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January 11, 2017


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1. opinion
2. opinion + discussion

1. could be opinion or discussion+opinion
2. must be discussion+opinion

1. Opinion
2. discussion

1. opinion
2. discussion

Hi Simon,

If I write the answer of number 2 question to number 1 in the writing task 2, would i lose many marks?

Thanks in advance.



can anyone help me please
which sentence is grammatical correct
the number of female participants was / were b/c i read so many times was with plural ????
can't understand Dilemma ??????

1) opinion
2) discussion +opinion (discuss both sides & make your opinion clear as well)

1. Opinion - focus on the word 'or'
2. Discuss + Opinion - Discuss both point of views and then opine which one outweighs the other

the first is an opinion essay
the second is a discussion, and state your opinion

2. Discussion + opinion

I remember exactly that I've read the similar lesson on this site.


Hi Simon,
Thank you very much for raising my question on your blog. It's been clarfied now for me particularly with the post that Rio addressed.
Kind regards

Thanks Rio

Dear rv,

I think the sentence should be "the number of female participants was..." because the number needs a single verb-was.


1. Opinion
2. Opening+discusion

opinion + discussion

1. opinion
2. discussion+opinion

1. opinion
2. discussion

thanks Binh


You all seem to have the right idea:

1. The question is asking for your OPINION. You could give a strong answer (i.e. argue that the development is EITHER positive OR negative), or you could give a balanced opinion answer (i.e. you believe that there are both positive and negative aspects of the development).

2. This is also asking for your opinion. However, the implication is that there are both advantages and disadvantages. So, I would answer this by mentioning both, and by clearly stating which side OUTWEIGHS the other. In other words, this is like a "DISCUSSION + OPINION" question.

Finally, well done Rio for finding a previous lesson that I wrote about this:


Dear IELTS ninja, I forgot to write disadvantages body pharagraph in my essay. Instead, I wrote 2 advatanges body pharagraph. However, my structure of essay is well-built. All things considered, how would be my writing score effected?

Dear simon, I forgot to write disadvantages body pharagraph. Instead, I wrote 2 advatanges body pharagraph. But my structure of essay is well-built. All things considered, how would be my writing score effected?

Hello guys and simon! i'm kind of new here and i found ur lessons in writing helpful. I'm actually Planning to take the ielts academic this feb. and still not confident to get a band 7, any suggestions on how to ace the writing part? I'v taken the ielts last year and got 5.5 in writing :( .

One more thing, may I know what type of question this is?

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the International music that is heard everywhere nowadays? Write at least 250 words.

I'm trying to make an essay regarding it but still not sure how to write in the introduction. Thank tou so much for ur help! :)


I call that a 2-part question. Here's my full essay for it:


Thank you very much simon!!!! it's really a great essay!!! :)

Dear Simon,

I have ever read the criteria of band 9 writing task 2 (for public) stating that we have to use cohesion attracting no attention.
Meanwhile, when writing task 2, I usually use question in the first sentence of the introductory paragraph. Is it good for achieving band 9?

Warm regards,

Hi Simon,

For questions only ask "what is the advantages and disadvantages?" without asking for your opinion, do we still add a statement like expressing opinions in the end? or say nothing at all?



1. opinion
2. opinion

Hlo sir i am new one and your lessons are really helpful for me

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