words)
Posted by: Billy Dao | April 29, 2016 at 18:22
The pie charts give the information about the proportion of water consumption in selected cities namely San Diego County and California and other parts of the world according to three different purposes including residential, industrial and Agricultural.
Overall, while San Diego County and California use the highest amount of water for residential purpose, the opposite is true of the rest areas of the world. Meanwhile, Agricultural water used world-wide accounts for the highest percentage, which nearly doubles the one in the former cities.
To specify, the usage of residential water in San Diego County makes up 60%, followed by industrial and agricultural usage with 23% and 17%, respectively. By comparison, although the amount of water used for residential purpose gain its popularities in California, the figure was less nearly two times (39%) than the one in San Diego County. Besides, People in California use 33% of industrial water surpassing the amount of water used in San Diego County by 10%.
By contrast, the amount of water used for agricultural area hold 69% in other parts of the world, being higher about 8 times than the one used for households. It is noticeable that only in San Diego County and the remaining parts of the world is the same percentage seen with 23%
Posted by: thaobubby | April 29, 2016 at 18:48
Hello Simon, this is my writing task 1 essay, hope you have a quick look.
The pie charts show the discrepancy in water utilization between San Diego, California and other parts of the world. Overall, the highest amount of water was distributed to the residential area in both states from the US while it was reported that agriculture was the highest consumption in the world.
It is clearly seen that in San Diego, three-fifths from the county water resources was utilized for the residential purpose, which was more than by 20% to that in California. Water usage in industry and agriculture in the county,on the other hand, were divided fairly into comparable amounts with 23% and 17% respectively. Of note, California saw no substantial difference in water distribution between three sections when each utilized nearly one-third from the total amount of water used in the region. In other parts of the world, the amount of water utilized by the residential area was more than doubled, comprising the using rate of up to 69% as compared to 23% from industry and only 8% from the residential use in total.
(173 words)
Posted by: trangp | April 30, 2016 at 17:58
The charts give information about the water usage for three different sectors, in two states and the rest of the world.
Overall, it can be seen that in two regions, namely San Diego County, and California the majority of the water is used for residential purpose. On the contrary, the rest of the world uses water mainly for agriculture related activities.
69% consumption of total rest other world water usage is made up by Agriculture, while San Diego and California use 17% and 28% water for agriculture respectively. Sixth of total water in San Diego, and around fourth of water in California is utilised for households, whereas just 8% of water is used in rest other world for residential purposes. Industrial sector accounts same amount of water consumption in both San Diego and Worldwide, at 23%, while third of the total water usage in California is used in Industrial sector.
(150 words)
Posted by: Manthan | May 01, 2016 at 03:59
The pie charts point out usage of water in two different cities namely San Diego county and California, in addition Worldwide.
Posted by: Charles | May 01, 2016 at 08:12
The pie charts point out usage of water in two different cities namely San Diego County and California, in addition, Worldwide.
Overall, These two cities use a lot of water in residential respectively 60% and 39%; However, According to the charts, it is clear that Worldwide spent much water in agriculture.
San Diego use a lot of water at 60% in the resident, the second rank is in Industry roughly 23% and agriculture is the lowest section at 17%. The water of usage is average dispersed into three parts. Residential is the most highly at 39% the second one is Industry at 33% and the last part of the agriculture about 28% in California.
Otherwise, the usage of water in Worldwide that it is different from the other two cities. We use a lot of water in agriculture rather than residential and water usage in Industry at 23%; However, we just use 8% water in residential.
Posted by: Charles | May 01, 2016 at 09:48
The pie charts illustrate the usage of water in 3 main areas: for residential, industrial and agriculture in San Diego, California and Worldwide.
It is clear that, in county of San Diego and California, water is mostly used in residential located areas. However, for the whole nationwide, water is most useful in Agriculture.
In terms of usage of water in residential states, 60% of people are using water in San Diego County as compared to California with less than a half percent (39%). Only a small percentage (8%) of water are used worldwide in a home setting.
In comparison, 33% are utilizing water for industrial purposes in California. Whereas, both stood to less than a quarter at 23% for water usage in San Diego and the rest of the world.
However, 69% of water are utilized for farming for the whole world. While water are being used mainly in agricultural purposes in San Diego and California at 28% and 17% respectively.
Posted by: Aileen | May 01, 2016 at 12:12
Hello everyone,
Is it ok to use these terms in the task?
- the three "fields" of water consuption
- the "counterpart" figure for California
I particularly doubt the second one. Would anyone help? Do they sound weird to the native spekaers?
Posted by: Burak K. | May 02, 2016 at 14:47
The three pie charts illustrates water usage for three different areas namely Residential, Industrial, Agricultural in San Diego, California and rest of the world.
Overall, In San Diego and California, the most significant use of water is for Residential Purpose whereas they consume less amount of water for Agricultural use which is inverse of water utilized by worldwide. There is a similar trends of water utilized in San Diego and California.
Residential usage of water is accounted 60% and 39% in San Diego, California area which is significantly high in comparison of agricultural purpose of both areas. In California, they used 33%of water for industrial use where as 29% of water is consumed in San Diego for same purpose.
Throughout the world, major use of water is for agricultural purpose and least amount of water for residential use which is 69% and 8% respectively. And, considerable Amount of water is used for industrial activities which is 23%.
(157 Words)
Posted by: Abhishek | May 04, 2016 at 15:10
Pls help me check it
the 3 given charts illustrate the data on the use of water in sandiego, califonia and the other contries
Overall, water is used for 3 different types: residential, industry and agriculture. Moreover, while water for citizen accounts for the highest percentage in sandiago and cali, people in the remaining contries use it for agriculture.
The percentage of used water in sandiago is nearly tiwce as large as that of cali. at 60% and 39% respectively, whereas it is exactly 8% for resident in the other countries. the ratio for industry in both sandiago and the countries in the wold are similar, at 23%, and it 's slightly lower than that of cali, at 33%.
For agriculture, the percentage of water used for agriculture in worlwide is highest, at 69%, higher than that of sandiago and cali, at 17% and 28% in turn.
Posted by: Liam | May 04, 2016 at 16:44
Hello All, Can someone help me to review it?
The pie charts describe how much water consumption of resident, industry and agriculture in San Diego County, California and whole the world.
It is clear that the larger amount of water is used by household than by both industry and agriculture in the two American areas meanwhile the agriculture experienced as the vast majority of using water in worldwide.
Regard to residential purpose, both of two regions in USA have the larger amount of suing but the largest percentage is 60 % in San Diego, the figures are 39% and 8% for California and worldwide respectively.
Industry is seen as the similar amount for three places, 23% is percentage for both San Diego and Worldwide while 33% is the amount of California.
There is a noticeable difference in chart at worldwide, the rate of Agriculture is experienced the largest number with 69%. Inside American, in San Diego and California, the figures are 28% and 17% respectively
Posted by: Billy | May 18, 2016 at 06:56
The pie charts indicate water consumption in three different geographical areas – San Diego, California and all other parts of the world within 3 economic areas.
It is clear that the percentage of water usage in residential and agricultural spheres differs significantly in these regions while water usage in industry is nearly the same with a slight increment in California.
Looking at the residential area of economics, in San Diego Country and California, homes consume 60% and 39% of water respectively. By contrast, only 8% of water resources is used by homes in the worldwide perspective. There is a negative correlation between the proportions of water used for residential and agricultural purposes. In San Diego agriculture uses 17% of water, while in California this proportion is twice as more – 28%, and almost 4 times more worldwide – 69%.
With regard to industry water usage, there is no profound discrepancy within three regions. It is equal to 23% in San Diego and worldwide, which is 10% less than in California where 33% of water resources are consumed by industry.
Posted by: Alexander | September 22, 2016 at 20:43
The pie charts show the landscape of water consumption in three sectors, namely: residential, industry and agriculture in three geographic scales.
It is clearly that the proportion of industrial usage among the three are close. San Diego County shares a same percentage with worldwide,that is 23%. Californians spend a slightly larger amount, which account for 33%.
San Diego County ranks first in residential consumption (60%),followed by California State(39%).The figure in California is nearly five-fold compared with the global datum, which is 8 per cent.
The water consumed in agriculture tells a different story. In San Diego only 17% of water is used in agriculture, that is only 25% of the global usage(69%).The number in California State is 28%.
In conclusion, San Diego County spends most of its water in residential, while globally the majority of water is used for agriculture. Californians use their water equally.
Posted by: Sharon | October 06, 2016 at 07:35