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October 08, 2016


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Dear Simon,
I have got your Ielts e-book a few years ago, just wondering have you changed it recently or its still the same.

Yes ,I already finished all of official ,reviews which parts make the score lower what I am expect.i make a wish to challenge overall 8 or 9 .however,I do some of unofficial published to appliance the technical that was master Simon always mentionnés on thé blog.

Dear Simon !
You are the best IELTS teacher in every sense . I gave my test yesterday and it's because of ur guidance that you shared on this blog that I attempted writing task 2 in a very good way . You techniques helped me a lot . I m hoping of getting good bands .

I want to ask one thing from you. In speaking part 2 I was asked to describe about a tradition of my country and I described about wedding saying that we fulfill many traditions in it . Is my answer right or wrong .

I want to share my questions which might help other students .
1-describe your hometown
2-do u like sunny days Nd related questions like what do u do ? Do u go to some holiday on sunny weather ?
3- advertisements and effect on us ? What do you think about adverts on Internet
4 - traditional festivals in my country , will they become more popular in future .
Part 2 - describe a tradition in ur country .

Writing task one was easy related to working population according to education level .
Writing tas 2 was
Extreme sports such as sky-diving and rock climbing should be banned because they re dangerous . To what extent do you agree .

One question was related to modern lifestyle .
What impact tachnolgy has had on modern life style ?
Do we become more materialistic ?
Did I ever buy something after watching an advert on tv ?

Hi everybody and dear Simon,

I took the test yesterday(Oct. 8th) (I'm happy it finally finished).

    And here are the questions

Speaking cue card :
- an activity that keeps you fit and healthy
who ? when ? why do you think so ?

Writing task1 : Table
Writing task2 : extreme sports like rock climbing are dangerous and must be banned !
to what extent do you agree or disagree ?

Thanks to

example, I described swimming in speaking part2 and I used band 7 vocab and grammar.

And in writing task 2 I wrote that I actually disagree but I discussed both sides (appx 300 words)

Eventually, I wanna say it was really far easier than Cambridge IELTS examples and just practice those tests and be relax that you get brilliant scores ...

Good Luck

Thanks for sharing your questions.


Your answer about wedding traditions should be fine.



Nothing has changed in the test, so the ebook is still the same.

Dear Simon, could you please work on the extreme sports topic after finishing the topic you are working on at the moment in the task 2 section as I didn't find that you talked about it before and I find it rather difficult.

Hello Simon,

I had a GEneral IELTS Writing Task 2 topic regarding the issue that nowadays, people are doing increasing amount of sport and exercise. Does this have more benefits or drawbacks?

I mhave concentrated only on benefits and agreed that this trend has more benefits and made 2 bodies describing the benefits only. See below


Body 1 - benefit 1, examples

Body 2 - benefit 2, examples


Can clarify whether such structure is also correct?

hello any one of you cleared ielts exam......please...tell..me.....ielts aspirant
i need help for academic writing......
my...email is [email protected] ( india)....i will help you in rest of other modules......do....reply...

thanking you!

yours faithfully,

Dear Simon

Thank You very much for your help. I have got my GT result today. Overall 8.0: L-9.0, R-8.5, W-7.0 and S-6.5. I will require 7.0 each band for future correspondence.

Should I go for reassessment? I'd be grateful for your advice ....

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