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September 03, 2017


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Having asked a question like whats your favorite book is makes me awkward because I love all of them equally.

Having never tested myself before I'm trying to improve my English skills.

Thanks Simon!

Having elated myself in studies,i want to achieve more and more

Having worked in south of Iraq , I know the weather conditions very well.


Modern usage of "elated":

@ Onurmerve

Simon uses a comma in his examples. More examples of when and where to put the comma:


Having lived by myself for the past 10 years, I truly understand the challenges of one-person households.

Having used this product myself, I can tell you that it really works.

Having never got my goal score, I find that it is very necessary to follow this blog every day.

@ Suki


Hi Simon

I have a question that is not relevant to today's lesson. Sorry to ask it here.
What are the main criteria that examiner are looking for a band 6 writing score? Despite a band 7 score in my other skills, my writing score is remained at 5.5. What are the main points that I should consider to be sure that I will get 6 in writing in the next test?

Having never worked with university students,it was a new life experience for her

Having graduated from university, I understood it was best part of all my life.

Having never used this grammar structure before, I found it very interesting :)

Having never learnt second language, I realised that it is hard to pronounce in another language.

Having talked with campers at caravan park, We gain some useful local information where is the best sight seen place.



Try clicking on "IELTS Task 1", "IELTS Task 2", and "Questions/Advice" in the left side column

having given 6.5 for writing everytime, I couldn't understand what a 7 band requires.

Having been a mother for four kids,I become able to do several tasks at the same time

. Having worked with children myself...

It is quite difficult expression for a not-native speaker to use. " having worked with children together"
the position of "myself" is very weird..

and the following phrases are a little bit strange .

who do the opposite ...

--> the meaning of opposite is , a little bit ,not evident in the sentence ..
Of course , it meant the whole previous sentence ..
but is there any way to be more obvious ?

more harm than good..

-> Thanks for the expression.. but still difficult to pronounce it in view of collocation..(this is of course , my quite personal view..sorry for it...)

Lee dohyoon

"Myself" here is purely emphatic. See chart below for usage examples and click on blue underlined phrases at bottom.



Simon could have written "....who do the opposite by constantly giving in....".

1. Having interviewed with a panel, I have learnt that my english is a big problem to be successful.

2. Having experienced difficulties, I understand that I need a meaningful purpose in life to overcome next challenges in future.

Cork — the thick bark of the cork oak
tree (Quercus suber) — is a remarkable
material. It is tough, elastic, buoyant,
and fire-resistant, and suitable for a
wide range of purposes. It has also
. been used for millennia: the ancient
Egyptians sealed their sarcophagi
(stone coffins) with cork, while the
ancient Greeks and Romans used it
. for anything from beehives to sandals.
And the cork oak itself is an
extraordinary tree. Its bark grows
up to 20 cm in thickness, insulating
the tree like a coat wrapped around
the trunk and branches and keeping
Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and
Morocco. El*he.y flourish in warm, sunny
climates where there is a minimum of
400 millimetres of rain per year, and
nol more than 80() millimetres. Like
grape vines, the trees thrive in poor
soil, putting down deep roots in search
of moisture and nutrients. Southern
Portugal's Alentejo region meets all of
these requirements, which explains
why, by the early 20th century, this
region had become the world's largest
producer of cork, and why today it
accounts for roughly half of all cork
production around the world.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Having taught online courses, I had this opportunity to broaden my horizons.
Having known your website, I could provide my students with a variety of lessons for IELTS. so I can't thank you enough, dear Simon.

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