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September 09, 2017


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Hi Mr.Simon, can you please make a lesson about those basic templates / linking or organizing language , which we can use in every essay, I hope you can summarize all of them in a basic lesson, thanks Mr.Simon.

Hi. Simon. I have a question for you.
Some said that the real IELTS exam is getting harder and harder in recent years. Is that right? Examiners tend to give low marks due to more and more people need an IELTS to go study abroad.
Listening exam seems harder than it in the past.

My IELTS mentor always said that "Memorizing template for task 1 could be beneficial. However, creating mature ideas about the topic without logical fallacy and finding feasible solutions for problems are really important for task 2. Always show that you are a lenient person, never disrespect for other's opinions."

I totally agree, I often see students memorizing templates but barely able to use them in the correct way. For me, these "templates" are merely for organizing to make Writing Task 2 "less difficult" in terms of getting your flow and speed things up.

I often see that IELTS tutors are obsessed with templates down to minute details, because this ensures that student's score does not hit rock bottom. But with this, most bright students would lose score.

Hi Mr.Simon,can you teach some vocabularies which seem more natural?I hope my essay won't use those"big words"and let my teachers feel unconfortably.Thanks Mr.Simon.

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