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April 02, 2016


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Fantastic advices , especially the fifth one.
But unfortunately I got my result yesterday and it was again just writing 6.5 .
I don't know what the hell is going on . Anyway I will not give up.
Thanks simon . We will win .

Fantastic advices , especially the fifth one.
But unfortunately I got my result yesterday and it was again just writing 6.5 .
I don't know what the hill is going on . Anyway I will not give up.
Thanks simon . We will win .

Thanks a lot simon sir..great advices

Will I get a lower score if I write more than 300 words in task 2 ?

Is it fine to use the finally without maintain firstly and secondly ?

Hi Simon,
I have a question about two-part and problem-solution essays. For discussion and opinion essays, I don't refrain from expressing my own opinion (or in others words the usage of 'I') in my essays. But would it be appropriate to express my own views with 'I' for two-part and problem solution questions? (such as I would argue that...)

Hi Simon,

Please share some points following essay question.

Today more and more old cities are being rebuilt and redesigned in order to be modernized. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend? Give your opinion and relevant examples.

Thanks for the great lesson.

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