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August 05, 2017


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Thank you. I guess Philippine Examiners are not following the descriptors. So sad, nurses here always got a score of 6.5 in writing.

I had given my Ielts general exam on 3rd August 2017.
My first writting task wa
You had a vacation with your friend. You clicked some photographs. some how you missied on your photograph.
write a letter to you frind
* what happen to your photograph
* which photograph you nee
* why that photograph is important to you

My task 2 is

Garbage (rubbish), we find it on the corner of our house, on the road or country side.
Discuss the Problem or Cause.
also suggest some solution


Yes, it's sad and frustrating if that is happening. I would hope that all examiners simply follow their training and use the band descriptors, rather than bringing their own preferences to the job.

Hi kLwT and Simon

I think the problem is that asking nurses to score 7 in each paper is pretty unrealistic. Do you really need to write in this style and to this level to be a nurse ?
7 overall would be fairer.

I imagine most UK native speaker nurses would score around 6.5 in the writing paper ! It's not a bad level of written English.

As for IELTS examiners in the Philippines applying their own criteria. I think this is unlikely. It would be picked up pretty quickly.

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