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August 24, 2017


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In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans was due to travel to work.

In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans were for commuting to and from work.


"trips" is plural:


In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans was for the purpose of moving to work.

In 2009,49% of the trip made by Americans commuter.

In 2009, 49% of trips made Americans was for commuting to and working


In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans tended to commute to and from work.

In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans who were to commute to and from work.

In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans were done because of commuting to work.

In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans to travel to and from workplace.

In 2009, 49% trips made by Americans in order to travel to and from workplace.

In 2009 ,49% of the trips made by Americans were for the purpose of commuting to and from work.

In 2009, 49% of the trips made my Americans were for commuting to and from workplace.

We've already used "commute to and from work" in the overview. Is there another phrase?



In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans who were commuting.

Anh Nguyen

Notice the main verb comes after "made by Americans":


In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans were due to commuting to work.

In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans who going and coming back from workplace.

In 2009, 49% of the trips made by americans were to commute to and from work


I would probably write something like this:

In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans WERE for the purpose of commuting.

In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans who commuted to and from work.

Alice & Aida

"made by Americans" is a "reduced relative clause" not a main verb.

Much info on web, for example:

In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans were for traveling in between their work place

In 2009, 49% of the trips made by Americans were for commuting to and from work.

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