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June 10, 2016


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My students got good IELTS results in Uzbekistan yesterday.
Thank you so much for all your help, effort, materials. I want to buy your ebook soon.


Hi Mr. Simon,
I'm quite a big fan of you and I would like to have your ebook to enhance my EnglisH.
How can I have it?
Thank you very much.

Dear Simon,

I was asked to describe my living room in IELTS speaking part 1.

What would be style of my answer? Directly answering by one sentence and giving a reason why I prefer the room?

Dear Simon,

If I transfer my answer in the answer sheet in CAPITAL letter, would that be wise?

Dear Simon,

If I transfer my listening answer in the answer sheet in CAPITAL letter, would that be wise?

Hi Simon
I got from your site and another site that in speaking part 1, the examiner need to ask 12 quesitons or so, while in a published book it says the range is from 6 to 14. That minimum number is just half of yours. Is it correct that in certain cases only 6 questions are asked?
Thank you.

Hi Simon,

In the criteria for Speaking assessment I didn't find that a candidate should cover all the parts of cue card in Part2 (you should say a,b,c).
Does it mean that it is possible to talk on your own way ignoring a suggested structure but staying withing a topic of course?

Thank you.

usually my home country is devolping country . and we come to the point governament had adopted new laws wghich may help to the society because as devloping country so many are tryin g to conflict the growth ie many of of the new laws have adopted in my country .

Carpooling is one of the law that has introduced.

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